First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Yeah I'm high risk because of my age and the fact that I have high blood pressure. I called my current OB/GYN first thing this morning to see if it's safe to continue taking my blood pressure medicine (my regular doctor wasn't sure and figured she would know better than him), and I still haven't heard back. I will call these other places and see what they say and see if they can get me in either for an initial meeting or just to meet when it's time to be transferred (although I don't know exactly the specifics). I have time to figure out the true timeline. And age is a real "thing." hee hee. More appointments for me. yay!!
Terri, That just means more ultrasounds for you!

I actually don't mind having to see the perinatal specialists a few times, since they gave us such a thorough U/S. And the doctor was really sweet. First time a doctor ever told me to go to another lab for my insurance.

In light of all that happened yesterday, I didn't want to share this. We put up our Facebook announcement yesterday and I was overwhelmed with all of the love and support. It turned out awesome. If you want to see it message me and I'll give you my name to friend me on Facebook. This thread actually has great SEO (search engine optimization) for google and I don't want it popping up when random readers Google me. I need some privacy!

Every Wednesday night I have my running club and we then play trivia, the trivia guys actually gave us a hilarious shout out during trivia, complete with an Olympic song playing. They started out we owe some congrats to our regular players, who must've gotten drunk here one Wednesday and went home and made a baby. If they only knew... =)
Def try to get on the new dr thing quick. Being a new patient can mean having to wait longer to get in. 10 weeks seems like far away, but time really starts to fly by.

I have an appointment tomorrow. Not sure what they will do because they specifically said I have an u/s at my May appt. My May appt should determine the gender. I know it's dumb but I am a little nervous the embryologist got my eggs mixed up & told me the wrong gender!

sars great news about the FB announcement.
Thanks everyone for the love and support. I really appreciate it. I had to go over to the hospital this morning for a formal ultrasound to confirm the Dr.'s findings from yesterday. I'm scheduled for a D&C tomorrow. They are doing some additional testing on the fetus this time to see if there are any issues or chromosomal defects we are unaware of. I'm still so sad. Part of that sadness is that I just don't think I can do this again. The thought of starting this process all over again just brings me to tears. Not to mention the 20k we've already spent during this process. At what point do you give up? Maybe I'll feel differently in a few weeks, who knows.

Terri - Great 2nd beta. I'm so happy for you. My situation is obviously not the norm, so don't let yourself worry too much.

Sars930 - Congratulations on your FB announcement. That is so exciting.

Don't anyone worry about blowing up the airwaves with good news. We always need good news around here, even in hard times :hugs:
Terri - Love your new tagline - "A Lot Pregnant" :) Yaaaaaaay girl! Congratulations! You're right - you have to live in the moment and enjoy. And a double bonus about your car. What a relief. I run hot so I could not live without my A/C. Oh - and I feel like they called me "high risk" because of my age, too. Nice way to make us feel young, huh?

Sars - That's so great about your FB announcement. I haven't even done one yet - I'm a slacker. Hmmm. Maybe I'll ask my husband about it tonight. I don't have anything cute or clever planned in my head. :)

Beagle - Maybe they'll do another ultrasound tomorrow...? I remember I was supposed to go in for just bloods but they ended up doing a quick ultrasound anyway because I wanted to see my little bean so badly. :)

Amy - You're in my thoughts. :hug:
Oh Amy, you've got such a big heart despite all you're going through. I think the shell shock is very normal given all that's happened. That's great they are able to do some more testing and hopefully it will bring you answers. We paid out of pocket as well and having that added financial drain is such a huge stressor. Do you have any frosties left? Just remember, there are many ways to become a mother and I'm certain you will find the way that best fits your family. Know you've got a lot of people in your corner. :hugs:

Beagle, I just had my monthly checkup. It was pretty quick. Peed in a cup. Took my weight, blood pressure and doctor checked the heartbeat.
Amy - same here...totally out of pocket except a few meds with co pays...but I used most of it up doing IUI. I have $20K in debt right now I hope to start paying off. I was paying off other little things first. We used 0% cash advance for 12 months on credit cards. I normally wouldn't say to do this...I don't typically agree with it. But a GoFundMe account may be an idea. I think considering what you have gone through & the money spent. I just don't agree when people do it right out of the gate. I realize it is a huge amount of money, but you have to take some responsibility of your own. We would have never done IVF if we thought we would have to ask other people for money. But who knows if it had failed what we would have done. Or take a few months & really cut back & see what you can come up with it. But I know you don't want to bring a baby in to the world on a pile of debt.

