I just need to talk...

hey guys.... so i was pregnant and lost it =( im so depressed. i had it and it just got taken away. and im depressed about my ex .... halloween and november hold anniversaries =( everything sucks. so, sorry if im a little "lost" lately.

so sorry, hope things get better. I'm starting today on the thought that I need to refocus my attention to better things.....my baking, my writing, and *maybe* international adoption, which we started on a couple of years ago but it fizzled out, maybe time to pick it back up. getting my house put together, sewing, crocheting, doing my crafty stuff. just time to get refocused on the things I WANT to do that I CAN do right now. well, not all right now, since I still need to get my house together. I'm going to buy a bookcase today!! focus on refocusing ely! I know its hard, I don't want to do it either, but we can. we can be better. we will be better. love ya :hugs:
JEO, HAVE YOU CAVED IN YET? This enquiring mind wants to know! hehe! Do I need to fed ex a test?
How you all doing girls? Everyone keeping their chin up?
Spent a lovely day with a close friend today and very relieved to have spent nearly 6 hours NOT symptom spotting. Hope you all have someone that will take your mind off it for a few hours.
On a more amusing note, my DH is very relieved the marathon BD sessions are over for another month, as he grabbed a cold one out the fridge I could hear him mumble that I shouldn't be surprised if one day it falls off never to be seen again. Perhaps today we should all give our partners a pat on the back.....coz he sure as hell won't want me to pat him anywhere else for a few days lol. Bless our partners and all they do for us! No matter how crazy!
Chin up girls and pick something out of your day that made you smile and spread the word!
I looked at your chart and it's looking really, really good!!!!

Awww, thanks. I have thought it looked good every month and have been wrong, well...every month so I hate even looking at it after I put my temp in ! LOL

hey ladies, I'm out. BFN this morning, no af but I know she is coming. Talked to dh last night and have decided I am done trying. :(
I wish you all luck, and hope every one of you gets your bfp cuz i know you deserve it!!!
love you all, and I will probably be stalking you for a while till I get a new routine going. this page will be tough to quit. :(

I'm really sorry. I hope you regroup YOURSELF. I wish you the best.

hey guys.... so i was pregnant and lost it =( im so depressed. i had it and it just got taken away. and im depressed about my ex .... halloween and november hold anniversaries =( everything sucks. so, sorry if im a little "lost" lately.


Now that's what I call patience something I don't know anything about! :saywhat::saywhat::saywhat:! Go to the :loo: and :test::test::test:!!! I'll be :coffee: waiting for your results! :rofl::rofl::rofl:! I know, I'm of no help! :nope: CAUSE NOW I WANT TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE A :bfp::bfp::bfp:! All my crossable are crossed for you! Here's the bouncing booby lady for you! :holly:

Got my BFP today ladies! Finally caved and POAS.... last time I got a :bfp: I had a chemical Pregnancy a couple days later... I'm soooo worried it will happen again!

CONGRATS! I can't even imagine how that feels. Woohooo!

I will be 35 in March! We are young! I'll still be 80 years old in denial asking my doctor why in the world have I not had a baby, I'm young! Lmao!

Amen! And I know, I know. People tell you how you look so young all the time, too. Right? :kiss:
Everyone but my 13 year old daughter. She seems to think I'm old as dirt but what does she know? Lmao!
So I finally hit my charted tww! (woo hoo :haha:) and so I was doing what we all do during our tww and I came across some funnies that I wanted to share....
The First one, number 4 is SOO me and I haven't ever done step 11 yet but since so many of you find it utterly helpful :)haha:) I will start doing this one also!!!

Step 1...Pee on the stick. (must be sure to hold it under urine stream for a heartbeat longer than recommended just to be sure).

Step 2...Stare at stick while you continue peeing. Feel heart jump when urine passes over the spot where the line would be and it hitches for a second, then gets a dark line...then keeps going, taking your dark line with it to the test window.

Step 3...Place on bathroom counter. Pretend not to stare at it. Let's try to give yourself busy work to keep from looking at it. In fact, your toilet now gets cleaned once per day.

Step 4...Tell yourself you are expecting a BFN. Then start to mist up when you see that it is, in fact, a BFN. Stare at the blank spot for a full minute before picking it up.

Step 5...First, go to window and check it under day light.

Step 6...Now, stand on toilet to be closer to light in ceiling. Check strip.

Step 7...Close one eye. Squint other eye.

