we were just waiting for my next cycle to start before starting ivf. i was really shocked to be calling my re for a blood test instead of b/c pills! :haha:
That's really awesome! Were you expecting a positive result?
not even a little bit. i actually wasn't even sure i'd o'd. according to my chart i was 9 dpo and i'd had a peak on my cbfm, but after my temp went up, it dropped way back down and flattened out, so i took an opk and it was so more blazing positive than i'd ever had one in two years. i took an hpt thinking- yeah, right, but there was a pretty unmistakable line there.
That's so exciting! I bet you were a nervous wreck after that!
I'll bet! Yay!!!!

So I was just reading the instruction leaflet for my digi, and it says, "Take care not to get the rest of the test stick wet." I'm pretty sure I wasted it. Should have been more careful where I was sitting it. lol
well, aside from "wasting" a test, at least you know that it more than likely was a false result.
How are you doing jcombs? I've been thinking of you!!! I'm sure you will be ok. All Your line tests look great! The digis are a pain in the ass sometimes!!! They are confusing. I'm using the clearblue ovulation tests and I got a negative followed by a positive and a neg so I freaked out thinking I'm not ovulating. Well apparently with the ovulation tests once you test postive it remembers the quantity of the lh surge and will test negative on subsequent tests. They are so confusing. I'm sure yours turned up neg bc you rested it in a puddle of water lol. Keep your hopes up (although incredibly tough with all you've been through). It will be Friday before you know it!!
I'm doing good! I'm not letting one negative get me down! I went ahead and ordered my first IC's. Just got a pack of 5 wonfo's for now. Didn't want to get a whole bunch yet. Should be here in a couple days. I can't afford to keep buying them from the pharmacy. I've spent way too much already. I haven't noticed a lot of symptoms yet today, but some days are just like that. I have some mild cramping across my lower abdomen and my boobs feel heavier than they did yesterday. But other than that, nothing.

I really think I screwed that test up. But got people in other threads telling me my lines look so much lighter (I don't think they do compared to last week's.) and now with this "not pregnant" digi, I probably m/c. Kinda makes me mad.
hello hunny didnt come on here yesterday as i felt a bit crap. just wondering how ure doin. have u re tested. i c u got the digi wet lol. thats something i wud do. have u got another.

hay beccx hope ure doin well to huggs to u both:hugs::hugs:
I'm doing good! I'm not letting one negative get me down! I went ahead and ordered my first IC's. Just got a pack of 5 wonfo's for now. Didn't want to get a whole bunch yet. Should be here in a couple days. I can't afford to keep buying them from the pharmacy. I've spent way too much already. I haven't noticed a lot of symptoms yet today, but some days are just like that. I have some mild cramping across my lower abdomen and my boobs feel heavier than they did yesterday. But other than that, nothing.

I really think I screwed that test up. But got people in other threads telling me my lines look so much lighter (I don't think they do compared to last week's.) and now with this "not pregnant" digi, I probably m/c. Kinda makes me mad.

Glad you're feeling better and ur right u can't let this control your life. The truth is whatever will be will be. Of course we hope for the best but we can't control everything. I'm sure you're ok. I hope time speeds up and Friday comes fast!! Are you still bleeding?
No. I can't remember when it stopped, but I'm thinking it was around the 30 or 31 of July. And I got my 2nd pos digi on the 2nd. Then yesterday, I wiped and had some pink on the paper, which is why I wanted to test again. But other than that pink, there has been nothing. And now I wish I wouldn't have tested. lol
my friend bled in her pregnancy i think its common to bleed as long as ure not in pain with it. but then u do get some pain with the stretching.
r u gonna test again hunny:hugs:
No. I can't remember when it stopped, but I'm thinking it was around the 30 or 31 of July. And I got my 2nd pos digi on the 2nd. Then yesterday, I wiped and had some pink on the paper, which is why I wanted to test again. But other than that pink, there has been nothing. And now I wish I wouldn't have tested. lol

LOL yea the testing is driving you nuts!!!:dohh:. If AF doesn't show on Friday def go to the doctor then! I wouldn't wait until Monday just in case you have low progesterone or something which is causing the bleeding. They can give you supplements if that's the case. I'm not saying it is but you want to cover all grounds!! :winkwink:
my friend bled in her pregnancy i think its common to bleed as long as ure not in pain with it. but then u do get some pain with the stretching.
r u gonna test again hunny:hugs:

Yes, I've heard several people say they've "had their period" during pregnancy, although I don't think it was technically AF. And I've also heard as long as there's no pain and it's not heavy, it's usually not any cause to worry. But then there's always people who seem to want me to m/c and have to keep bringing up that it's not always painful or heavy bleeding.

