Getting pregnant right after a MC or MMC...

Hi Taq, welcome :hugs: sorry you find yourself here!

I hope your body gets back to normal for you soon enough lovely, I've never had a d&c myself but after two natural MMC's (one at 8+ and one at 11+) my cycle was 12 days later than normal both times. I have always been told by the EPU that if my cycle doesn't return within 8weeks to contact them. Did you test until you got negative on a hpt??

There is always the chance that you may have caught the egg before your first cycle too.

GL lovely xx
Hi Taq, welcome :hugs: sorry you find yourself here!

I hope your body gets back to normal for you soon enough lovely, I've never had a d&c myself but after two natural MMC's (one at 8+ and one at 11+) my cycle was 12 days later than normal both times. I have always been told by the EPU that if my cycle doesn't return within 8weeks to contact them. Did you test until you got negative on a hpt??

There is always the chance that you may have caught the egg before your first cycle too.

GL lovely xx

Thanks loubyloumum!
I guess that is where part of my question comes in.... how do I know now when AF is "supposed" to return being that I haven't seen her face since January?? I did not test until I got a negative on HPT as with having the d&c, I then went to my Dr. 2 weeks afterwards for a check up and she said that everything was back to normal. Cervix was closed and my uterus was back to normal size. She never mentioned anything to me about testing until getting a negative..... I am hoping that this week I caught that egg and will have our rainbow baby. UGH. How I hate this TWW. LOL.
Sadly after MC our bodies can go all over the place and we really have no idea when AF will show - just to make it harder for us :wacko: What were your cycles like before your first bfp?? The TWW is the worst but if you don't get your bfp this time don't get too disheartened, it is proven you're very fertile for a couple of months after mc. I was lucky enough to catch the egg on my first cycle both times, one resulted in my DS2 who's now 20months and I'm currently 8weeks today with everything crossed!

The ladies here are lovely and it's a great place to come to and have a rant when you feel there is nowhere else to go - we all understand. Fingers crossed you will get your bfp...when are you thinking of testing lovely? Xxx
Sadly after MC our bodies can go all over the place and we really have no idea when AF will show - just to make it harder for us :wacko: What were your cycles like before your first bfp?? The TWW is the worst but if you don't get your bfp this time don't get too disheartened, it is proven you're very fertile for a couple of months after mc. I was lucky enough to catch the egg on my first cycle both times, one resulted in my DS2 who's now 20months and I'm currently 8weeks today with everything crossed!

The ladies here are lovely and it's a great place to come to and have a rant when you feel there is nowhere else to go - we all understand. Fingers crossed you will get your bfp...when are you thinking of testing lovely? Xxx

Well, my cycles were actually very regular -- 28 days and I was tracking with an app that would pin point my O day and every time it was RIGHT on target with the day of the lovely smiley face. So I guess I should just count back from the day of my last AF then to see when it should have arrived? I am so confused with all of this. LOL. I really didn't have any other bleeding after my d&c either on 3/21. I am just hoping that something else isn't wrong.... I just don't understand any of this. :( Sorry to be such a newbie.:shy:
Taq, we were all newbies at some point :) I didn't have a dc, I had a chemical but even with that my cycle was irregular for a bit.
Taq, we were all newbies at some point :) I didn't have a dc, I had a chemical but even with that my cycle was irregular for a bit.

Thanks cutieq! ;)

I just can't figure it all out -- my cycles were regular VERY regular up until now. I had the d&c 3/21 and based on regular cycles (if I didn't get preg) I would be due AF on 5/14, and then would have O'd on 4/29..... but with the opk I took, I didn't O until 5/8. This is so confusing. LOL.
It can certainly alter or extend a regular cycle. I was regular and then was 10 days late the next cycle. Also my cycles went from being 30 days to 33. I know the waiting will drive you crazy :( hopefully you got lucky and caught the egg this time around!
Taq- as all the other ladies have said it can take time for your body to get back to normal... Makes it that much trickier and a longer waiting time :/.
Im still learning about everything!! Without the most amazing help from my darling friends from here I would be lost..

