Getting pregnant right after a MC or MMC...

hi Amarles, I did the same with ovulation tests and I am well confused I don't know if they are picking the pregnancy hormone up from the mmc or if it is ovulation but surely 6 days of pos ovulation tests is too many for me??!! so I have decided to stop testing preg and ovulation until 1st june then surely AF will come or I will get a pos by then??
hi Britt! I am very curious about your test June 1st. were you ttc, or were you advised by your dr. to wait? I had a natural mc, so 10 days after we were ttc. I'm 38 and I don't want to wait. I am not sure when I should be expecting AF or be doing my preg. test now? all this is really confusing...

at the hospital they said to wait for my first AF before we started trying, but when I seen my doctor he said they advise that purely for dating purposes and there is no medical reason behind it, it just makes it easy to date you. He just said wait 2 weeks after op to avoid infection and that's it, so we started TTC 2 weeks after so I decided to wait until june 1st and test then or AF might come before if not, and if its negative I will just set myself another date to test and go from there, I just didn't want to be testing all the time and getting disappointed that's why I set the testing date to be 1st june x x
Congrats Bushmumma, looking forward to seeing tomorrow's test!
Amarles if its any help both of my MC have also been natural and DH and I started TTC as soon as my bleeding stopped. (I was advised this was medically safe to do by EPU).

Unfortunately you have no way of knowing when AF will show which makes it that much harder I think. AF eventually showed 10 days later than normal after both losses for me and we managed to conceive on our first cycle after on both losses too.

I had numerous positive OPK after both losses that lead me to believe I was ovulating but cant be certain I was :shrug:

I think what Britt is planning to do is a great idea. I wasted SOOOOO much on pregnancy tests and having my hopes shattered in-between loss and AF arriving that it shattered me all the more when AF finally did show.

GL ladies :hugs:

AFM: I'm 10 WEEKS today....getting there slowly with a PMA :)
Aww that's gone so quick for me Louby haha! but I know its dragging for you.. but 10 weeks is awesome! so happy for you x
Thank you Soanxious :)

To be honest I said to DH I feel like we've all of a sudden got to 10 weeks out of nowhere :thumbup:

I think these next couple of weeks might drag a little though as I'm on countdown to the scan!

How are you feeling?? Sending you big hugs :hugs: xxx
Hopefully the 2 weeks to scan wont drag too much :) x

Im counting the hours not days or weeks till I can ttc again.. im feeling pretty low.. and now a fulltime recluse :(
Just realised you also temp in Celsius Soanxious. Most of the charts seem to be in farenheit, nice to see one with the same numbers as mine!

Can you plan some lovely pamper sessions for yourself or some nice things for you and OH to do together? I'm sorry it's so hard for you and I hope these weeks will fly by.

Louby, so glad things are going well.
Thanks ladies, I am happy to have made it this far but cant help thinking at times I wonder if our baby has stopped growing again and I just don't know it yet. But I soon snap myself out of it and keep myself busy with my LO's :)

Oh Soanxious I feel so sad for you lovely. I think Button's idea of treating yourself to some pampering might be a nice idea for you and OH. We are all here waiting with you :hugs: xxxx
Yay for 10 weeks louby. That's awesome and it does feel quick from this side of the table hehe

Soanxious, ttc time will be here before you know it and we're here to wait with you.

Afm, another bfn this morning. AF is due Monday. I'm a little discouraged to be honest. I know it's early but I still wanted a little hope with a faint!
Yeah Button it took me ages before I realised there was a Celsius button under the charts so was just in a daze first few days looking at charts.. as mine seemed to be the only one with Celsius.. others only thought it was in F so now a few changed to Celsius.. we had planned to go away and have a lovely relaxing break away in cornwall last weekend.. that backfired and I started losing my baby the night before we went away and had to mc on our break.. we are looking into going somewhere in a week or 2.. even if its for 1 night as a break.. i may ask him to book me in for a nice massage next week.. :) x

Louby I have faith in this lo growing inside you.. its a little fighter.. and have a feeling its a boy :) with rocky boxing gloves on when you see him on a scan ;)

Thanks both.. I just gotta push through it.. its just hard some days xx
Cutie you're not out until the :witch: shows - I have everything crossed for you.

Thank you Soanxious, I hope you're right! I have always though I'd have another boy too :)

A nice massage would be lovely for you right now I think. Will help you relax - even if only for a short time. You will get there in the end lovely - we all will!! :hugs:

We are going to Fleetwood after DH finishes work today. We are staying in a caravan for the bank holiday weekend with my best friend and her fiancé. Even though the weather is pants I'm really looking forward to it :) I think Oliver and Ted will have a great time too after all children love the rain and muddy puddles :) It's a haven site we are staying on and apparently it has lots for the little ones to do.