You will figure it out. :)
Amy- you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day. I'm glad you checked in. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow. Don't give up hope. On the worst days, like today, you have to take it one step at a time. I'm sure all of us will give you any options that come to our minds. The first thing to cross my mind was a mini ivf cycle. Cheaper, faster.... Maybe an option to look into. Sending hugs and love to you<3
Thank you for being so kind hearted even considering all you are going thru.
Terri- congrats girlie! cant wait for you ultrasound results! I think they are supposed to be able to see something once beta reaches 1200??? And awesome news about your ac!:) perhaps you should stop and get a lotto ticket on your way home;)

SARS- congrats on your announcement! Glad it was so well received :)

Kfs- glad your pregnancy has been easy breezy:) look on Pinterest for announcement ideas. They have a ton of good ones.
sars-Awesome that you had such good response on FB. Of course...your friends are happy for you. Woohoo!!!

Amy-I agree with the others. Thanks for stopping by and I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow. We'll all be thinking of you. <3 <3
Terri- I meant to tell you. I did a lot of research prior to my transfer because that is when I started taking b/p meds. Every dr I asked said labetalol is the go to choice for b/p management when pregnant. So that is what I started on and all has been fine. It is a beta blocker though not sure what type you require.
I heard back from the doctor and she said something like Aldemot or something like that. I wrote to my primary physician through the online portal, but I may have to call him tomorrow and see if he can get me a prescription. I also called one high risk doctor and have an appointment at the end of May. I am going to call another high risk doctor (one that my coworker used) and see what they are talking about. I'm nervous to pick someone. Google reviews are our best friends and our worst enemies at the same time.
Morning everyone! Are you guys all snoozing? Nothing's going on?

I'm just ready to get to the weekend so I can read, play with Fun and chill out at home. I went to the library the other day and picked up 'what to expect when expecting' but my friend has a copy that she said she'd give to me. It's funny because I bought her that book + what to expect the first year for her congratulatory present 5 years ago. hee hee. I guess they are mine now! She also gave me her fertility yoga DVDs. The one I watched was kind of weird, so I didn't look at any of the others. As I was about to give it back to her, I saw that there are some with yoga throughout your pregnancy. She said she doesn't want them, so if I don't want them, I can give them to someone else.

My big headed foster dog doesn't know anything is different with me. hee hee. I keep asking him if he's noticed anything different, and he just gets his kong and brings it to me. What a goofball. His manners are getting SO much better and now he knows how to shake with both paws. I'm going to find a new trick to teach him today and we can work on it over the weekend. I also found he loves LOVES cheese. I was so hungry when I got home and all I had was a block of cheese. He wouldn't leave my side.
Thanks everyone for the love and support. I really appreciate it. I had to go over to the hospital this morning for a formal ultrasound to confirm the Dr.'s findings from yesterday. I'm scheduled for a D&C tomorrow. They are doing some additional testing on the fetus this time to see if there are any issues or chromosomal defects we are unaware of. I'm still so sad. Part of that sadness is that I just don't think I can do this again. The thought of starting this process all over again just brings me to tears. Not to mention the 20k we've already spent during this process. At what point do you give up? Maybe I'll feel differently in a few weeks, who knows.

Terri - Great 2nd beta. I'm so happy for you. My situation is obviously not the norm, so don't let yourself worry too much.

Sars930 - Congratulations on your FB announcement. That is so exciting.

Don't anyone worry about blowing up the airwaves with good news. We always need good news around here, even in hard times :hugs:

I know you are feeling defeated, but give yourself some time. We paid out of pocket for 1 IUI and the IVF at Cornell. I wish you would come to NY and see my Dr. They handle so many difficult cases, repeated losses, and everyone I know that has gone to Cornell has had success...and I always hear my Dr and 1 other as the Dr's they use. I have a friend who went 7 rounds and has 1yr old twin girls now. If I won lottery I would fly you ladies here that still are waiting for their rainbow. I would ask about chromosomal testing of the fetus. Another friend found out about 1 or 2 chromosomes that would transpose and she would never be able to carry past 8-10 weeks. She did DE and has 2yr old twin boys. Wish I could take the pain and sorrow away lady.
Terri - personally I do not like the what to expect books. I did buy a pretty inexpensive book on Amazon called countdown to pregnancy. It is not all full of a ton of detail. It is fun for me to read. There are also a ton of cheap/free kindle books out there. I have been slacking on the baby book reading.

Appt in a couple of hours.
I like that it has a lot of information on everything, but there is A LOT of information. It's just easy reading to me and it was a good place to start, and free. You know I'm not going to BUY anything. HA!!HA!! The library works just fine. Oh and I hope everything is looking great today at your appointment!