Step 8...Turn on several lamps around house. Hold strip under lamp. Check strip.

Step 9...Hold strip OVER lamp. Check strip.

Step 10...Hold strip in front of lamp so light shines THROUGH strip, just in case.

Step 11...Pull stick apart. Hesitate for a heartbeat when you realize you are holding the still wet "wick" in one hand, then continue the destruction.

Step 12...Repeat Steps 5-9.

Step 13...Throw stick away.

Step 14...Pick stick back up out of trash.

Step 15...Repeat Steps 13 and 14 the rest of the day!

You know you're TTC when...

- the Big 'O' no longer refers to orgasm, but instead to ovulation

- you show everyone who will look at your bbt charts

- every twinge is a potential sign: ovulation pain OR perhaps implantation

- it no longer strikes you as the least bit odd to check out at the pharmacy with both HPTs and tampons in your cart.

- you schedule your social events around your ovulation day

- if your OPK comes up +, you cancel all social engagements that night so you can BD & lie with your legs elevated and butt up in the air afterwards

- you talk using mysterious acronymns that only your ttc buddies understand: ttc, BD, ewcm, bbt, opk, 2ww

- your morning motto is: "Don't talk to me until I've taken my temperature"

- you take your temperature more than once a day (committed TTCer)

- you refuse to finish decorating that 3rd bedroom in your new house, because you can't stand the thought of getting it just the way you want it only to have to tear it apart next month in order to make room for the nursery you'll be needing.

- you put off buying any fall/winter clothes, because you hope they won't fit by the time the weather gets cooler.

- you clip coupons for OPKs and HPTs

- your doctor says, "Now take these home and inject this needle into your stomach every day" and you don't even flinch.

- you spend more on OPKs, HPTs, and fertility supplements than you do on clothes

- the thought of nausea makes your heart skip a beat!

- you make a mental note of what day of your cycle it is before you say "ok" to a drink

- you get sick but make sure you can take the medicine in case you are pregnant...and would rather stay sick if you can't take the medicine..

- you finally look forward to mornings! Another opportunity to take and record your temp!

- you refer (and think) of your husband, not as his real name, but as the letters "DH" in real life

- you suffer silently from Infertility Vision (IV) - defined as the ability to see pink lines that nobody else can see. It's a very common condition among POASers during the days leading up to the official test day. Research is still being done, but at present there is no cure for it!
Everyone but my 13 year old daughter. She seems to think I'm old as dirt but what does she know? Lmao!

What does she know. Bffft.!

So I finally hit my charted tww! (woo hoo :haha:) and so I was doing what we all do during our tww and I came across some funnies that I wanted to share....
The First one, number 4 is SOO me and I haven't ever done step 11 yet but since so many of you find it utterly helpful :)haha:) I will start doing this one also!!!

Step 1...Pee on the stick. (must be sure to hold it under urine stream for a heartbeat longer than recommended just to be sure).

Step 2...Stare at stick while you continue peeing. Feel heart jump when urine passes over the spot where the line would be and it hitches for a second, then gets a dark line...then keeps going, taking your dark line with it to the test window.

Step 3...Place on bathroom counter. Pretend not to stare at it. Let's try to give yourself busy work to keep from looking at it. In fact, your toilet now gets cleaned once per day.

Step 4...Tell yourself you are expecting a BFN. Then start to mist up when you see that it is, in fact, a BFN. Stare at the blank spot for a full minute before picking it up.

Step 5...First, go to window and check it under day light.

Step 6...Now, stand on toilet to be closer to light in ceiling. Check strip.

Step 7...Close one eye. Squint other eye.

Step 8...Turn on several lamps around house. Hold strip under lamp. Check strip.

Step 9...Hold strip OVER lamp. Check strip.

Step 10...Hold strip in front of lamp so light shines THROUGH strip, just in case.

Step 11...Pull stick apart. Hesitate for a heartbeat when you realize you are holding the still wet "wick" in one hand, then continue the destruction.

Step 12...Repeat Steps 5-9.

Step 13...Throw stick away.

Step 14...Pick stick back up out of trash.

Step 15...Repeat Steps 13 and 14 the rest of the day!

You know you're TTC when...

- the Big 'O' no longer refers to orgasm, but instead to ovulation

- you show everyone who will look at your bbt charts

- every twinge is a potential sign: ovulation pain OR perhaps implantation

- it no longer strikes you as the least bit odd to check out at the pharmacy with both HPTs and tampons in your cart.

