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i know what you mean, sweetie. a friend of mine from work got pregnant on her first cycle off the pill (which, of course, crushed me as we were already a year and a half and a few thousand $ into ttc) and then proceeded to complain about how awful pregnancy was for months. what sucked was she decided to complain mostly to me, even though she new we were having problems.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound bitter. I just have a cousin who just got married. His wife is due any day now with her 3rd child, but this will make #5 between the 2 of them. She got pregnant 2 months after they were together. I have been around her a few times, and she just sits there and lets the kids do whatever they want. Her toddler has almost fallen down the steps of my porch several times because she sits there talking away, oblivious to what's going on, and my husband and I both have had to jump up and get him before he teeters off the top step. And all she's done since she's been pregnant is complain complain complain. Last night, she asked me to babysit her kids so she could get some rest, and I told her I couldn't because I have health issues going on right now and I can't handle the stress. (I didn't want to tell her what's going on because she'll tell everyone.) She came back complaining about how horrible this pregnancy is on her, and how she can't wait until she gets that baby out of her.

I've been pregnant before. I get that in those last days, it does get pretty uncomfortable. But right now, I wish she'd just shut up! She's never dealt with miscarriages, or difficulty getting pregnant, and I've told her about some of my problems, and how it always takes me years to conceive. Her response? "I wish I had trouble conceiving!" How insensitive can you be?

I guess this all has just gotten to me this morning. Sorry, overall, I'm not a bitter person. I'm just having a moment...
Her response? "I wish I had trouble conceiving!" How insensitive can you be?

anyone who ever says that should simply have their face made concave by a fist. immediately. that enrages me.
i know what you mean, sweetie. a friend of mine from work got pregnant on her first cycle off the pill (which, of course, crushed me as we were already a year and a half and a few thousand $ into ttc) and then proceeded to complain about how awful pregnancy was for months. what sucked was she decided to complain mostly to me, even though she new we were having problems.

That's the same way my cousin's wife is. I want to smack her sometimes! And then my stupid BIL and his stupid comments.... I was in the kitchen yesterday looking for cheese, and he said, "haha. You're knocked up." I went off on him. It's not a bad thing, and I don't even know if I'm going to stay "knocked up." And if I don't stay "knocked up," I'm going to be very upset. Then not sure if I said this on this thread or not, but back when I skipped AF in June, and thought I was, then got what I think was AF in July, he overheard me talking to my MIL, about how I was on it, and told me it was a blessing...:growlmad: Yes, how awful it would have been if I would have been pregnant....
i know what you mean, sweetie. a friend of mine from work got pregnant on her first cycle off the pill (which, of course, crushed me as we were already a year and a half and a few thousand $ into ttc) and then proceeded to complain about how awful pregnancy was for months. what sucked was she decided to complain mostly to me, even though she new we were having problems.

That's the same way my cousin's wife is. I want to smack her sometimes! And then my stupid BIL and his stupid comments.... I was in the kitchen yesterday looking for cheese, and he said, "haha. You're knocked up." I went off on him. It's not a bad thing, and I don't even know if I'm going to stay "knocked up." And if I don't stay "knocked up," I'm going to be very upset. Then not sure if I said this on this thread or not, but back when I skipped AF in June, and thought I was, then got what I think was AF in July, he overheard me talking to my MIL, about how I was on it, and told me it was a blessing...:growlmad: Yes, how awful it would have been if I would have been pregnant....

Oh yes I can sympathize with that!! Men just don't get it!!!! They truly don't I've been so snippy to my hubby over the last couple of months bc he doesn't get the fact that I am the one going through all the physical aspects. Losing babies, going to doctors, getting blood drawn etc. Then you get the ppl who ask when it gonna have another and u just want to scream. I just want to yell at them and say that I'm trying but I keep losing the babies month after month. It's so difficult. Ugh I'm praying that this will be over soon and we both my beautiful babies in our arms.
I don't ever have anyone ask when I'm having another one, but I can imagine how angry it would make you. Since I already have three, people tend to tell me how full my hands are, and ask if I'm fixed. And I learned real quick not to tell them I want another one, because then the things that come out of their mouths make me want to knock their teeth down their throat. Myself? I'm tired of the "Shews" and the "Thank God's" when I find out I'm not pregnant. No, it's not "Thank God." It's "What the H#^& is wrong with my body?"
Okay, so obviously, I've got a lot of vent up frustration I needed to get off my chest. But I did want to say I'm glad you all could still see the lines. At this point, I was starting to wonder if I was just imagining them.
:hugs: you have to get the frustration out! otherwise we all would have given up a very long time ago. being able to do this keeps you going when everything sucks beyond repair.
Ah, 11 more long long days. I really don't think I can go that long with poas...
Hey jcombs

How are you doing? Going slightly crazier each day? I hope you're managing to stay strong :hugs: What's going on with your body at the moment in terms of symptoms?

