Getting To Know You ...getting to know all about yoooooou

Name: Nikki
Age: 29
Relationship status: 14 years total, 4 years married
How long until TTC: Fall of 2015
Reasons for WTT: Research on conception, making sure health is up to snuff for both parties. Trying to mentally and financially prepare as much as possible and enjoy the last year+ of a two person family before we officially become 3.
How many children would you like: 2, 3 if we're lucky.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm mixed. I may be so excited I'd want to know or so excited I'd want to surprise myself. I don't know yet.
Any names you like? Yes, but I don't like sharing them openly. Girl is M, Boy is C or L
Name: Kate
Age: 28
Relationship status: 10 years total, 6 months married
How long until TTC: August 2014
Reasons for WTT: Big boozy holiday planned for the summer!
How many children would you like: 2 at a minimum

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I can't decide!
Any names you like? Yes, but they're a secret!
Name: Sophia
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 3-4 months (trying in August/September)
Reasons for WTT: Career reasons :/
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I'm already fairly fit, but I'm trying to get in the best shape possible before we start trying.
How many children would you like: 2... wellllll, I want 3, but we are both happy with 2 :)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We'd like a boy first, but a healthy baby is our only concern
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow
Any names you like? Of course, but we aren't sharing them :p
Name: Sarah
Age: 29
Relationship status: 1 year married, 4 years 9 months together.

How long until TTC: 3/4months time (August/September 2014)!

Reasons for WTT: Waiting to be at my place of work for at least ayear before i would announce pregnancy. Also want to be settled into our new home for a few months first.

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I'd like to lose a stone in weight which I put on since being married and get into a good exercise routine again. My DH also wants to do the same.

How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No I'd be happy with both altho my DH wants one of each.

Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'd like a suprise to make birth more exciting.

Any names you like?*Loads but keeping them secret! I like names that have good meanings.
Name: Sophia
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 3-4 months (trying in August/September)
Reasons for WTT: Career reasons :/
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I'm already fairly fit, but I'm trying to get in the best shape possible before we start trying.
How many children would you like: 2... wellllll, I want 3, but we are both happy with 2 :)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We'd like a boy first, but a healthy baby is our only concern
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow
Any names you like? Of course, but we aren't sharing them :p

We have quite a lot of similar answers!
Name: Jil
Age: 27
Relationship status: dating an amazing man, Jason, who I love dearly

How long until TTC: next cycle!!
Reasons for WTT: first cycle got all messed up
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I want Jason's career to be a little more secure
How many children would you like: Just the one. Maybe 2 later in life.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd like girl, I think Jason would like a boy though
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I want to find out the gender, but I'd still choose yellow
Any names you like? Lilliana, Annika, Grace. Eric, Elijah, Jack
Name: Emma
Age: 29
Relationship status: Married 4 years, together nearly 9!

How long until TTC: 1 more month! July 2014
Reasons for WTT: Finishing up my Masters thesis end of this year (basically just writing now so feeling pretty on top of it). We also have a big overseas trip coming up in 2 weeks and I want to eat and drink freely :)
Anything you want to accomplish while WTT, before TTC: Trying to get my cycles a bit shorter by cutting back my running and eating well
How many children would you like: 2-3, we'll see how the first one turn out!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope, but we do seem to have our boy name picked out...
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow if I can be patient
Any names you like? Yep, a good solid family name for a boy that we love, and a few ideas for a girl as well
Name: Kenzie
Relationship Status: dating the love of my life (he is truly amazing)
How long until TTC: I want to now, I'm waiting on him
Reasons for WWT: He doesn't want one right now
How many children: One or Two would be great
Name: Sophie
Relationship status: Engaged, Been Together Nearly 4 Years! :)

How long until TTC: Probs Wait A Year- Year & Half B4 Trying Again x
Reasons for WTT: My Son Is Only 1 ( Soon to be 1 ) Going To Wait Till In New House :)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: No x
How many children would you like: 2 Maybe 3 :)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I Was Convinced It Would Be A Girl, My Boyfriend Said Boy :)
Finding out the gender or team yellow?We Found Out :)
Any names you like? If it Was going to be a girl. we would of called her Ruby may, but we like the name Daniel For a boy, but didnt know what to have with Daniel, but in the end we Chose, Daniel Richard, ( my dads name is richard )
Name: Alicia
Age: 30
Relationship status: married, since 9/11/2010

How long until TTC: September/October 2014
Reasons for WTT: finances/money, self-employed and variable income, need to make sure we have enough to support ourselves and pay off our debt before we can support a baby
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Earn at least $50k a year, be debt free, lose 30 lbs
How many children would you like: 4 total (high chance of twins), but would like 2 bio and at least 2 foster-to-adopt if possible

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Either would be great, no preference
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow, FTW!! Nursery theme is Winnie-the-Pooh (preferably vintage/classic) - we are big disney fans
Any names you like? Hailey Lorraine for a girl (Lorraine is family middle name of oldest girl carried down on DH's mother's side), Elliott Thomas for a boy (Thomas is my Dad's name)
Name: Lisa
Age: 23
Relationship status: In a relationship for almost 6 years

How long until TTC: At least another 2 years!
Reasons for WTT: Financial reasons & we are still making the most of our first son, Jayden, who has just turned 1 :cloud9:
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Move house!
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I don't have a preference but OH would like a little girl so we have 'the set' :haha:
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow, definitely! We were team yellow with our first pregnancy, I think it just makes the moment they are born that bit more special :cloud9:
Any names you like?
Boys: Taylor, Max, Zack, Harry, Joshua, Alex
Girls: Eva, Layla, Mya, Lily, Daisy

:flower: xxxx

Found this WTT post I made 4 years ago, and I'm still waiting ... BUT the end is finally in sight! :happydance:

As it has been a while and some things have changed, here is my updated quiz!