BabyW-Your doctor sounds like he has a lot of great success stories. That's fantastic. Too bad everyone can't live in NY.

Jen-How are you feeling? It can't be long now!

:wave: to everyone else.
Good morning ladies!

DH and I are both working from home today - this is a first! I think its his first time ever working from home. After his promotion and new boss now they are ok with it. He's pretty excited.

Last night I went to a wine tasting/dinner thing with our company's insurance broker. Kind of random, we've never hung out socially. She's cool thought. We ended up drinking ALOT of wine and I am nursing a hangover at the moment. Ha! Gotta get it in while I can.

This morning I have my baseline ultrasound and blood work. Wish me luck!
Good morning, ladies!

Amy - You're still in my thoughts. I just can't believe this is happening. I hope everything goes smoothly today and you're on the path to healing soon. :hugs: You'll know what to do when the time is right.

Lady - Good luck with your baseline today! Hooray to moving forward. I feel your BFP is just around the corner. Sorry to hear about your hangover but glad you had a fun time last night. Yes, enjoy it while you can and then you can look forward to feeling like you're hungover when you're not. :haha:

Terri - So happy to see your second beta was great! I can't wait for you to have your first ultrasound. It's just around the corner now. Finding the right doctor can be challenging. My original plan was to switch to a doctor in the town I live in and stop seeing the one who had been doing my monitoring during my IVF/Transfer cycles (even though I really loved that Dr). This was because I really wanted to deliver locally and not have to worry about a 45 minute drive to the hospital when the time comes in November. Well, I had one appointment the local doctor (who I had been to before) and I have now switched back to the doctor in Missoula! I should have just gone with my gut to begin with but I thought I would try locally. Anyway, that was a long-winded way of saying, you could try of couple of different doctors to see which one you click with the most.

Oh, and you had me tearing up again yesterday with your story about the nurse and you having your emotional moment. So sweet!

Beagle - Good luck at your appointment today. I hope all goes well!

jkb - I'm so happy to see that things are still going well with you. That has to be such a relief. I hope it stays that way for the rest of your pregnancy.

sars - That's awesome that your announcement went over so well. I have to admit, I'm more than a little jealous of you ladies who haven't had to deal with morning sickness. I was hoping I'd be in that category but it is what it is! I just hope mine goes away soon and I can start to feel somewhat normal again.

MrsW - Sorry your little one has chicken pox! I hope she isn't too miserable. And I'm glad to see you're having another go in July. Live it up until then!

moni - Wahoo for going home!!! I bet you're beyond ready to have little guy at home where he belongs!

Hello to Jen, Erin, kfs, and babywhisperer! :hi: I hope you're all doing well.

Not much new to report with me. I felt pretty good all week until yesterday afternoon. Then the nausea hit me hard again. I guess it's just going to come and go for now. It's tolerable today. Just glad it's Friday! I'd love to get some spring cleaning done around the house this weekend. We need to start clearing out the spare bedroom that will become the baby's room. Which means I'm going to need to do some major clothes purging since that is where I have my closet. The joy of an old home with tiny closets.
Terri - That's funny that you're reading that book. Everyone warned me NOT to read that one. But that's probably just because of my personality since I'm such a worrier. My friend gave me a baby book which I have yet to pick up. I'm thinking it's about time. Awww - and Fun sounds so cute. Make me miss my Eli.

LadySosa - Good luck at your appt today.

Booger - Ugh. I'm sorry about the nausea. I'm glad that you're settled on a doctor. It sounds like the drive is worth it for you to feel comfortable. My Dr. is about 20-30 minutes away, too. But I'm liking the practice so far (aside from the long waits, which I think are normal). Oh - and I feel your pain about small closets. Ours are RIDICULOUS and we're now losing a dresser to the baby's room. So we each get one tiny closet and under the bed storage. We do have storage upstairs in our loft though at least so we can switch out seasons of clothes.

Sooooooooo happy it's Friday. Dinner with my girls tonight. Looking forward to eating some good food. My crib came today. And now to put it together, right? Here's a pic from the website in case anyone's interested.


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booger - I am nearly symptom free for now...mostly just hungry a lot. I hope the nausea dies down for you soon.

Lady - good luck on the FET.

Appt went well. Not much happening. She did the doppler to listen to the came up immediately. She said it was nice & strong. No issues. So I feel good. I wish we had an ultrasound, but I feel okay anyways. Next month is the u/s.

I do have some light cramping today. Either lack of enough water or he is growing again. The cramps don't make me nervous anymore...especially light ones.

I have added some folks on here to my FB...if anyone wants to add me, same as sars, just send me a message.

Hope everyone else is well.

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