Hoping for our beautiful babies in 2013 :)

Blu I'm with Afamilygal on the whole OPK on clomid. I did clomid this cycle as well and I was freaking out cause my OPKs were so light and so were my CBE monitor sticks. Then it was like BAM a + so it should happen for you they say 5-9 days after your last pill and mine was like 8 or 9 days. I also never get EWCM clomid or not. Mine only gets watery, which I still got this time but I stuck some Pre-Seed in a soft cup for the day of the +opk and the the day of O. DH does not like it, and he does notice, so I just do it that way.
Hi girls, may I join? I also just joined the SMEP March 2012 thread so this might sound like a repeat of my last post there.

I am looking for some buddies to laugh, cry and rant with while TTC as not many people I know have experienced what we are going through (or about to go through). None of my friends or even family knows I am TTC. I am afraid of let downs and people asking me questions.

This is my 2nd cycle TTC. During my 1st cycle, I also tried using OPKs for the first time and never got a +. I probably didn't use it correctly. This cycle, I have used soy iso for the first time (CD 2-6 @ 80/80/120/160/200) and just finished my last dose last night. I am at CD 7 today. I will be using OPKs again this month along with a saliva scope, temping for the first time and SMEP. I have to admit I am not very organized and my temping is probably not so accurate. I don't even know if I am ovulating as my cycles are all over the place (33-47 days).

I feel like my clock is ticking at 34 (DH is 39). Never imagined it would be so hard to conceive. Always thought I would be able to have a baby whenever I am ready and always put my career first. We were NTNP for a few months but I was secretly hoping we would have an accident and just get pg that way... of course, that never happened and that's why I am here now.

I will start BD at CD 10 and start OPKs. Would love to share my journey with a bunch of lovely ladies like yourselves and hopefully get to see your BFPs as well.
Hellooooo ladies!! :hi:

I'm sitting here with a pillow propped under my bum (swim swim swim!!)... what are you all up to? LOL

I can't believe I have actually calmed down a lot this cycle. I actually STOPPED temping, and am not using OPKs. My temps were so all over the place, I didn't feel it was doing me much good. The only things I'm doing are SMEP and the Metformin that I've been on for quite a while now. I've got a general idea of when I ovulate so I think I'll have a good a chance as any. I'm going to really try to relax on the testing this month and wait until AF is due. I just can't keep stressing myself, especially knowing now that DH will most likely be gone when baby does arrive (if we get pg before he leaves-November). I figure, he's going to be gone anyway, and if baby is due farther out into his deployment, there's a better chance he MAY get to come home on leave for it.

Took a beautiful trip to the beach today, walked for miles and miles down the shoreline with DH and the doggie. Sometimes I think we all need to step back and take some time to relax and breathe.

So all in all, trying to chill a bit. However I must say, this position with my a** up in the air is not the most relaxing :D

A big welcome to the newcomers :hi: Hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Blu & Lilly, hope you guys are getting it on tonight! :sex:
Afamilygal & fluterby429 You were so right about the OPKs...the lightest lines I've EVER seen and then all of a sudden BAM!!! Darkest of dark lines. I guess clomid did away with my gradual fade in I was used to. Thanks for the advice! :hugs:

cc117 - Welcome to the new thread :hugs:

rainydays9 - Welcome and gl! :flower:

MissMummyMoo hi :wave:

Lillyrose20wd - Yaye about that +opk! :sex: That's the great thing about this thread, we are all so close in our cyles and O around the same time.. We get to go through the TWW together :) Can't wait to see who gets :bfp: this time around!

BamBamsMaMa - Welcome :friends:

pinkhope - Yaye!! DTD & relaxing - great combo! And yes, we DTD last night :)

AFM - DH and I DTD on Wed & Thursday and I got my +OPK on Thursday. Will DTD again this evening (Fri) and again tomorrow (Sat). Then break on Sunday and one more round on Monday. That's the plan anyways, we'll see what happens. I checked this morning, EWCM and CP is very high (I almost couldn't find it lol) - I can't tell if open though, that was just too much feeling around :haha: My ticker says O day is tomorrow but I think it might be today, I just have a feeling...
Crosshairs today!!!!!!! Let the testing commence :haha:
Ok newbie alert but what are crosshairs :dohh: :lol:

I done another OPK today, very slight line so I think I might ovulate in the next few days (if I haven't already) as it was completely negative on Wednesday ... so fingers crossed for tomorrows! X
I'd like to jump in here, I'm due for AF around March 31, fingers crossed for everyone! Happy early St. Patrick's day!
Hellooooo ladies!! :hi:

I'm sitting here with a pillow propped under my bum (swim swim swim!!)... what are you all up to? LOL

I can't believe I have actually calmed down a lot this cycle. I actually STOPPED temping, and am not using OPKs. My temps were so all over the place, I didn't feel it was doing me much good. The only things I'm doing are SMEP and the Metformin that I've been on for quite a while now. I've got a general idea of when I ovulate so I think I'll have a good a chance as any. I'm going to really try to relax on the testing this month and wait until AF is due. I just can't keep stressing myself, especially knowing now that DH will most likely be gone when baby does arrive (if we get pg before he leaves-November). I figure, he's going to be gone anyway, and if baby is due farther out into his deployment, there's a better chance he MAY get to come home on leave for it.

Took a beautiful trip to the beach today, walked for miles and miles down the shoreline with DH and the doggie. Sometimes I think we all need to step back and take some time to relax and breathe.

So all in all, trying to chill a bit. However I must say, this position with my a** up in the air is not the most relaxing :D

A big welcome to the newcomers :hi: Hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Blu & Lilly, hope you guys are getting it on tonight! :sex:

I just read your post, nicely put!
I totally agree with having to take a step back. I feel like this TTC roller coaster has really took me for a loop. I went to have an HSG on Tuesday, which they were unable to perform because my cervix is too tight. They said I'd need to be dilated to perform the test. Geeze Louise! My Dr. Is out of town, of course. But I'm really in need of a break from actively TTC, I have felt the stress and anxiety build up every month. Once they couldnt do the test, I felt hopeless. This is my 5th cycle of Clomid, and I have one more to go before my OB, will referred me to a FS. But I'm so not ready to see a FS.
I've thought about taking the summer off and ditching the pre-seed, Clomid, OPKs, HPTs, SMEP, etc., and just try to rid myself of this gray cloud that I feel is hanging over me. I normally always O about CD 17, so with that in mind, I think we can just attempt to dtd around that time.
Hi ladies!! :wave:

I got my crosshairs today, so I'm officially in the TWW. Looks like DH and I :sex: at the "right" times so we will see what happens. My cycles are not as "regular" as I thought they were. Temping has definitely opened my eyes to what is really going on in my body. I O'd on CD 11 this month. Does that seem too early or does it not matter?? Haven't decided when I'm going to start testing:)

How is everybody else doing this St. patty's day??
Lillyrose20wd You are so right, doing the temps really opens you up to your body! Good luck :flower:

So I just did my first OPK test... Both lines are faint, so that would mean I'm not ovulating? Do they have to be dark to show ovulation?
Got my +opk today!!!! Gonna dtd tonight!

WAHHHOOOOO!!!! :dust::dust::dust: those opks with clomid are crazy right?
good luck!!!!!

and to you too Lily Rose!! LOTS o Baby dust to you!! hope you caught the eggy! FX!! I have O'd on cd11 too before. I'm sure it is fine, its the ovulating that counts right? so horray! and this cycle is a little shorter too (I always like that)

Pink- sounds like a good plan. sorry about your husband being away, that must be so hard... you are very brave. do you have family close by?? life just loves to kick you in the pants doesnt it??

well, GL! I hope this is it for you (swim swim swim!!! LOL)

Jai me- I know seeing an RE is scary but it will bring you SO much peice of mind. their sole job is to get your pregnant unlike an OBGYN whose job is to help with preventative care and when you ARE pregnant.

not really 'trying' seems like it would help a lot with the stress that comes with TTC... so maybe that would help? your RE would be able to help you figure out whats going on and what will help. I feel much much better now that I am in the care of an RE. :) hope you will too!! (but hopefully you wont need it! FX!)

Marycassie- yes the lines need to be as dark as or darker than the control line to show that your surge has begun. once you get that, you will o approx 24-36 hours later. sometimes a little later too... just depends on the lady. :)
you could check out peeonastick.com, that site is very helpful...