Name: Lisa
Age: 27
Relationship status: Engaged & been an item for almost 10 years.

How long until TTC: September 2015.
Reasons for WTT: Our wedding is coming in September next year and we would like to wait until after the wedding.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I've lost 3st 8lb so far since January and I'd like to lose another 3st before TTC. Now I've experienced how brutal pregnancy and labour can be on your body, I want to be in tip top condition!
How many children would you like: 3 .. Although Jayden (now 5!) has said he is not willing to share me! :haha:

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I don't have a preference but OH would like a little girl so we have 'the set' - Still true!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? We'd definitely be Team Yellow again. It's nice having a beautiful little surprise and I'm a great believer in not knowing makes you push better!

Any names you like?
Boys: Max, Dylan, Elliott,
Girls: Eva, Amelie, Sienna
Hi all! This is my first post after joining this site (I lurked quite a few forums and liked this one the best). Here's my info:

Name: Dietra (or Dee)
Age: 25
Relationship status: Married for one month! Been together 7 years next month.

How long until TTC: January 2015
Reasons for WTT: Trying to get ourselves on track financially
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I want to start eating right and be as fit as possible. Not to mention I want to enjoy my time with my DH before we add a little one in the mix.
How many children would you like: Most likely one but maybe two...

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We would both like to have a boy but either would be fine.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I want to know the gender.

Any names you like?
Boys: Victor, Aaron
Girls: Olivia, Ione (DH's great-grandmom name), Lucia
Hello! Nice to meet you all. Here's my info:

Name: Emily
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: December 2015 or January 2016
Reasons for WTT: Saving, moving somewhere more baby-friendly, making sure we're in the right place career wise
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: A couple of amazing holidays, I hope! And also just enjoying time with my DH.
How many children would you like: At the moment, we think two or three but we'll probably see what it's like to have one and then take it from there!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'll be happy with either...but I'd really really love to have girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'll definitely be finding out - there's no way I could cope with not knowing!!

Any names you like?
We change our minds every couple of months. At the moment I like Olivia, Isabella, Sophia and James...but that might change! I find girls names a lot easier for some reason.
Hello Everyone!

This is my first post on the forum, though I've been lurking for a bit.

Name: Candiss
Age: 32
Relationship status: Engaged to be married in September

How long until TTC: Two months, one week, two days, 5 hours...LOL
Reasons for WTT: I want to be married first.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I want to get as healthy as possible beforehand.
How many children would you like: 2, maybe 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Preferably boy then a girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I would LOVE to be team yellow, but I know my personality and alas, it isn't possible. :blush:
Any names you like? Liam, Kellen, Emerson for a boy
Harper, Sydney, and Madison for a girl
Hi all! Heres my quiz :)

Name: Jemma
Age: 29
Relationship status: Engaged! Getting married 30th May 15!

How long until TTC: 47 WEEKS...2 DAYS 13 HOURS!!!
Reasons for WTT: Waiting until we are married, not religious but I have a size 10 wedding dress I would like to fit into!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Promotion at work.
How many children would you like:3

Do you have a gender preference? I already have a 7 year old Boy and would like 2 more boys!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Yelllow!
Any names you like?

Boy: Teddy, Bertie, Jack, Noah, Rory
Girl: Isabelle, Amelie, Edie, Amelia, Sophia, Harriet

Name: Crystal
Age: 27
Relationship status: Married 8 years, together 11 years

How long until TTC: August 2014
Reasons for WTT: recent miscarriage
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: getting my body ready to try again after recent miscarriage
How many children would you like: 5, we have 4 already :)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I don't mind either way, our daughter would love a sister, she has three brothers.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow!
Any names you like?
Boy: Cade, Casen and Crayden
Girl: Edith, Everlynn and Eloise
Age: 22 years old
Relationship status: Married since July 2012

How long until TTC: February 2016
Reasons for WTT: Mainly paying off medical debt
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Build more muscle and maybe lose 5 lbs. Also, some traveling with my hubby.
How many children would you like: 2-4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd like to have a boy first, but of course I'll be happy with either.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out the gender!
Any names you like? Boy: Sebastian, Girl: Nina
Name: Jo
Age: 23
Relationship status: Engaged since Sep 13, will be married in Sep 14. Have been an item since 2010.

How long until TTC: 9 weeks and 6 days!
Reasons for WTT:H2B is very traditional and wants to be married before we TTC.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Just to be married and healthy.
How many children would you like: At least two!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? As long as baby is healthy and happy we have no real preference. In an ideal world H2B would like a baby boy first but it's not a big deal.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow all the way!
Any names you like? Henry Joseph, Jacob Ashley, William Matthew, Penelope, Eleanor Joy...
Name: Janet
Age: 31
Relationship status:Married since November 2013

How long until TTC: 2 months
Reasons for WTT: Had a miscarriage in January emotionally not completely ready yet.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Just to be healthy.
How many children would you like: At least three!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? As long as baby is healthy.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out the gender!
Any names you like? Anabella (Girl) Daniel (boy)
Hi everyone! Happy to be here and happy I've found a lovely community. :hugs:

Age: 26

Relationship status: Common Law

How long until TTC: Until I graduate school and/or get married (whichever comes first!) :)

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I would love to become engaged and save for a deposit on a home :)

How many children would you like: My dream number is 4! :baby: And I do want to adopt as well.

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