I just need to talk...

Ok. a few questions ;)

1) Do i just ask my OBGYN for an HSG?
2) should i soy even if I do ovulate? I have heard it can mess that up, but i haven't done much research at ALL!
I read that too so I was skeptical about doing it. I have 30-34 day cycles and I ovulated right on time. I always ovulate on CD17 just about every time. I took 160mg CD 3-7.

As for the HSG, you probably should request it. At least it will clean the tubes out and make room for the swimmers. Your regular GYN can order it. My insurance doesn't pay for anything fertility but it did cover the HSG. You want to do it somewhere around CD 9-12, so time it just right. Most of the GYN know when to do it and there are some doesn't care what part of your cycle your in.

I took primrose up to 3000mg a day and my usual prenatal vitamins and folic acid AND softcups so there was no holding back this cycle.

I really think that I may have ovulated on the wrong side though but I'm still a little hopeful!
I'm hopeful for you. :flower:

Okay...one more thing....and you will laugh at me. I'm scared to give blood. And i mean HORRIFIED. Shaken. It's probably one reason i've put off TTC, it paralyzes me with fear. I haven't had any sort of blood test in like, hmmmm....10 years? What all do they test me for? (i really do have OCD) and i'm also convinced they will find a rare illness in my blood that 2 people in the WORLD have. I don't even have a doctor, I don't get sick ***knocking on the hardest wood I can find***. I may get a cold every 2 years....How can I get over this ? fcuk!!
I promise this is my last day of being cra cra, it's nice to just get it out there, lol
I'm hopeful for you. :flower:

Okay...one more thing....and you will laugh at me. I'm scared to give blood. And i mean HORRIFIED. Shaken. It's probably one reason i've put off TTC, it paralyzes me with fear. I haven't had any sort of blood test in like, hmmmm....10 years? What all do they test me for? (i really do have OCD) and i'm also convinced they will find a rare illness in my blood that 2 people in the WORLD have. I don't even have a doctor, I don't get sick ***knocking on the hardest wood I can find***. I may get a cold every 2 years....How can I get over this ? fcuk!!

Aw man! I'm a nurse and draw blood! :haha: If your going to a fertility specialist, the first visit is usually consultation before they draw any lab.

As for the lab, DON'T LOOK AT THE NEEDLE! I actually don't like giving my blood either but ask for a 23g butterfly needle and it's not that bad, just look away and it will be over quickly!

Different fertility docs are different with initial blood work. They drew for a CD3 FSH level. FSH is the stimulating hormone for the follicles. The regular complete blood count. They drew a AMH, which is ovarian reserve, checking for eggs and such. TSH for thyroid level. OH! and I did have the regular STD blood work too! I passed with flying colors! LOL! I found myself a little nervous about that test too!

They did a transvaginal ultrasound and counted and measured my follicles. All this was done on the first visit but she asked me if I wanted to go ahead and do it or come back after I thought about it. I wanted to get it over with so I could move on.

Hubby had a Semen Analysis, he did it outside the clinic and we were able to get it there within 1 hour.

There are so many options I was unaware of but I guess all in all it's been worth it. I'm a little nervous about paying for the IUI and getting a BFN. I believe if I did it and I didn't get pregnant, I'm liable to throw in the towel.
I can't afford 950.00 per cycle for up to 6 cycles then IVF. And IVF is just out of the question for me. I'm just not going to spend that kind of money the get a negative result. It's like gambling with the fertility doc! lol!
We ate chicken and dressing tonight and I'm having dressing farts! Could it be?!?!
My insurance didn't cover the HSG and my doctor told me he could go about doing it another way. He used the basis that I have painful periods to do a laporoscopy (SP) and did an HSG during the scope to check and see if my tubes were open possibly causing an issue. Although my ob has been a friend to our family for over 30 years because my mom and his dad worked together... but if you are on good terms with your doctor just ask him if there is another way to get the procedure covered. :) good luck.
I'm hopeful for you. :flower:

Okay...one more thing....and you will laugh at me. I'm scared to give blood. And i mean HORRIFIED. Shaken. It's probably one reason i've put off TTC, it paralyzes me with fear. I haven't had any sort of blood test in like, hmmmm....10 years? What all do they test me for? (i really do have OCD) and i'm also convinced they will find a rare illness in my blood that 2 people in the WORLD have. I don't even have a doctor, I don't get sick ***knocking on the hardest wood I can find***. I may get a cold every 2 years....How can I get over this ? fcuk!!

