Getting pregnant right after a MC or MMC...

Again that castle is magnificent! How beautiful to be able to walk and see that :). I walk and see horses and a green paddock haha oh and heaps of roos with my dogs trailing behind, in front and to my left and right haha
I'll post a picture of my horses for everyone to spy at :)... And the dogs also, can't let them miss out on the lime light :).
Pretty excited as symptoms are getting stronger and I'm feeling like crap :).. Never been so happy to feel like shit :haha:

Now my headache feels like a head cold, runny nose and sneezing... A a ahh ahhhh ahhh ahhhhhh choooooo lol
I too am looking forward to feeling like shit! Ha, who could have ever imagined!

When did your symptoms start to kick in? And could you tell it wasn't part of recovering from the MC? I mean, I expect that we will fell weird and different just as our bodies I guess I'm just trying to figure out how to distinguish between post MC symptoms and new pregnancy symptoms.

We started trying a week after the MC (I was done bleeding so it was fine). I'm now exactly three weeks out from my MC. And I definitely feel sick to my stomach. I've had a headache and slightly tingly boobs. three weeks out too soon to start feeling anything related to a new pregnancy??? I really don't want to convince myself I'm pregnant before I even take a test.......

This sort of sucks.
Took a test this morning and I got a v v faint positive... I'm taking another I'm the morning and will post it for your pleasure and of course opinion :)...
I hope this is true!!!
Oh button darlin, so do I. I'm frightened that it's not real and this is not happening.. I can't wait until morning to test again and pray it's just a little darker... If it's not I'll be heart broken... Although it's silly because af isn't due until 25th and I wasn't even testing until 26th if the :witch: didnt show..

With the symptoms I'm feeling it got the better if me and I caved :haha:
Post a piccy of the test you've already done so we can be nosey!

I understand being nervous but don't let it stop you being happy and excited when you have a good reason to be! that's the thread the pic is on.. Hope I done it right I'm not sure
Looking good Bushmumma, I'll look out for your next test.
I can't seem to find your picture! But I've still got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

I'm feeling kind of discouraged today. I got a positive on a test yesterday, but I feel like maybe that's a bad thing. And now I'm more confused than I was before. I wish I hadn't tested so early. I really shouldn't be looking for my period for another week, so now I've just added more crap to the big jumble in my head.

I'm frustrated. If the positive is just reflecting residual hormones from the MC, that means my body is in limbo. And that the trying we've done thus far has been for nothing. (Not for nothing...I mean, I love getting down with my dude, I was just hoping that maybe we were already getting things in swing for a true BFP soon...but if I'm still getting positive tests, that probably means I haven't even ovulated yet, right?)

I guess it was kind of arrogant of me to think that my body would really just jump right back into ovulating and being ready to make a baby. I've just read so, so many stories of women conceiving like, immediately after their I thought, maybe me too?

The thing that is messing with me right now is that after the MC, my pregnancy symptoms went away pretty much overnight. I felt so much better it was crazy. And now, the low grade headache is back pretty much 24-7, I've lost my appetite and my stomach is queasy all the time. I've also had some random sharp pains in my boobs and have been extra emotional. But of course, we all know, I could be making all of this up in my head!

Sorry for such a long post. I honestly am beginning to wish I had just waited to try. Because now I've gotten myself stuck in a wait that could last much longer than the usual two weeks. And I have no idea what to look for or when. If AF is coming, I wish she'd just get here already so at least I can have something on my timeline to go by....

Hop- thank you, I'll see what comes up tomorrow when I test again :haha:

Stop being so hard on yourself, I too thought I may fall pregnant before my first af but :nope: I didn't. This is 2nd cycle after loss and I am praying that my eyes are not deceiving me and my test become clear without having to squint real soon :)..

What cd are you as of now? I ask because my last cycle was 34 days and I'm always regular- like clock work, never that long though about 28-29.

Please remain positive and understand that even though you don't know when/if you've O'd that you've given yourself the best chance possible to conceive. FXD the test you done is a new pregnancy and you will be seeing darker lines as the days go on? Can you post pic of your test? For inspection, other ladies will be sure to tell you what they think :)
Thank bushmumma...your encouragement means a lot. And I'm hoping I can muster up a positive attitude like yours. I'm really scared that when AF comes I'll be crushed and will be right back to square one emotionally...

Beginning to regret trying again so soon.
Hop- I understand you discouragement at this stage, although please know that by doing as you have done you've covered all basis anyway.. So you have a good a chance as most to fall pregnant again this time.. Remember that if you don't it's ok too, your body may be saying it's not ready just yet... And if you feel like your drained emotionally from the this and are regretting it maybe just maybe your not mentally or emotionally ready to try again... Giving yourself time time to grieve after a loss is so important.. See how you go and if your desperately ruined by seeing af show then I suggest you take some time and let your body heart and soul come to terms with what has happened.. It may not take you as long as your thinking and before you know it you'll be on the TTC boat again...

That's just my thoughts and may not be right but I hope it helps you some :)
Hop- have you tested again? Can you post your test on here? Is love to be nosy and have a look and a say :)
Well, I'm a dummy. When I bought tests, I wasn't thinking about faint line/dark line, so I got a pack of five digitals. And not even the good ones that show 1-2 weeks or 2-3. So all I'm going to get is pregnant/not pregnant.

I'm going to wait a week and try again.

I had some very lite brown spotting yesterday and a little bit today. Nothing like a period at all so far and it definitely looks like old blood (or at least not bright red period blood.) I don't know if this is AF coming on or what??

My question at this point is: if I'm still getting positives on pregnancy tests from the previous pregnancy, I won't get my period or ovulate or anything, right?

I'm feeling a little less discouraged today...not entirely positive, but sort of resigned to the whole thing. If I get my period, at least I know my body is working properly after everything. And I don't need to get pregnant right away just to know that I can. I think that's what I wanted...just to know that I could. If it takes a little while, I guess that can be okay too....

Thanks for your support and interest and conversation. How is everything your way?
I'm glad you are feeling better darlin, you sound more positive too, that's important :).. To answer your question- I would think that while your body is still recovering and showing positives then no, I don't think you'll O which of means you can't concieve as yet... But see depending on your cycle day it is very possible it could be a new pregnancy showing... I know of some ladies mc'ing then they O and don't get af go to drs and they conceived just 2 weeks after the mc so I guess you wait it out for a little longer and go from there... I'm sorry I have no more input.
Your welcome for the support that's what we are here for.

Me well I'm concerned because I'm not seeing a good line but in my head I know that it's really early days so I guess I'll just hang in there and wait and see :) crossing all that's crossable though :haha:

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