I just need to talk...

:haha: good idea hoping!!

Really hoping I can make it to my appt today! My dh KNEW about it for this past week, then last night hes all like "Are you sure its tomorrow??" and I'm like yeeess... then hes all like "Oh I have meetings all day but will try to take you" ugh!!!!! :dohh: I thought it was pregnant ladies with forgetful minds not their dhs!!
ah let us know how it goes AC!!! I'm excited!!
Sandy~I have like....pretty much no symptoms. A little nauseous at times, my bbs hurt at night usually but are better in the morning, a little constipated but not really, I go every day usually, but it hurts sometimes. I am dizzy almost every day...but thats from my sticky baby cream...that I am now weening off of so not quite so dizzy :) no symptoms doesn't necessarily mean anything bad :) I didn't have any w/ my boys, so yeah. don't get too excited, I've read some ladies get it bad starting 6 or 7 weeks....
J~I'm excited for you to test!!!! my fingers are crossed!!!
Sandy, I have almost no symptoms too! I thought I would get them full on strong seeing as I was REALLY naseous at 4 weeks. But maybe I'm already full of hormones so I'm used to it? who knows! :haha:

Gah a little panicing my dh hasn't texted me back so HOPEFULLY I can make it to my appt. If hes here at 12:30 then everythings good, if not then I guess I will hafta reschedule it..
ah boys don't listen!!! they are horrible...mine doesn't listen ever! you have to tell them every day or they say you didn't tell them at all. Thats what mine does...then he gets mad at me for nagging. stupid boys.
So I totally failed about taking a test this morning. I was half a sleep still when I got up to pee and remembered when I was half way done. LOL I think tonight I am going to set the test by the toilet so I remember. LOL
thank goodness I was able to make it to my appt! however JUST got home. the thing took ALL afternoon! Eeek my dh isn't too thrilled about it. Hes back at work and will be late now :(

But anyhow I will explain my first visit, warning its a little long :p

After spending 20 mins at the front information desk on where the midwife clinic is, I swear they looked at me like I had 3 heads!!! So we find the right place, I went to desk B to ask if I was at the right place, sure enough I was but apparently I needed to be at desk C.... walk around the corner to desk C, get registered. Lotsa paperwork, see a nurse and all get most my questions answered though I got a few looks like I had three heads which made me a little nervous but ahh well just a nurse not a midwife. Got my bloodwork taken which HURT not sure if it was a newbie or what but she managed to miss my vein then tried to dig around for it WHILE the needle was in me... um OUCH!! so she finally had to take it out and try again.
Afterwards we decided to track down billings while we were there cause we would really like to be able to budget and stuff right? Ok after waiting like 30-40 miins, its about 3:30 by this time, we go in and see this lady. My was she kinda rude... its like she wanted nothing to do with us, she couldnt even give us a payment plan,however she said it would be 10,000 for a vaginal delivery and that it wasn't even including prenatal care, so she just sent us to medicaid desk which we TOLD her we wouldn't qualify for, so we went through with it, sure enough after 2 questions we didn't qualify. SO we go to the office beside the first lady we saw cause I was like we're not leaving til we can get a real quote. So the 2nd lady was SO much nicer, and actually took time to listen, she got my email address and said she would email me actual figures and such so thats a relief however she thought vaginal delivery would be about 2200.... so now I'm not sure WHAT number is the correct one!

Anyways next appt is jan 31st :)
I can't believe how much it is to have a baby there, holy crap!!! That's crazy! How do people do it! I thought IVF was a lot, I can't imagine having to pay that as well as hospital fees! Sorry for the rant, I'm just shocked!
Hi Ladies!!

Wow, AC, that sounds like a BUNCH of money! Especially since I need to multiply it by either 8 or 13 depending on which country you're from. Ouchie!!

I'm so super keen to O it's ridiculous. Weird, but whenever I'm in the TWW I can't wait to get to the end of it, and when I'm not in it I can't wait for it to start!! Silliness!!