Aw man! I'm a nurse and draw blood! :haha: If your going to a fertility specialist, the first visit is usually consultation before they draw any lab.

As for the lab, DON'T LOOK AT THE NEEDLE! I actually don't like giving my blood either but ask for a 23g butterfly needle and it's not that bad, just look away and it will be over quickly!

Different fertility docs are different with initial blood work. They drew for a CD3 FSH level. FSH is the stimulating hormone for the follicles. The regular complete blood count. They drew a AMH, which is ovarian reserve, checking for eggs and such. TSH for thyroid level. OH! and I did have the regular STD blood work too! I passed with flying colors! LOL! I found myself a little nervous about that test too!

They did a transvaginal ultrasound and counted and measured my follicles. All this was done on the first visit but she asked me if I wanted to go ahead and do it or come back after I thought about it. I wanted to get it over with so I could move on.

Hubby had a Semen Analysis, he did it outside the clinic and we were able to get it there within 1 hour.

There are so many options I was unaware of but I guess all in all it's been worth it. I'm a little nervous about paying for the IUI and getting a BFN. I believe if I did it and I didn't get pregnant, I'm liable to throw in the towel.
I can't afford 950.00 per cycle for up to 6 cycles then IVF. And IVF is just out of the question for me. I'm just not going to spend that kind of money the get a negative result. It's like gambling with the fertility doc! lol!

So they will tell me what they are drawing for, right? I had the STD tests done at my annual last year for the first time, I forgot about that. Can I REFUSE the HIV test? The reason? I'll die of panic. I've had one. Diseases scared me into not being a whore my whole life and I am not sure i'll make it 2 weeks convincing myself i have THAT! My husband kept asking if there was a reason i was SO concerned!! LOL My OBGYN has that as an optional test, but I went ahead with it last year and i was sick the whole time! I have this really irrational fear of something always being wrong, because i've been (knocking again) so healthy.

Could you (maybe?) save the $950 per cycle and keep trying other ways and then IF needed go IVF and already have $6000ish saved?

I know I will do IVF because I have no babies and just will have to go that drastic to know I did all I could to have one child. Man, this is an emotional roller coaster ride I didn't expect! Thanks so much for talking me through all of it.
My insurance didn't cover the HSG and my doctor told me he could go about doing it another way. He used the basis that I have painful periods to do a laporoscopy (SP) and did an HSG during the scope to check and see if my tubes were open possibly causing an issue. Although my ob has been a friend to our family for over 30 years because my mom and his dad worked together... but if you are on good terms with your doctor just ask him if there is another way to get the procedure covered. :) good luck.

Thanks! I feel hopeful they will do that with me, too. I wasn't sure if I had to go to an RE to have an HSG done? How was your weekend?

ETA: I just read our benefits. They will cover the cost of anything to DIAGNOSE infertility, but cover no infertility treatments. I am going to keep rolling over my FSA money and maybe even up the amount that goes in each month as it's pre-taxed for actual treatment if necessary.
My weekend has been good. Got a few things done for xmas shopping and answered the door for trick or treaters tonight with my DS. Watched Casper and Monster House. :) Love Halloween! Going trick or treating my DH and DS and our friend and her kids tomorrow after school. :) You don't need an RE or FS to do a lap/HSG.
I haven't ever seen an FS or RE, and because of the costs prolly never will. Our Ins. doens't cover any of it. Another thing if you live in certain states insurance provided thru a job is required to provide fertility insurance (unless like ours provided thru my DH who has less than like 30 employees or what ever the cut off is and isn't required to provide it) but its worth checking in to for where ever you live. :)

We are pretty close in cycles, Im 5dpo today. How long is your cycle usually?
We ate chicken and dressing tonight and I'm having dressing farts! Could it be?!?!