Hope you get a lovely strong BFP really soon :hugs:
hey hun, just checking in on u too, still praying n got em crossed those lines will get better n bleeding will resolve :hugs:
Thank you for asking. I was doing good until about an hour ago, and I just feel heartbroken. I've still not tested, mostly because I'm afraid of what I'll get. (I haven't bought any either cause if they're here, I'll use them) The spotting stopped last night, but I'm not holding on to that too tightly because it has done this before and will probably be back tomorrow. Still have 11 days til AF is due, and it's just dragging by. Once in a while, I have AF cramping. My boobs are a bit firmer and heavier, I am really hungry, but I feel sick when I try to eat most things. I have a groggy type headache, and feel like I have a fever, but when I take my temp, it's normal. I've also been very very tired, but I have been since I missed June's AF, and it's probably got more to do with me feeling so darned depressed about all this.

I feel like my heart is in my stomach. I want this so badly, and got so excited. I don't want to lose my baby!! :cry::cry::cry:
:hugs: i don't know what to say. just praying for a little miracle to find its way to you.
Thank you for asking. I was doing good until about an hour ago, and I just feel heartbroken. I've still not tested, mostly because I'm afraid of what I'll get. (I haven't bought any either cause if they're here, I'll use them) The spotting stopped last night, but I'm not holding on to that too tightly because it has done this before and will probably be back tomorrow. Still have 11 days til AF is due, and it's just dragging by. Once in a while, I have AF cramping. My boobs are a bit firmer and heavier, I am really hungry, but I feel sick when I try to eat most things. I have a groggy type headache, and feel like I have a fever, but when I take my temp, it's normal. I've also been very very tired, but I have been since I missed June's AF, and it's probably got more to do with me feeling so darned depressed about all this.

I feel like my heart is in my stomach. I want this so badly, and got so excited. I don't want to lose my baby!! :cry::cry::cry:

I'm so sorry:cry:. I hope all will be okay with you, I suppose there's no words to make you feel better but do understand that there are other women going through the same thing as you. I really think you should go get your BETA levels checked even if it means going to the ER. You're going to drive yourself nuts and what if you have good levels but have low progesterone which is causing the bleeding...at least you can request this at the ER. You're gonna make yourself sick if you wait another week and a half!!! :nope:.
awww hunny im so sorry u have to be in limbo like this not knowing wuts going on ugh!! i wish i had the answers to give u but all i can say is what i would do n that is to not give up ur hope n keep praying with ur whole heart :hugs:!! i have to say i do agree with courtney but u do what u feel comfortable with n i think its good to stop testing for a bit cause its so stressful on u!!
Thanks. No, there's nothing that can be said, unless one of you can tell me for sure that I'm wrong. It means a lot to me that I don't have to go through this alone. Hubby keeps pushing me to do things, like clean out our yucky pool so we can refill it, and I can't get it through his head that I'm not doing things I normally do because there is still hope, and I don't want to do anything that might actually cause me to lose it, and since strenuous work seems to make the bleeding come on, I'm NOT doing it!

I even asked him today if he even cared. He said it's hard for him to feel anything about it. I guess I feel it more because this is going on inside of me. Then I have every one else with their stupid comments and insensitive reasonings. If it weren't for yall, I would be truly alone.
I even asked him today if he even cared. He said it's hard for him to feel anything about it.

i honestly don't understand how men can live with themselves after saying things like this, but they ALL do it. it's so maddening!
Thanks. No, there's nothing that can be said, unless one of you can tell me for sure that I'm wrong. It means a lot to me that I don't have to go through this alone. Hubby keeps pushing me to do things, like clean out our yucky pool so we can refill it, and I can't get it through his head that I'm not doing things I normally do because there is still hope, and I don't want to do anything that might actually cause me to lose it, and since strenuous work seems to make the bleeding come on, I'm NOT doing it!

I even asked him today if he even cared. He said it's hard for him to feel anything about it. I guess I feel it more because this is going on inside of me. Then I have every one else with their stupid comments and insensitive reasonings. If it weren't for yall, I would be truly alone.

No you need to relax and not do anything strenuous until you figure out whats going on. I suppose some men don't get it...yes it is going on physically with you but still. Sometimes they just don't know how to channel their feelings the right way:nope:. You do have a bunch of support on here...we are all hoping for the best :hugs:

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