How is everyone doing today?
I know I'm still a little shocked at how expensive it is!! especially since I'm from canada and everything is free!

i know how u feel Plastik... its all waiting for this waiting for that :haha:
Hello ladies!!!
AC~yeah...10000 is waaaay too much for a vag delivery...glad you got that straightened out!!! did you just see the nurse at your appt or did you get to see the midwife too?
J~wth?? don't you know we are all waiting??? LOL crossing my fingers again for you!!!!

so....yesterday I had a horribly bad hormonal day....My oldest came home from school and I had to have a talk with him cuz I got a call from his health teacher. they did this paper on their goals in life, his was "to meet a hot lady in case my girlfriend breaks up with me." he NEVER talks like that!!! EVER!!! I was so shocked, and in talking to him he said he wanted to be cool, his friends told him he wasn't cool enough. Thats where the tears started....all I could think of was how he was starting to do what his friends said and he was going to do drugs and drink and be naughty and I was just bawling telling him he is perfect and cool and if they don't think so then they don't deserve to be his friend and i'm rambling. then I tried to call my SIL to see how they were doing (she had to rebuild after the Minot, ND flood) she was in a meeting asked if she could call me back and I started bawling again!!! wth?? so to make myself feel better, I decided to make some wedding mints. oh it was a horrible afternoon! I feel better today...altho I have some gas that hurts! Ok I'll quit talking now....can you tell I don't talk to anyone about this stuff during the day??
awwww hoping thats too bad :hugs: I've had days like that where all I do is cry. I do blame it on hormones!

Also I haven't gotten it sorted out yet, I'm still waiting for the correct quote. It would be so much easier if we had maternity insurance, but our broker talked us outta it. how odd. Anyways we'll probably hafta budget for 10,000 and just do payment installments.
if you wanted maternity insurance you can go pick it up, being pregnant isn't a pre existing condition, so they have to cover it. just so you know ;)
I have a feeling there was a catch like you couldn't be pregnant for like a year til it would kick in.. but I may be wrong I dunno maybe I'll try asking my dh..
Here in south carolina the individual/family plans don't offer maternity unless its from your company.. they say its pre existing so you have to get a pre existing insurance.
no. pregnancy is not allowed to be a preexisting condition. if thats what they say, turn them in. thats a bunch of BS. I really really really don't like insurance companies....

and if thats what they say AC you should be able to shop for a new insurance....one that offers it right away.
:hugs: hoping, sounds like you had a bad day. Good call on the insurance thing - a lot of people prob don't know pregnancy can't be a pre existing condition. I don't like insurance companies either - they suck!! I hope you get it figured out AC and it doesn't cost too much.
I hope everyone else is feeling good!!
and Jeo - test already!!
AFM - I am cd11 and nothing to tell really - just waiting to O!:coffee:
You and me both, Mas!!! Only I'm only on cycle day 5, ugh!! Oh well, at least I have an appointment with my Gynaecologist tomorrow morning to keep me entertained. AF is only just finishing up for me, so it might be a bit icky down there for the Doctor, poor guy. Oh well, not my problem!! :haha: Then this weekend my brother in law and his wife are coming from Germany, we're having a party at our house for about 20 people on Friday so I've been frantically getting our swimming pool sorted out since it went for a ball of sh1t while we were away in December. Looking good now though. We've also been painting the house which is a mission. We only moved in in August last year and there's quite a bit to do. I'll load a picture for you guys, I'm SO proud of it :D

AC, I def think you guys should look into the insurance thing. It would help so much even if it only paid for half!!

Hoping, sorry you had such a crappy day. Boys are funny, I have a little brother who is only 16 and I worry about him every day. It must be even harder when you are a mom! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about though! You guys sound fabulous and I'm sure that with all the right information and support that you give him he'll make good decisions. He's just a kid, they make mistakes sometimes :hugs:

Jeo, for heavens sake woman, :test: :test: :test: !!! This anticipation is killing me!!
ooohh plastik I bet its nice and warm there *sniff* I miss summer!!

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