You are all so organised!
I have the pig piggy bank for Sebastian and a Black Panther one for Dominic and I ordered personalised water bottles but I have no "real" presents for them yet!
As their main presents we are thinking of chromebooks, as that is what they are using in school and can then most easily practice their rockstar timetables games on and do other homework too. But we are hoping to get those on Black Friday as they are expensive, even if less so than a "proper" laptop. But as for other presents I only have a vague notion. Both want DanTDM merchandise but I really dislike them wearing merchandise of any kind (minecraft slippers and socks are pretty much how far I will go). It just always strikes me as if we are paying for the privilige to advertise lol
And as for food, well I have NO idea what will happen at Christmas. Will we be able to go visit my SIL or will MIL and SIL come to us? Sigh