I just need to talk...

Mas, thats a funny dream! that sorta thing kinda happened with my grandma when she was preg with my mom. I guess she had what she thought was a period and she thought she was menopausal and all. And then she was in pain(labor pains) and she thought it was appendix issues :haha: which is kinda funny seeing as how she had 4 kids already. Went to the hospital and they informed her she was having a baby. I can imagine the shock and everything!!

Ahhh noo I don't wanna be a prune! ewww hate those :haha: these ticker things make me laugh especially when it goes from a melon to a banana :haha:

I want a ticker... :cry: i dont mind having the prune or banana... ahhh the waiting!
Hello Brit and goodluck! It is early though so still hope there!

Hoping and AC- GLAD THE PRUNE IS GONE! LOL! AC now we have to look at your prune! :haha:

Mas- Glad everything is going ok with you! I thought about doing acupuncture! How is it going. Little scared to try it!


Jeo-Did you decide on a dress?

AFM- I was such a ding dong yesterday. I thought I would take time for myself yesterday so went and got a haircut, Then decided to use my tanning session gift card I got a year ago and haven't tanned in probably 2 years and BURNED MY ASS! :haha: Then thought I would wax my lip and eyebrows- HOLY CRAP~ I think it was a day of torture! :haha: I'm still paying for it today, swollen eyebrows and lip and burnt ass and belly! :nope: So, I resorted to wine at the moment! :haha:

I'm on CD8, completed my clomid-and I'll take my shot on Thursday morning. I'm suprised my clinic hasn't called yet asking if I started my period or why I haven't been in. But O well! lol!
wow angel.. what a day you had! hopefully this will be your cycle!
burnt butt angel!!! oh no!!! lots of lotion next time ;) it bums me out they they didn't call u either....makes me think they don't care :( thats sad. lots of sex for you this week!!!
I enjoy acupuncture, it is very relaxing> i have had it in the past so i know what to expect. I'm positive about it working as I have heard lots of success stories. I wish the weekends were longer, i find they just fly by and then it is Monday again and back to work.
I feel bit different this cycle-I am still a bit crampy and cranky/moody. i want to get a haircut - I'm thinking bangs.
Sorry to laugh Angel but it did make me :haha: sorry for your rough day though!

Ahh! And my dhs parents now know! :D and tues is my appt to see a midwife!
Mas, thats a funny dream! that sorta thing kinda happened with my grandma when she was preg with my mom. I guess she had what she thought was a period and she thought she was menopausal and all. And then she was in pain(labor pains) and she thought it was appendix issues :haha: which is kinda funny seeing as how she had 4 kids already. Went to the hospital and they informed her she was having a baby. I can imagine the shock and everything!!

Ahhh noo I don't wanna be a prune! ewww hate those :haha: these ticker things make me laugh especially when it goes from a melon to a banana :haha:

:-k is it just me, but wouldn't a banana be smaller than a melon? i get that it is longer, but i would think there was a better fruit/veggie to use after a melon... :haha:
Hi Ladies!!

Did you all have good weekends? Angel, there is nothing worse than a burnt ASS!! Hahaha!! Shame man, sounds like a rough day.

Well, AF got me 1 day late this month. I cried. How can this be SO hard? DH was a sweety. This month I've sworn off caffine and I'm going to serious cut down my drinking too to only on weekends and only one glass of wine at a time. I'm also going to pump DH full of fertile foods, make him swim lots in our nice cold pool and us the preseed I bough last month religiously. Although I don't have any trouble with the amount of my CM, it can't do any harm, right?

AC, how did you tell you dhs parents? SO exciting!

Nice to see you around a bit more Mas :)

Happy Monday everyone!!
Hi ladies! :)

Plastik, well we were just about to head out the door and my dh pulled me back and hes like don't you have something to tell them... and I just send him a glare, cause I figured HE should be the one to start right but no, he opens his mouth and is like "We'd like to tell you guys something..." then looks at me and is like "Carry on" :dohh: So I tell them, and his moms all like "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" and my dh is like "Oh she(me) has a history of miscarriages so we wanted to wait til it was safe" I coulda slapped him! Like ONE miscarriage doesn't mean I have a history of them! And then he also told them that I didn't tell any of my family, which is also a lie, I mean I told pretty much everyone BUT them. it was him all along holding me back!
But ahhh well glad they know now.
Wow, slightly awkward AC, but glad its all out in the open :)

