I just need to talk...

I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL
I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL

oh man....so many things I want to say here but I'll just start with...STOP PUTTING THINGS UP THERE!!! :haha: and for petes sake how does your OH feel about that...eww! :sick: How long have you been trying Italian?

Angel~ yippee for new cycle!!!

I'm waiting...my new stupid sticks I bought say i'm not surging, but they are starting to get somewhat of a line on them so thats a plus right? :happydance: DH has a meeting tonight, so I'm waiting for him to get home so I can have a drink with him :) yes, I drink a lot. :drunk::beer::wine: I should probably stop doing that like you guys should stop sticking things in your vajayjay!! oh speaking of vjj's, having those stupid bubbles again. wtf does that mean?? :shrug:
as always lots of luck!!!:dust:
I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL

oh man....so many things I want to say here but I'll just start with...STOP PUTTING THINGS UP THERE!!! :haha: and for petes sake how does your OH feel about that...eww! :sick: How long have you been trying Italian?

Angel~ yippee for new cycle!!!

I'm waiting...my new stupid sticks I bought say i'm not surging, but they are starting to get somewhat of a line on them so thats a plus right? :happydance: DH has a meeting tonight, so I'm waiting for him to get home so I can have a drink with him :) yes, I drink a lot. :drunk::beer::wine: I should probably stop doing that like you guys should stop sticking things in your vajayjay!! oh speaking of vjj's, having those stupid bubbles again. wtf does that mean?? :shrug:
as always lots of luck!!!:dust:

2 months :blush:

I haven't told him, d'oh!! :drunk:

ok. I just got pre-seed. probably a safer alternative !!

Get used to telling me to cut the shit about putting things up there. I wish there was a free stick to pee on...just cause!
Well, I won't be sticking anything in mine for the next 5 days! Lol! Oh wait, the clinic will! That'll be embarrassing while AF is in town! Lmao!

I would try the egg whites too if it wasn't for this IUI cycle.
I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL

oh man....so many things I want to say here but I'll just start with...STOP PUTTING THINGS UP THERE!!! :haha: and for petes sake how does your OH feel about that...eww! :sick: How long have you been trying Italian?

Angel~ yippee for new cycle!!!

I'm waiting...my new stupid sticks I bought say i'm not surging, but they are starting to get somewhat of a line on them so thats a plus right? :happydance: DH has a meeting tonight, so I'm waiting for him to get home so I can have a drink with him :) yes, I drink a lot. :drunk::beer::wine: I should probably stop doing that like you guys should stop sticking things in your vajayjay!! oh speaking of vjj's, having those stupid bubbles again. wtf does that mean?? :shrug:
as always lots of luck!!!:dust:

2 months :blush:

I haven't told him, d'oh!! :drunk:

ok. I just got pre-seed. probably a safer alternative !!

Get used to telling me to cut the shit about putting things up there. I wish there was a free stick to pee on...just cause!

LOL I will stop telling you to stop sticking things up there, obviously you are comfortable with it and really its none of my business :haha: you can tell me to shut my big fat mouth its ok :winkwink:

Here's something fun for you to think about: my super expensive OPK's I got still say no LH surge, but the fun thing about them is when I go to pop the stick out of the holder thing, if I'm not holding onto it, the damn thing could shoot all the way across the room and probably stab someone!!! I'm gonna have to keep it next to my bed from now on to keep intruders away :haha:

when do you get your IUI angel?
I'm not sure yet. I go Saturday for the initial scans to look at my follicles so far. Then I'll start Clomid that day. I'll go back on CD 10 to measure the large follicles. Once they get to 20 I think that's when the trigger is given and I'll ovulate 36-40 hours after the trigger. So in between the trigger and ovulation. I'll have to buy these expensive OPK they use. I looked them up and I think they are like 45.00. I didn't see how many though. I'll get more details when I go in the morning.
Maybe I'll get twins! My goal is to drop at least 3 eggs to better my chances! Fx!!
I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL

oh man....so many things I want to say here but I'll just start with...STOP PUTTING THINGS UP THERE!!! :haha: and for petes sake how does your OH feel about that...eww! :sick: How long have you been trying Italian?

Angel~ yippee for new cycle!!!

I'm waiting...my new stupid sticks I bought say i'm not surging, but they are starting to get somewhat of a line on them so thats a plus right? :happydance: DH has a meeting tonight, so I'm waiting for him to get home so I can have a drink with him :) yes, I drink a lot. :drunk::beer::wine: I should probably stop doing that like you guys should stop sticking things in your vajayjay!! oh speaking of vjj's, having those stupid bubbles again. wtf does that mean?? :shrug:
as always lots of luck!!!:dust:

2 months :blush:

I haven't told him, d'oh!! :drunk:

ok. I just got pre-seed. probably a safer alternative !!