- you schedule your social events around your ovulation day

- if your OPK comes up +, you cancel all social engagements that night so you can BD & lie with your legs elevated and butt up in the air afterwards

- you talk using mysterious acronymns that only your ttc buddies understand: ttc, BD, ewcm, bbt, opk, 2ww

- your morning motto is: "Don't talk to me until I've taken my temperature"

- you take your temperature more than once a day (committed TTCer)

- you refuse to finish decorating that 3rd bedroom in your new house, because you can't stand the thought of getting it just the way you want it only to have to tear it apart next month in order to make room for the nursery you'll be needing.

- you put off buying any fall/winter clothes, because you hope they won't fit by the time the weather gets cooler.

- you clip coupons for OPKs and HPTs

- your doctor says, "Now take these home and inject this needle into your stomach every day" and you don't even flinch.

- you spend more on OPKs, HPTs, and fertility supplements than you do on clothes

- the thought of nausea makes your heart skip a beat!

- you make a mental note of what day of your cycle it is before you say "ok" to a drink

- you get sick but make sure you can take the medicine in case you are pregnant...and would rather stay sick if you can't take the medicine..

- you finally look forward to mornings! Another opportunity to take and record your temp!

- you refer (and think) of your husband, not as his real name, but as the letters "DH" in real life

- you suffer silently from Infertility Vision (IV) - defined as the ability to see pink lines that nobody else can see. It's a very common condition among POASers during the days leading up to the official test day. Research is still being done, but at present there is no cure for it!

Every time I see these I LOL!! :dust: for you! My chart is looking just like my previous ones, but we had a horrible BD month so i'm kinda ready to get on to next month!

I keep shoving Maca down my husbands throat! Thank God he listens...thank God!:shrug:
oh! So I ran to the $tree last night and have NEVER been there! (where have I been living?) and got 5 tests as well as other random shit to conceal me buying 5 tests. Que little boy at the register ringing it up "Wow, the dollar tree really DOES sell a little bit of everything". Me? *italian eye*. Just ring it and put it in the bag.
Off to get these nails done! then i am going to knit all day! (just learning, i'm sure the novelty will wear off soon!) Scarf, anyone?

I fell of the deep end...and bought a cheap ass microscope to be a scientist and look at DH's spermies.... I mean CHEAP... kids $6 one. LOL

I'm convinced my husband has no sperm and i'm a dried up prune inside.

Have a great boobie bouncing day! I'LL BE BACK!
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Midge, I did 11 before! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I actually probably have done them all! Yay for O and not for orgasm but OVULATION! TWW is sucking by the day!

As for the microscope! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I just tortured mine and made him go leave a specimen for them to determine! As for the dollar store boy, I'd told that boy it for your husband to take cause he might be pregnant and ask him to search it on the net, that's your husband! That'll give him something to ponder about! LMAO!!!!

AFM- I'm really kinda ready for next cycle too so that I can torture my husband a little more by taking another semen specimen to the lab so that it can be inserted straight into the uterus. He is just going to have to get past the embarrasement because If I have to go in and SPREAD my legs for the whole clinic to see, he can go in the jerk off room and lock the door all by himself and GIVE IT UP! :happydance:

I buy my pregnancy test online to be all discreet. I think the mailman is catching on to me though. "Mam, you got another package". The post office might think I'm up to something and open it. I bought a Clearblue conception plus that said it will be in anywhere from 11/12 to 12/2! That shit better be here next week dammit! LMAO! I ordered it last weekend!

:coffee::sleep::coffee::sleep::coffee::sleep::test::coffee::sleep::test::coffee::sleep: SUCH A SAD MADNESS! :haha:
lol aw ladies, I would miss you too much if I left you!!! maybe I will just....not try very hard next month ;) AF is coming, had spotting yesterday, not much but it never is very much. I spot two days before she comes. I am really upset, just because now she is here that means i have to go back to montana for thanksgiving to see my mom...i told her if i was pregnant i wasn't coming :dohh: ah man!! i feel much better today, sorry i was so depressing yesterday. stupid pms. anywhos, lots of luck!!!
lol aw ladies, I would miss you too much if I left you!!! maybe I will just....not try very hard next month ;) AF is coming, had spotting yesterday, not much but it never is very much. I spot two days before she comes. I am really upset, just because now she is here that means i have to go back to montana for thanksgiving to see my mom...i told her if i was pregnant i wasn't coming :dohh: ah man!! i feel much better today, sorry i was so depressing yesterday. stupid pms. anywhos, lots of luck!!!