Thanks hun... so maybe 3 boys then :D

holiday sounds like fun!!

we have nothing at all planned for the bank holiday as we went away the week before the mad bookings plus the best ever weather!! lol

OH wants to sell the new car he bought the other he is cleaning that up and posting it online.. can't wait for it to go in all honesty..since he bought it 4 weeks ago hes moaned about it all day n night since.!!
Lou 10 weeks that's ace, hope your scan will soon be here, it's so exciting seeing little one.
Button I also chart temps in clecius where are you in your cycle?
Cutie I am hoping you get you BFP soon.
Soanxious I have been thinking of you lots, you must be feeling very low. I agree with the others treat yourself to something nice.
Thank you Sporty.... im feeling lowest I have since I lost my 1st totally out of the blue last october.. its horrible having to wait :( x

Hope you get your bfp soon.. what cd are you?
Sporty I'm on CD6, just finished AF. How about you?
Thanks ladies, I am happy to have made it this far but cant help thinking at times I wonder if our baby has stopped growing again and I just don't know it yet. But I soon snap myself out of it and keep myself busy with my LO's :)

Oh Soanxious I feel so sad for you lovely. I think Button's idea of treating yourself to some pampering might be a nice idea for you and OH. We are all here waiting with you :hugs: xxxx

louby, I can understand your concerns, but stay hopeful, you will have a cute little baby sooner than you know, :oneofeach: or maybe even two?! crossign my fingers for you!:hugs:
Thank you Sporty.... im feeling lowest I have since I lost my 1st totally out of the blue last october.. its horrible having to wait :( x

Hope you get your bfp soon.. what cd are you?

Soanxious, I am sending you :hugs:, it must feel devastating, but eventually you will have a baby, so try not to stress and go on everyday reminding yourself to take care of yourself, not only body but also soul. there are so many successful stories and I am sure you have your happy story soon.
Could you share what are the drs saying to your situation? I am all new this forum and this whole getting pregnant world but I have read about some test for antibodies. I am sorry to interfere, just feeling for you.
Thank you Sporty.... im feeling lowest I have since I lost my 1st totally out of the blue last october.. its horrible having to wait :( x

Hope you get your bfp soon.. what cd are you?

Soanxious, I am sending you :hugs:, it must feel devastating, but eventually you will have a baby, so try not to stress and go on everyday reminding yourself to take care of yourself, not only body but also soul. there are so many successful stories and I am sure you have your happy story soon.
Could you share what are the drs saying to your situation? I am all new this forum and this whole getting pregnant world but I have read about some test for antibodies. I am sorry to interfere, just feeling for you.

Thank you.. x Im trying to relax..

I have no problem getting pregnant.. I have always been super fertile.. I had my other 3 children on the pill... i had the depo injection for a few years and that run out last year and oct I got pregnant and came as a total shock to have a mc.. then got pregnant another 4 times all ended in mc.. so dr's are testing me for antiphospholipid syndrome.. if you google this it explains lots... its to do with antibodies and clotting.. as well as other things.. and can happen to people that have previously had healthy pregnancies.. from having stress, infections etc and if I have that there are some medications I can take to get a baby to stick.. its worked for many many women.

I hope you get your bfp soon x
Thank you Sporty.... im feeling lowest I have since I lost my 1st totally out of the blue last october.. its horrible having to wait :( x

Thank you.. x Im trying to relax..

I have no problem getting pregnant.. I have always been super fertile.. I had my other 3 children on the pill... i had the depo injection for a few years and that run out last year and oct I got pregnant and came as a total shock to have a mc.. then got pregnant another 4 times all ended in mc.. so dr's are testing me for antiphospholipid syndrome.. if you google this it explains lots... its to do with antibodies and clotting.. as well as other things.. and can happen to people that have previously had healthy pregnancies.. from having stress, infections etc and if I have that there are some medications I can take to get a baby to stick.. its worked for many many women.

I hope you get your bfp soon x

Thank you Soanxious! We are hoping for bfp too, but I am waiting another week for any tests, although I am tempted to do the test every day :blush:

I am familiar with struggling to be healthy as I myself was diagnosed with autoimmune last year: Hashimitos and Rheum. Arthr. I was able to cure myself from RA and don't have positive antiobodies anymore for RA, and have Hashi under control, my antibodies went from over a 1,000 to 64 within 4 months.

I am sure you are already overwhelmed with information and different solutions. In my case I helped myself by dumping gluten, dairy and I am taking serrapeptase enzyme, it also works as aspirin and does not have any side effects. I hope you won't test positive for APS syndrome. In any case, pls look into serrapeptase. I heard it is more popular in the UK than in the US.

Wishing you health! and crossing my fingers for successful pregnancy!:hugs:
Wow you have been excellent in finding a way to cure RA... in one way I was hoping it was going to be positive so they can give me meds and I can get a sticky baby.. if its negative then it is something the dr's cant control..

I will look into serrapeptase enzyme as we speak.. and thank you. what strength do you take?

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