I've only had AF like cramping with this. It's actually not even as bad as AF cramping, and I know for sure that this is normal. I bought some IC's, and should be here tomorrow or the next day.

Courtney, yes, I probably will be in there on Friday morning! Part of me wants to wait, but for the most part, I just want to find something out!
thats normol cramping hun thats normol. dont listen to some silly people.

im a little upset because i put a thead up saying wen will i hear babys h/b at 10+4 i begged my m/w to listen to baby and she said she doesnt like to do it b4 12 weeks but because i begged her she tried and tried and tried but cud not find it. now i got some resuring msgs saying she wudent find it b4 week 12 or even later but just looked and have 3 msgs telling me there babys h/b was found at 8 and 9 weeks so now im shitting it thats something is wrong. ive lost 3 babys so i really dont wanna go through that again. i have my 12 week scan on monday and i am so nervous now:hugs:

i think sometimes people shud think a bit b4 they rite stuff as it can b upsetting or worry u even more:nope:
my friend bled in her pregnancy i think its common to bleed as long as ure not in pain with it. but then u do get some pain with the stretching.
r u gonna test again hunny:hugs:

Yes, I've heard several people say they've "had their period" during pregnancy, although I don't think it was technically AF. And I've also heard as long as there's no pain and it's not heavy, it's usually not any cause to worry. But then there's always people who seem to want me to m/c and have to keep bringing up that it's not always painful or heavy bleeding.

I've only had AF like cramping with this. It's actually not even as bad as AF cramping, and I know for sure that this is normal. I bought some IC's, and should be here tomorrow or the next day.

Courtney, yes, I probably will be in there on Friday morning! Part of me wants to wait, but for the most part, I just want to find something out!

Yess!!! Def go on Friday!! It will be torture to wait until Monday. The sooner you have answers the better!!!:winkwink:.

Don't listen to people that are saying things to worry you. Light bleeding is normal in early pregnancy...especially considering that you have experienced this before in previous pregnancies (you said it happened with your first child, right?). So for you it ay be perfectly normal! Plus its been so sporadic. I mean with my CP I bled for three days, passed tissue and it was done. So I knew I miscarried I didn't spot and stop then spot again. It was like a normal period. But yeah I would def request an HCG test AND a progesterone test...make sure she tests you for BOTH!!!!! :thumbup:
Sorry futurhopes. I know that must be scary. I wish I could tell you about my pregnancies, but I have no clue when they started trying to listen. I remember it always seemed to take forever to even get my first appointment, and I think they checked the hb that day, but by then, I very well could have been 12 weeks. My memory sucks! But I agree. Don't let people scare you. Sometimes they even mean well, and some of them have experienced so many losses it's hard for them to be positive. Others may just be mean spirited. Stay positive. If your midwife said she doesn't like to do it before 12 weeks, there's a reason. She only checked for you because you begged her to, and so there's a great chance at 12 weeks you'll get that hb!

Courtney, thank you! From everything I've heard about people having chemicals and early m/c, that's how it is. They either have a lot of pain and heavy bleeding, or just heavy bleeding, and they pass tissue, then it stops. I'm guessing if I had passed tissue I'd know it? I did have some clotting on some of my "heavier" days, but a week and a half after that, I was still getting a positive, and from what I've heard, CP don't leave you with positives for long! I'm leaning on the idea that my hormones aren't quite right. But then again, have heard many women talk about spotting for months during pregnancy for no known reason!
And wanted to add, with my first pregnancy that ended in m/c is the only one where I had bleeding. My "AF" came and didn't leave for a month with that one! With my oldest and youngest, I had what I thought were AF cramps, then saw some pink when I wiped, one time, only later to find out it was IB. This bleeding isn't exactly normal for me, but I don't think it's a m/c or cp either.
I mean I have had several losses but you always want to stay positive for those that are pregnant or actively trying!!! Who knows some people are just plain old mean, lol!!!

Yes my levels quickly dropped after my chemical. They continued to drop as well...I stopped getting positive HPT the day BEFORE I started to bleed and the lines were NEVER dark at all and NEVER a positive digi. You'll be okay:).

FutureHopes--usually the HB can't be detected before 12 no worries I'm sure your little one is just fine!!! Keep us posted on your 12 week scan!

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