I have bad PMS too!! REALLY BAD THAT EVERYONE IN MY HOUSE AVOIDS ME. I hope you don't give up quite yet. At least you going to visit will give you a break. Kinda like a mini-vacation. BUT then again, if it's anything like my family, it's just reminder how disfunctional we really are! LMAO! :dohh: On to the thrill of next month! You can do it! :happydance: WE WOULD MISS YOU TOO! :hugs:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Midge, I did 11 before! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I actually probably have done them all! Yay for O and not for orgasm but OVULATION! TWW is sucking by the day!

As for the microscope! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I just tortured mine and made him go leave a specimen for them to determine! As for the dollar store boy, I'd told that boy it for your husband to take cause he might be pregnant and ask him to search it on the net, that's your husband! That'll give him something to ponder about! LMAO!!!!

AFM- I'm really kinda ready for next cycle too so that I can torture my husband a little more by taking another semen specimen to the lab so that it can be inserted straight into the uterus. He is just going to have to get past the embarrasement because If I have to go in and SPREAD my legs for the whole clinic to see, he can go in the jerk off room and lock the door all by himself and GIVE IT UP! :happydance:

I buy my pregnancy test online to be all discreet. I think the mailman is catching on to me though. "Mam, you got another package". The post office might think I'm up to something and open it. I bought a Clearblue conception plus that said it will be in anywhere from 11/12 to 12/2! That shit better be here next week dammit! LMAO! I ordered it last weekend!

:coffee::sleep::coffee::sleep::coffee::sleep::test::coffee::sleep::test::coffee::sleep: SUCH A SAD MADNESS! :haha:

Since i'm all new and stuff here, have you done IUI's before?

lol aw ladies, I would miss you too much if I left you!!! maybe I will just....not try very hard next month ;) AF is coming, had spotting yesterday, not much but it never is very much. I spot two days before she comes. I am really upset, just because now she is here that means i have to go back to montana for thanksgiving to see my mom...i told her if i was pregnant i wasn't coming :dohh: ah man!! i feel much better today, sorry i was so depressing yesterday. stupid pms. anywhos, lots of luck!!!

I'm REALLY glad to see this. I was going to send you another note this morning cause I felt your pain thru the screen, but I didn't want to seem like new-creepy-stalkerish to you since I just joined yesterday! :haha:
I haven't done IUI yet but my fertility doc is pushing for me to have it next cycle due to the 1 blocked tube. I'm on the fence about it because I've already already spent so much on tubal reversal. It's 950 a cycle for IUI clomid/trigger. Each day that passes I managed to come up with reasons why I should go ahead and do it next cycle! Lol!
I haven't done IUI yet but my fertility doc is pushing for me to have it next cycle due to the 1 blocked tube. I'm on the fence about it because I've already already spent so much on tubal reversal. It's 950 a cycle for IUI clomid/trigger. Each day that passes I managed to come up with reasons why I should go ahead and do it next cycle! Lol!

Was it painful to see if your tubes were blocked? I'm preparing myself to every test known to (wo)man!
I thought it was pretty painful and I consider myself to be tolerant of pain! But, I did have the blocked tube and she did push extra dye in there to see if she could open it. Once the dye was let out the pain became more like AF cramps that was tolerable. It was definately worth knowing now though so the temporary pain was worth it!
Thanks!! and I wouldn't think you were a creepy stalker!!!
I'm gonna make an appointment for my annual and talk to a doctor then, see what they say about us trying. I'm sure they will say...well...we have to wait till december cuz then it would be a year but we will see. who knows :)
well my clearblue test came in and it's the wrong damn test! It was suppose to be digital conception plus that tells 1-2weeks and 3-4 weeks pregnant. They sent me just a regular clearblue + and - test. No digital to it! I was HOT when I opened it. 28.49 when I could have went to Wally world and bought this same test for 12.00! Grrrrrrrrrr.....
I would call the company and tell them the problem, they may send you a free one or offer you a store credit.
I posted a nasty review on Amazon and filed a claim! Idiots! Lol! I better be pregnant before it comes in! Lol! I was like, "got my digital test, woop, woop" Then went from "dammit, dammit, dammit!!!" I'm hormonal, I must be pregnant! LMAO!

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