Oh and I had some amazing ham for supper tonight and now Im gassy and kinda bloated... Hope it means im pregnant! :) :haha:
My weekend has been good. Got a few things done for xmas shopping and answered the door for trick or treaters tonight with my DS. Watched Casper and Monster House. :) Love Halloween! Going trick or treating my DH and DS and our friend and her kids tomorrow after school. :) You don't need an RE or FS to do a lap/HSG.
I haven't ever seen an FS or RE, and because of the costs prolly never will. Our Ins. doens't cover any of it. Another thing if you live in certain states insurance provided thru a job is required to provide fertility insurance (unless like ours provided thru my DH who has less than like 30 employees or what ever the cut off is and isn't required to provide it) but its worth checking in to for where ever you live. :)

We are pretty close in cycles, Im 5dpo today. How long is your cycle usually?

That sounds like a comfy awesome weekend :) I heard Ohio was one of those states, but....I may be imagining that :)

I have had a 9, 10 and 11 day LP. (11 is my longest....) You?
eeeew chilli! lol. well this is my first month charting. I always thought I had normal cycles untill now. Last Month I was charting on paper and it showed my luteal phase as being 7 or 8 days long :( I always thought it was a lot longer. So I am hoping that was an off month or something like that. We will see. If so I should see AF in like 2-3 days.
Also I use a fertility scope for saliva and I got a positive full ferning on the last day of my cycle and then 10 days later I had 2 days of partial ferning. So I am really not sure if ff calculated my ovulation correctly. I guess that will take a few months also if I don't get a BFP before then.
I also had a temp dip today but not certin that was correct cause I slept awful and woke up at 5:45 today so I temped then cause I always temp at 7 so I knew it wouldn't be a valid temp at 7am either.
Chillie with jalopenos, you are so gonna have the gassy squirts!

When is everyone testing?
I went on BC for a HALF a month in July due to constant work travel and my first cycle off I started to temp but no bd'ing! I had like a 23 day cycle and 8 day LP and was freakkkkkkkkked the hell out.

The last two have been 9 days and 11 I think. I also added Vitex and Maca this month for fun!

It will be interesting for you to see your charts month after month and see if they change, etc. My first month i temped orally and then switched last month to vaginally. Much more consistent temps that way, even if it is kinda wacky at 6am!:)
Chillie with jalopenos, you are so gonna have the gassy squirts!

When is everyone testing?

I will only test this month if I'm late. I have almost zero chance with our BD schedule (DH's mom had a stroke when I was ovulating- she's fine now, so I can tell her she ruined her chance of us having a baby this month ;) )and my charts are kinda similiar to my :bfn: with that dip in the middle! Unless i have some crazy high temps the next two days, I expect :witch: to arrive Tuesday/Wednesday. Thursday would make me officially late, I believe, at 12 dpo.
I used to temp about 3 years ago. After of our first year and a half of ntnp I tried to temp at my dr's recommendation. That lasted like 2 weeks, I couldn't remember to temp because when my alarm goes off I am out of bed like that. I have missed a few days here and there but I do use my Saliva scope every day so i have that as back up for when I miss a temp, but I try not to. I always temp vaginally also. I haven't ever tried orally. I fall asleep all to often taking my temp and this way my mouth isn't hanging open while I try to temp :haha:
I used to temp about 3 years ago. After of our first year and a half of ntnp I tried to temp at my dr's recommendation. That lasted like 2 weeks, I couldn't remember to temp because when my alarm goes off I am out of bed like that. I have missed a few days here and there but I do use my Saliva scope every day so i have that as back up for when I miss a temp, but I try not to. I always temp vaginally also. I haven't ever tried orally. I fall asleep all to often taking my temp and this way my mouth isn't hanging open while I try to temp :haha:


I finally decided to put my thermometer ON my alarm clock so as I smash the snooze button i'm reminded!
I used to temp about 3 years ago. After of our first year and a half of ntnp I tried to temp at my dr's recommendation. That lasted like 2 weeks, I couldn't remember to temp because when my alarm goes off I am out of bed like that. I have missed a few days here and there but I do use my Saliva scope every day so i have that as back up for when I miss a temp, but I try not to. I always temp vaginally also. I haven't ever tried orally. I fall asleep all to often taking my temp and this way my mouth isn't hanging open while I try to temp :haha:


I finally decided to put my thermometer ON my alarm clock so as I smash the snooze button i'm reminded!

ooh thats a good idea. I put mine in front of it so when my hand hits the night stand i usually feel it first and remember

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