Get used to telling me to cut the shit about putting things up there. I wish there was a free stick to pee on...just cause!

LOL I will stop telling you to stop sticking things up there, obviously you are comfortable with it and really its none of my business :haha: you can tell me to shut my big fat mouth its ok :winkwink:

Here's something fun for you to think about: my super expensive OPK's I got still say no LH surge, but the fun thing about them is when I go to pop the stick out of the holder thing, if I'm not holding onto it, the damn thing could shoot all the way across the room and probably stab someone!!! I'm gonna have to keep it next to my bed from now on to keep intruders away :haha:

when do you get your IUI angel?

no. i appreciate you telling me to stop, because? I know I should! LOL

I love popping mine out of the holder, i have the :D clearblue digital :D ones!
I wish I would either get a BFP or AF. This whole waiting for something to happen is getting old.

:hugs: yes it's very aggravating when late! I'm having awful cramps too! I think it's pissed at me for the HSG! Lol!

new cycle, girlfriend! i'm SOOO excited for you!!

I am going to try real egg whites this month-i think!

Just don't scramble them before putting them in!!! :haha:

Irony? I HATE eggs! BUTTTT, if they get me knocked up? holla!! LOL

oh man....so many things I want to say here but I'll just start with...STOP PUTTING THINGS UP THERE!!! :haha: and for petes sake how does your OH feel about that...eww! :sick: How long have you been trying Italian?

Angel~ yippee for new cycle!!!

I'm waiting...my new stupid sticks I bought say i'm not surging, but they are starting to get somewhat of a line on them so thats a plus right? :happydance: DH has a meeting tonight, so I'm waiting for him to get home so I can have a drink with him :) yes, I drink a lot. :drunk::beer::wine: I should probably stop doing that like you guys should stop sticking things in your vajayjay!! oh speaking of vjj's, having those stupid bubbles again. wtf does that mean?? :shrug:
as always lots of luck!!!:dust:

2 months :blush:

I haven't told him, d'oh!! :drunk:

ok. I just got pre-seed. probably a safer alternative !!

Get used to telling me to cut the shit about putting things up there. I wish there was a free stick to pee on...just cause!

LOL I will stop telling you to stop sticking things up there, obviously you are comfortable with it and really its none of my business :haha: you can tell me to shut my big fat mouth its ok :winkwink:

Here's something fun for you to think about: my super expensive OPK's I got still say no LH surge, but the fun thing about them is when I go to pop the stick out of the holder thing, if I'm not holding onto it, the damn thing could shoot all the way across the room and probably stab someone!!! I'm gonna have to keep it next to my bed from now on to keep intruders away :haha:

when do you get your IUI angel?

I'm not sure yet. I go Saturday for the initial scans to look at my follicles so far. Then I'll start Clomid that day. I'll go back on CD 10 to measure the large follicles. Once they get to 20 I think that's when the trigger is given and I'll ovulate 36-40 hours after the trigger. So in between the trigger and ovulation. I'll have to buy these expensive OPK they use. I looked them up and I think they are like 45.00. I didn't see how many though. I'll get more details when I go in the morning.

do you have to give yourself shots?
Just the 1 HCG trigger. I think I'll be able to do it. Although, I give shots on a daily basis, but I don't give them to myself. That ought to be exciting. Lol!
I was thinking, you better ignore the egg white thing. It would be quite embarrassing exposing why you have a raging infection and why you puss smells like rotten eggs! :rofl::rofl::hug::rofl::rofl:
I had an eventful morning at the doctors office. I think DH and I about had argument in the middle of the clinic resulting in me becoming teary eyed. It was quite embarrassing.

The clinic wanted him to test for transmitted diseases. They were adiment it was required before beginning any treatment. I had mine done when I did the reversal. My DH loudly said, every time I come in here it is more money. I told him the insurance covers this test. So he was FREAKING out! It blew my mind! I told them to cancel it, I can't do this alone. For 2 people who want a child is rediculous. So then his conscience kicked in and he did it. I was still upset over the fit. When it was all said and done, the extra test was $4.87. OMG! I was fuming but holding back the tears! I think it boiled down to the fact my DH is seriously afraid of needles! He did good and was sweet to me the whole way home. I'm still upset but I'm not rehashing it.

Anyways, he watched the vag sonogram and I think he felt stupid after he seen what I had to do and how frequently.