As for me, still no surge on the opks/cbfm front so I have to go in for another u/s today and possibly have the trigger. in fact, I better shake my tail feathers! I need get ready! :) RE on a Saturday... sucky.
Have a wonderful day ladies!!
Pink- sounds like a good plan. sorry about your husband being away, that must be so hard... you are very brave. do you have family close by?? life just loves to kick you in the pants doesnt it??

well, GL! I hope this is it for you (swim swim swim!!! LOL)

Thanks miss :) I'm hoping so too. This will be DH's first deployment, though he was away for 6 months a while back, but was still stateside. My family is about 1100 miles away, we have a few close friends here, but I'm still trying to decide if I'll stay here while he's gone or if I'll go home to where my family is for the year. It's gonna be tough no matter what, but if I AM pregnant, I think I'd rather be around family.

As for me, still no surge on the opks/cbfm front so I have to go in for another u/s today and possibly have the trigger. in fact, I better shake my tail feathers! I need get ready! :) RE on a Saturday... sucky.
Have a wonderful day ladies!!

How did your appointment go?

& What's everyone up to this weekend? We went to a St Patrick's Day parade this AM... was CRAZY! They said there was 1 million people crammed into our beautiful little city of Savannah, GA today. DH had to march in the parade with his unit, and I got to run out and plant a bright red kiss on his cheek when they came by us :kiss: Unfortunately he finished the parade with about 4 other kiss marks! LOL, can't be too mad I guess-he's a handsome fella!

One of my friend's 2 little girls came to the parade with us and asked me after I kissed my husband "Why don't you kiss another soldier?" I said, "When you're married, you're not allowed to kiss anyone else ever again, only your husband!" :haha: too cute.

Hope everyone's having a wonderful Saturday :hugs:
Hey ladies. Sooo.. yesterday I had the Most painful afternoon ever. I had such strong vaginal pain. I could barely stand. It felt like my cervix was dilating or something. I thought I even felt it in my bum! What in the world? The bad part is that I insisted on Bd because of the +opk the day before. It was a painful experience to say the least. Was this O pain? I usually only have dull aches on the side I'm ovulating on. This was completely different.

I'm tryin to bd again tonight but we will see. We are out of town, about 15 mins from each other visiting our own relatives. Is it ok if we don't tonight? We dtd on Cd 14, 15, 16 already. Got the +opk on Cd15. How am I doing? Am I covered?

How r u ladies doing?
Hey ladies. Sooo.. yesterday I had the Most painful afternoon ever. I had such strong vaginal pain. I could barely stand. It felt like my cervix was dilating or something. I thought I even felt it in my bum! What in the world? The bad part is that I insisted on Bd because of the +opk the day before. It was a painful experience to say the least. Was this O pain? I usually only have dull aches on the side I'm ovulating on. This was completely different.

I'm tryin to bd again tonight but we will see. We are out of town, about 15 mins from each other visiting our own relatives. Is it ok if we don't tonight? We dtd on Cd 14, 15, 16 already. Got the +opk on Cd15. How am I doing? Am I covered?

How r u ladies doing?

Oh you poor thing :sad1:That sounds horrible. I can't believe you went ahead and :sex: anyways. You are truly a champ!! Do you think that maybe it had something to do with the clomid? I don't know a whole lot about the medication, but isn't it the first month you had taken it? Just a thought :shrug:

Your BD schedule looks great! Do you temp too? If you do and your temp has risen then I would say your good to go this month. Now you are in the TWW with me! :happydance:
Blu- I think you are covered- sounds like you need to rest, I think you did a good job (and seriously- high five on the sex during all that- what resolve!) so sorry to hear it was so painful... I wonder why.. I haven't experienced that yet myself but this is only my second month of taking Clomid. have you googled it/ looked in other posts??
I have had my cervix dilate before and it does feel like that- pain down in the vagina... ouch! sorry you had to go through that... hopefully it has gone away??

Pink- cute story about the parade. I love the red kiss. I would have been a little jealous of the other kisses too but the man is yours n'est pas? handsome AND a soldier?
sounds like a dreamboat. ;)

as for the appointment (thanks for asking!) he prescribed the trigger for me which I went and picked up and then I tested opk's again at 3pm and it was positive! go figure... guess my cbfm didn't pick it up fast enough.

so anyhoo- IUI is tomorrow at 1! glad I never had to do the trigger but it was expensive and its in my fridge... grumble grumble... maybe I can use it next month- anyone know if it keeps??
:0( I'm just not feeling it this cycle!! Think I may be broken! I know I shouldn't whine and stop being so selfish as there's loads of you wonderful women on here struggling to conceive their first baby!!

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