So ladies.... I finally downloaded an app called Ovia and it's saying that I'm in my fertile time and gives me a score of fertility each day, today's score is 9.5 to 10 tomorrow. I dtd last night and plan to get it happening for Mother's Day!! Lol
It also tells me that I have 13 days to test day so I guess the countdown is on!?
Hi taq, I had a mmc at 12 weeks in January and I'm still waiting for my body to get back to normal. I never thought this would happen to me, I got pregnant first time trying with my dd and first time with my mmc baby too. But sadly my body obviously needs more time to recover. That isn't the case for everyone tho. I hope you get your sticky bfp soon.

I did have positive opks all the way through my first cycle though, just to let you know. It can just be your hormones adjusting. But here's hoping you've caught your egg. Xxxx
People say that Vitex is excellent for getting the body back on cycle too... x
I meant to post this in here earlier.. oops!

My friend talked me into testing as I was in such a foul mood x


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Thanks hun...

I feel Not Pregnant if you know what I mean.. I just feel tired and drained and in the most irritable mood... :(

Im just hoping that I get past AF due date and that would be 1 hurdle as I seem to lose them by time af is here.. xx
~Soanxious~ what did I say!!! I am bloody well praying this little bean is sticky for you!!! How many dpo are you again? Sorry I'm always on my phone and it makes it a little hard to look back through :/.
Good god darlin, I'm just ... Jumping around for you like a school girl....
:hugs: xoxoxoxox

Just going back to look at your line I can see without clicking on it and even without the invert!!
Aww bless ya BM thanks hunny :D xx

I took the photo yesterday 10dpo and it was second wee of the day.. as I wasn't planning on taking a test I didn't save my first wee.... so I was shocked that at 10dpo and smu it would be so obvious...

I really am hoping this one sticks.. this is my 5th pregnancy with my OH since October and I really don't know if I can keep putting myself through this if it does not stick xx

I used conceive plus when BD and put a blob of conceive plus in my mooncup before I inserted it as I didn't want to lose even 1 :spermy: plus I cwtched up to OH and fell asleep afterwards so it all stayed next to cervix.

Im too scared to tell him.. I told him I felt nauseated with slight headache and tender boobs near underarms this morning and he said is that a good sign? I said yes.. aww lol. x
Nawww... Sweetheart, I should smack you for testing early!!! But seen as though everything is different with this pregnancy so far... Just relax and go about everything as normal, easier said than done I understand :).
Telling OH is up to you either you tell him and go through the next 9 months together or he misses out on some... Or god forbid that you don't jump your hurdle and you go through it alone ( well in person anyway) not alone in cyberspace though as you have a pretty cool bunch of sisters in here!!!

Although with that last part said, I just have this feeling that it's going to OK! :hugs:
I have a feeling in me that I'm going to get a BFP in a week or so too!!

Hang in there princess you deserve this! You both do!!
I can only imagine how you feel right now following what you have been through, but your strong and you can do anything!!

I'm still excited and just know it's your little mini you :)
I'm guessing that at 10dpo a SMU this is a super dark line, that's a great start. And remember saying that cranky was a good sign? Hehe your a full bag of sugar right now lol...
Hope nothing I've said has upset you sweetheart, if it has tell me to pull my head in, OK?
Don't be silly.. its right what you say I like it... Oh OH will know... just I don't want to tell him yet as I told him I would not test till af due... and everytime I have told him in the past I start bleeding within a couple of days so I think he jinx's me.... so I just wanted to hang on a bit longer... I may do the digital test Wed/Thurs when AF is due(if im still lucky to be pregnant) and pass him the test and wait for him to give me the results. But im REALLY nervous... as I don't know how long he will keep allowing me to put myself through this... so a bit scared.. x

This cycle will be your cycle with a nice :bfp: :D do the smep and use some conceive plus/preeseed :D x

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