I just need to talk...

Hey everyone I am so new to this but what I do know is that I am 7dpo. I got a BPF on my wondfo OPK on cycle days 17 and 18 so I guess it's 7dpo... Anyhoo this morning I woke up to BROWN STUFFf in my undies but when i stuck my finger inside to feel my cervix it only came back out with the WHITE discharge I get before af.. I am sssssssssssssoooooooooo confused. Could this have been implantation bleeding??? Well things get even weirder, I decided to take an OPK around mid afternoon and the line was dark but not as dark as the control line. I tested yesterday and the opk was completly light!!!!!! almost non existent and then today close to pos????
I honestly dont wanna get my hopes up, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

Hi Brittany,
If you tested and pretty sure when you ovulated. I'd go with the 7dpo. Mid luteal phase, approx 7-10 the opk do get a little darker for some but still negative if lighter than the control line. Of course it's always to play it safe and BD just in case you failed to release the egg on the first positive OPK.

Brown maybe good and can sometimes indicate implantation bleeding.

As for the white cm, I always have this after O. It can mean a plug or just regular CM.

We can't help but get our hopes up so there is still hope.

Do you temp?

I am so new to all of this, I've ttcing for almost 2yrs but I just started testing last month. And as far as temping, I haven't tried that at all..
well, i didn't attack dh in the shower. I honestly wasn't in the mood :) but, we are home now, so its on! i had ewcm all day, sothats good, and a +opk tonight on my cheapies, not my $700 one! (no, it really wasn't that much but I feel like I wasted that much money on it!! stupid opk...)
bring on the rum!!!! (horrible drive home, horrible roads I really hope that didn't stress me out too much so I still O!!) :wacko:
I swear I think my boobs have gotten bigger. My DH laughed at me earlier when I said it but he is agreeing with me now. Must be the clomid?!? Lol!
Time to BD, BD, BD! Get busy!!!! U have a egg to catch!

ok so...my funny story for last night... I drank a LOT last night, was way drunk and feeling wonderful :winkwink: went to bed, BD'd...but I don't remember the ending!!! :haha: I have NEVER not remembered stuff when drinking, not even the only time I've thrown up drinking like 11 years ago!! I had to ask DH if I fell asleep while we were BDing, he said no but when he got done I told him to get off I was going to sleep!!! :haha: and I also had to ask him if he put my undies on me cuz I don't remember that either, he said No, I did it when I had my midnight pee. he says every time I drink rum I pee at midnight. :blush: I laughed at him, I so don't remember getting up to pee!!! :haha: oh my I'm really laughing at myself today, and tonight no drinking so I can remember what the heck I did!!! :dohh: This morning is a two cup of coffee day thats for sure :coffee:

OH and my super spendy OPK said YES today!!!! and my cheap one had a wonderful dark dark line on it!!! more lovins tonight!!!! sure hope DH doesn't have an emergency at work!!

OK i'm still laughing :flower: how's your day going Angel?? well, besides big boobies :winkwink: Italian...where'd you go?
I want to get that drunk!!! I'm scared to with the medicines I'll be on! I need some patron silver, with lemons!
lol well you can pretend ;) get a glass of water and put some lemons in there...might work right?? OH and I was planning on BDing for the next nights or so...but then I remembered, I have my appt on thursday I can't put anythign in there two days before!! so yeah, we will be bding tonight then no more till thursday night or friday!eek!! hope thats enough!!
Jeo, have you tested again?

Hoping, if I have to go to clinic with spermy puss, you can too! Bahahahahaha!

In fact it's starting to suck I have to shave my legs and trim myself up for all these doc appts!

It's been a day from hell at work, I may need to take a shot of DH crown! Blah!
I will have to run to the dollar store sometime this week. LOL I will not buy anymore expensive test until I get a positive on a cheapy and then I will take a digital so I can get a picture for the baby book. LOL
hi loves! Busy as hell and had some potty issues that past two days that almost sent me to ER! OMG. it's wayyy TMI, so i'll just leave it at that!

I'm SO excited for you, Angel!

I ordered 50 IC's (pink wondfo's) and got 100? I emailed them that they sent me too many, cause it's the right thing to do ;) We'll see what they say!
J~ I was wondering where you were too!! I worry about you ya know ;) and I thought you had an appt? or am I just crazy? OH yeah, I'm crazy nevermind :) and I agree with Angel ;)
BREE~ :)
Angel~ I have learned that people in hospital labs cannot always find the difference between sperm cells and abnormal cervix cells....not sure how they can miss the tail but for the sake of not having to spread my legs to a stranger again, I will abstain :) and I am going to shave my legs, but not so sure about the trimming....everything is pretty trimmed up already but I should have let it all grow out so she had to work for her paycheck ;) find the hole!!! bahahahahaha!!!
I haven't made one yet. I keep saying that I am going to make one but I am a slacker. LOL Maybe next week.

My home computer is down with a virus. So I can only get on BnB from work. It is going to suck next week when I have the whole week off.
Bree, it's really ok that you don't report the 100 test. Take it as free should! Lmao! Hope you are feeling better!

Hoping4girl- bahahaha! Make them work hard for their money! That was a great idea!

Jeo! I hope it's positive and it was just diluted urine the other night that you tested with!
oh and it starts!!! 1 dpo...(or O today)...I'm gassy!!! woohoo it worked! :haha:

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