Geritol and Pregnancy

Click the link in my sig that says Chart Stalkers Welcome

I'm feeling pretty good. Slight activity in the uterus area, sore boobs. But that's about it right now.

I really hope I'm not on the way to a MC, but I don't think I am

Don't think that way, everything will work out just fine!!! I can't wait to feel the way you feel :):happydance:
I had fertile CM after O..and I'm preggers :)

Powell how do I get to view your chart? I wanna get an idea of how these charts are suppose to look. If this isn't my month I'm about to start charting .. :wacko:

How are you feeling?

BTW ladies I'm 12dpo!!! Getting closer too testing time.:winkwink:

Just a few days ahead of me then hun, when do you think you will be testing?
Any symptoms that stand out for you?

I have a few things that I usually get around this time anyway, (Painful boobs, cramps) but what's thrown me this time is the ewcm and extreme tiredness, had to have a nap on sofa this afternoon. Don't think I'll test until witch is officially late.. she's due to make an appearance on Friday

Fingers crossed she leaves us all well alone
I had fertile CM after O..and I'm preggers :)

Powell how do I get to view your chart? I wanna get an idea of how these charts are suppose to look. If this isn't my month I'm about to start charting .. :wacko:

How are you feeling?

BTW ladies I'm 12dpo!!! Getting closer too testing time.:winkwink:

Just a few days ahead of me then hun, when do you think you will be testing?
Any symptoms that stand out for you?

I have a few things that I usually get around this time anyway, (Painful boobs, cramps) but what's thrown me this time is the ewcm and extreme tiredness, had to have a nap on sofa this afternoon. Don't think I'll test until witch is officially late.. she's due to make an appearance on Friday

Fingers crossed she leaves us all well alone

Gonna wait it out! If the witch doesn't show her face after my 32 day cycle I will test until then I'm feeling soo regular I think Im out :(
Okay ladies I'm officially freaking out. I just got discharged from the ER with Threatened Miscarriage as my diagnosis. My HCG levels are 240. I went in because I wanted to see what they were instead of having to wait til Tuesday..Gotta get them done again Tuesday to see how much/IF they go up.

Prayers Please!!!

I'm praying for you!!!
:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

thank you. i have no idea what to expect from bloodwork results tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to show a chemical. I know i was pregnant. I had plenty of positive tests. Then all i can assume was chemical...but i'll be ok..just ready to get this DANG show on the road again to a BFP! Ugh...make it happen this time please! This is nuts!
:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

thank you. i have no idea what to expect from bloodwork results tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to show a chemical. I know i was pregnant. I had plenty of positive tests. Then all i can assume was chemical...but i'll be ok..just ready to get this DANG show on the road again to a BFP! Ugh...make it happen this time please! This is nuts!

:hugs: to you
:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

thank you. i have no idea what to expect from bloodwork results tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to show a chemical. I know i was pregnant. I had plenty of positive tests. Then all i can assume was chemical...but i'll be ok..just ready to get this DANG show on the road again to a BFP! Ugh...make it happen this time please! This is nuts!

:hugs: to you

:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

thank you. i have no idea what to expect from bloodwork results tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to show a chemical. I know i was pregnant. I had plenty of positive tests. Then all i can assume was chemical...but i'll be ok..just ready to get this DANG show on the road again to a BFP! Ugh...make it happen this time please! This is nuts!

:hugs: to you hun
Keep taking the Geritol. It really works I have been trying to conceive for 14 years and my cousin told me about this stuff because she just conceived for the first time at age 27, and she just had a beautiful son earlier this year. I took the liquid form of Geritol and I to conceived, but it is sad to say my hcg is not rising appropriately and my doc wants to give me a methotrexate injection to terminate the pregnancy. I am really hurt :) When we did my ultrasound at 4 weeks 6 days nothing showed on the ultrasound not in my tubes or uterus, and my hcg was 83. No pain no bleeding. this cycle i've decided to not take my normal prenatal and try the i'll be taking this nasty crap every day after lunch until ovulation day....right? Come on "baby in every bottle"!!!
:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

Blood work did come back negative but she said with as many positives I got throughout the week, they are ruling it a chemical pregnancy. So...onto the next cycle.
Keep taking the Geritol. It really works I have been trying to conceive for 14 years and my cousin told me about this stuff because she just conceived for the first time at age 27, and she just had a beautiful son earlier this year. I took the liquid form of Geritol and I to conceived, but it is sad to say my hcg is not rising appropriately and my doc wants to give me a methotrexate injection to terminate the pregnancy. I am really hurt :) When we did my ultrasound at 4 weeks 6 days nothing showed on the ultrasound not in my tubes or uterus, and my hcg was 83. No pain no bleeding.

So sorry to hear this momsumday...:hugs:
:cry: Took another test Friday just for fun and it was NEGATIVE. Took 2 more and they were negative. I'm SO confused! So I had false positives all week long and all of a sudden it's gone? I'm confused...confused because still no period, now 2 days late and temp shot back up this morning but had a confusing dip in temp yesterday...I can't go for my bloodwork until Tuesday. This is horrible. All I did was cry yesterday when I should have been overjoyed. This is awful. :cry:

I really don't know what to say, I just want to give you a Hug, Did you use the same brand tests again ? or change to a different brand? when you tested again was your urine diluted ? No AF still is a good sign. Test again tomorrow

:hugs2: Thinking of you hun x

I wish you could give me a hug too...a virtual one will do. :) I used several different brands of tests throughout the week and all positives. Tested with fmu each time and sometimes with smu and drank little so no dilution. i started bleeding last night and going pretty good today...i can't imagine i'd still be preggers with this happening, right? i'll see what my bloodwork shows on Tuesday. I'm just so sad.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope bloodwork comes back negative, it'l be easier to digest emotionally if you were never pregnant, then if you had a loss. Sorry don't mean to sound insensitive, just think it'l be alot more upsetting for you if it was a loss, compared to a bfn.

Sending you a huge virtual hug, let us know the outcome of your betas *Hugs*

Blood work did come back negative but she said with as many positives I got throughout the week, they are ruling it a chemical pregnancy. So...onto the next cycle.

:hugs: this cycle i've decided to not take my normal prenatal and try the i'll be taking this nasty crap every day after lunch until ovulation day....right? Come on "baby in every bottle"!!!

I took mine up until O because of the alcohol content then switched to prenatals
MY BETA WAS 747!!! YAY!! I gotta go back one more time tomorrow and as long as those are good, I don't have to go back til the 18th for my actual first prenatal appointment :)
just drank my first day's worth...YUCK! Thank god it's only a tiny amount but dang...that's gross! i have it on my desk at work which is hilarious...i can't wait for the questions. i will be taking it every day after lunch. Let the good times begin! :) this cycle i've decided to not take my normal prenatal and try the i'll be taking this nasty crap every day after lunch until ovulation day....right? Come on "baby in every bottle"!!!

I took mine up until O because of the alcohol content then switched to prenatals

perfect, that's what i'll do then. Thanks!
MY BETA WAS 747!!! YAY!! I gotta go back one more time tomorrow and as long as those are good, I don't have to go back til the 18th for my actual first prenatal appointment :)

YAY, YAY, YAY!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
MY BETA WAS 747!!! YAY!! I gotta go back one more time tomorrow and as long as those are good, I don't have to go back til the 18th for my actual first prenatal appointment :)

Yayayay!! So happy for you!!:happydance:

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