So on to my results after my ranting. CD 3 E2 48.6 and she said they like it under 100. Looks like I have 2 follicles starting to develop on my left side which is my open tube side. I will start 50mg clomid days 3-7. They gave me my prescription for ovidrel 240iu for trigger when the time comes. My next appt is on CD 10, next Saturday.

I'm teary eyed today and can't blame it on meds because I haven't started but I have a major worry of this failing and continue to dish out more money especially after that happening this morning. It's 950.00 per cycle at the clinic I go to.

Happy for good results today though.
Love this. As I do exactly that find it so hard to ignore what i want to happen. Omg it drives u insane!! Some of the comments r funny. I have tried my best to take the "I don't care approach" just doesn't work.
I get slight sore throat an I'm like omg I must be pregnant then I bang my head against the wall an bring myself back to reality lol x
Love this. As I do exactly that find it so hard to ignore what i want to happen. Omg it drives u insane!! Some of the comments r funny. I have tried my best to take the "I don't care approach" just doesn't work.
I get slight sore throat an I'm like omg I must be pregnant then I bang my head against the wall an bring myself back to reality lol x

Hello kardashianw to this irritating madness! I fall out of reality frequently! It's definately a crazy journey!

Where are you at in your cycle?
I had an eventful morning at the doctors office. I think DH and I about had argument in the middle of the clinic resulting in me becoming teary eyed. It was quite embarrassing.

The clinic wanted him to test for transmitted diseases. They were adiment it was required before beginning any treatment. I had mine done when I did the reversal. My DH loudly said, every time I come in here it is more money. I told him the insurance covers this test. So he was FREAKING out! It blew my mind! I told them to cancel it, I can't do this alone. For 2 people who want a child is rediculous. So then his conscience kicked in and he did it. I was still upset over the fit. When it was all said and done, the extra test was $4.87. OMG! I was fuming but holding back the tears! I think it boiled down to the fact my DH is seriously afraid of needles! He did good and was sweet to me the whole way home. I'm still upset but I'm not rehashing it.

Anyways, he watched the vag sonogram and I think he felt stupid after he seen what I had to do and how frequently.

So on to my results after my ranting. CD 3 E2 48.6 and she said they like it under 100. Looks like I have 2 follicles starting to develop on my left side which is my open tube side. I will start 50mg clomid days 3-7. They gave me my prescription for ovidrel 240iu for trigger when the time comes. My next appt is on CD 10, next Saturday.

I'm teary eyed today and can't blame it on meds because I haven't started but I have a major worry of this failing and continue to dish out more money especially after that happening this morning. It's 950.00 per cycle at the clinic I go to.

Happy for good results today though.

:hugs: awww that sucks sorry to hear!!
Poopy boys. Im annoyed w/ my dh right now, but still planning on attackig him in the shower tonight I have ewcm! We are in a motel room with our boys so that's the only chance I will get. And its blizzarding. Boo!!
Good luckladies!!
Hey everyone I am so new to this but what I do know is that I am 7dpo. I got a BPF on my wondfo OPK on cycle days 17 and 18 so I guess it's 7dpo... Anyhoo this morning I woke up to BROWN STUFFf in my undies but when i stuck my finger inside to feel my cervix it only came back out with the WHITE discharge I get before af.. I am sssssssssssssoooooooooo confused. Could this have been implantation bleeding??? Well things get even weirder, I decided to take an OPK around mid afternoon and the line was dark but not as dark as the control line. I tested yesterday and the opk was completly light!!!!!! almost non existent and then today close to pos????
I honestly dont wanna get my hopes up, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP
Hey everyone I am so new to this but what I do know is that I am 7dpo. I got a BPF on my wondfo OPK on cycle days 17 and 18 so I guess it's 7dpo... Anyhoo this morning I woke up to BROWN STUFFf in my undies but when i stuck my finger inside to feel my cervix it only came back out with the WHITE discharge I get before af.. I am sssssssssssssoooooooooo confused. Could this have been implantation bleeding??? Well things get even weirder, I decided to take an OPK around mid afternoon and the line was dark but not as dark as the control line. I tested yesterday and the opk was completly light!!!!!! almost non existent and then today close to pos????
I honestly dont wanna get my hopes up, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

Hi Brittany,
If you tested and pretty sure when you ovulated. I'd go with the 7dpo. Mid luteal phase, approx 7-10 the opk do get a little darker for some but still negative if lighter than the control line. Of course it's always to play it safe and BD just in case you failed to release the egg on the first positive OPK.

Brown maybe good and can sometimes indicate implantation bleeding.

As for the white cm, I always have this after O. It can mean a plug or just regular CM.

We can't help but get our hopes up so there is still hope.

Do you temp?

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