I'm such a jackass! AF started yesterday so what do I go and do? Set up an appointment for my Gynaecologist tomorrow! :doh: Once I realised I rescheduled for Friday. Wish I could blame the brainfart on being PG, but obviously that isn't the case!!
ah AC!! thats cool they know :) I have told two people...and you ladies. Thats it!! My sister knows, and my bestest friend knows...its nice to have someone to talk to about it. And I haven't even talked to DH about when we are going to tell people, altho he is getting better about talking about it. He picked out a boys name...which I like, but not for our boy....I just don't think its a good one for us. It was Oliver. So...I said no, and he said...well...we will settle this in the bedroom. Whoever *cums* first, wins! and guess what?? I WON!!!! bahahaha!!! I *kinda* cheated, I made him wrap it up (so he doesn't get sticky baby glue on him) and got out my trusted toy :blush: and got after it!!! :haha: so...I won!!! :happydance: He is still trying to figure out how I cheated :dohh: so thats my story of the weekend :thumbup:
so, in conclusion, I don't know when we are going to tell people.
ah pony....sorry for :witch: that sux. hit it hard next month!!!!

OH AC~is you DH accepting it now??
Yep I think hes finally accepting it. We got into a bit of an arguement though. Cause I don't wanna know the sex, I want it to be a surprise for everyone. Only all of a sudden hes all like "No we hafta know!!" grrrr.. and it ended in me saying that hes not allowed to come whenever I get a scan :( which I don't really mean, I want him their I just REALLY want the sex of the baby to not be known even to him!
Alright, I have been MIA lately. I have had a busy weekend. I have decided on the orange dress. I am going to wait a few months to get it and I need to find a cute jacket or something to go with it. Plus shoes!!!

Went to the doctor for my physical on Friday. She would not do a blood test for me since I did a HPT that Wednesday and it was negative. Boo! But still no sign of the evil witch. I should take another test but I do not want to get a negative. LOL

My mother had a Lia Sophia jewelry party on Saturday and somehow I got roped into hosting one in three weeks. Doh! I have no clue how that happened.
hi :) Busy starting school last week! I am having the most messed up cycle i've EVER had and no clue why so i've been down. i still haven't ovulated. i had my first + OPK yesterday and have MAJOR EWCM today! Day 20 or 21! my latest O EVER was 18!

MAS-think it's the supplements? Is it bad to O so late? I'm convienced it's all bad news. I need some of your wine , Angel ;)
Ladies I think I'm loosing it! I took an hpt this afternoon after work and thought I saw a line (of course I was holding it in the light every which way) so I uploaded the picture to my computer and did some contrasting with the color and here it is... am I going crazy? Be honest.. feeling won't get hurt!

Brit~ I see a line :) wait for a day or two and take another one with FMU. it needs to get darker, or it could just be an indent line...I used to get those all the time. stay patient!!!
Bree~I O'd late a couple of months, it isn't a bad thing. Your LP will stay the same, so as long as thats not super short you should be good.
J~you need to wait a couple days and test again!!!!
AC~we aren't finding out. we decided together....it will just have to be something you chat about together, or if he is being a douche then just tell the doc one time when he isn't there that you don't want to know the sex, to write it in your file and have the ultra sound tech or doc just pretend he can't find out ;) be sneaky!!! LOL
Hi Ladies!
I see a line too Brittany! Fxed!
I like your game Hoping! Im gonna try that when i want something and be sneaky too - i have a toy myself, lol!
Hows the ass angel? Still burnt?
AC - i agree about not wanting to know - a surprise is so very nice, stick to your guns (good idea again Hoping).
Sorry about AF plastic:hugs:
Jeo - test again soon and I like the orange dress too
Hi Bree! I missed you! It could be the supplements, maybe they are making a better eggy and it took a little longer - I o'd on day 18 or 19 last month and had a 14day LP. Is hubby home to DTD?
Britt- I can see a line there, but like hoping said wait a few days and retest with FMU. fx :dust:

AC- i don't know if i could be as patient as you are going to be not finding out what you are having. my OH is already bugging me about "when do we find out what we are having". I just tell him that he was the one who decided it and now he must be patient and wait :haha:
Glad to hear your OH has finally accepted things!! Mine was the same way at first since i found out before i missed af, but since there has been no sightings of her since he is starting to come to terms with the reality of what is going on.

if it werent for my boobs being on fire and the constipation :blush: i dont even know if i would believe i was really pregnant. i haven't been to my dr yet, so i guess until i see my first scan to see there is actually something in there i dont think i am going to feel like a preggo. i know it is early, but shouldnt i be having some more symptoms at this point???

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