That's soooo cool about your sis jmandrews!!!!! I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl!!!! So exciting!
I have my next appointment on monday... have been eating like a mad women... suddenly really hungry all the time
, I expect I will have gained but that's good as the baby is getting fatter from now on
Anyone else got agonising pain in their wrists? I don't get the numbness... just a bit at night, but I do get the weakened grip and pain. My rings have cut into my fingers... can't get them off
Flipping Carpel Tunnel!!!!
My feet are HUGE too as wel as my ankles!!!! Drinking rehydrating mineral sports drinks for the swelling and the painful wrists... seems to help abit
How's everyone else? Are we all feeling ready?
I am sooo impatient now. My friend recently went into labor at 36.5 weeks. She was told she would be induced at 37weeks as she developed that liver condition where you itch alot suddenly at 35 weeks. But one night she couldn't sleep so stayed up untill 6:30am watching tv. She was getting pains low down her tummy every 40mins. Her hubby said... 'you're in labor!!!' and she was like 'no, can't be that!' lol! He told her to phone her doctor and sure enough he told her too she was in labor and so she went in. She told her hubby on the way not to let her change her mind about NOT having an epidural!!! But by the time she was 4cm dialated she was in alot of pain and the doctor said... 'you have 6 more hours of this, are you sure you don't want an epidural?' and of course she caved and had one. But she only took 15% as she wanted to feel alot. Suddenly 10 mintues later she was checked again and she was 10cm!!!! The doctors could hardly beleive it and she was suddenly ready to push. She pushed twice, but it was wrong and so she was explained again how to do it. On her third push her baby was born! And they placed their baby girl on my friends tummy where she opened her eyes and immediately started sucking on my friends nipple... clever baby!!! She didn't need intensive care and although she only weighed 2 kilos she put on weight over the next two days to the doctors surprise and so they were allowed to go home.
At home they had the new tommee tippee bottles and steriliser from mother care. But the baby didn't seem to be taking any milk for 5 hours. They started to panic and so her hubby tried the bottles himself. Can you believe... none of the bottles worked, no milk was coming out!!!!! So at 1am in the morning all they could do was boil a nail, sterilise a nail and then poke holes in the bottles! Then the baby drunk loads.
I'm going to test all my equipment now lol