Yay for a girl Caz!!!! You must be over the moon!!! Whoop whoop!

Bet you can't wait to start shopping for her newborn wardrobe lol
Very close to your due date now anything happening?!

Had a few Braxton Hicks but that's all. Trying to get hubby to pick up some resberry leaf tea but not sure if they sell it out here.
Got my groegg thermometer yesterday from amazon. It constantly says too hot

but I'm too scared to turn aircon on coz of the price increase. Think we might start sleeping on the balcony lol!
How r u hun?
I'm good just very hot!!
I've heard a few people saying they have gone over their due date lately, you will have to start trying all the other tricks there are

I have raspberry leaf tea I got it from Holland & Barrett and also got some from Whittard of Chelsea in Nicosia (i think they do free delivery too they are on facebook and in google search).
We aren't using air con either because of the increase, have a fan and fly nets on the windows but there is just no breeze at night

we've been looking for a hammock in a stand to use outside but nowhere has them