I just need to talk...

ah congrats Mas!! thats exciting start bding!!!!

Angel~I looked at walmart today but not too hard, I didn't see one. but I think I might order one. I was telling DH about it, and he laughed at me and pretty much told me I was nuts. they didnt' really have that stuff available when we had the boys, so he thinks its something that only doctors have. I really need to do some research on this for him, it would be nice to hear. but...then again...i only have a week and a half left to wait for the appointment...so by the time the machine got here it would be time to go to the appt anyway. I don't know what to do!!!
Ah Bree, I'm so sorry!! I've lost all of my grandparents and I know it isn't easy :(

Mas, yay for bd'ing! GO GO GO!! :haha:

Hoping, your plum does look super-awesome! SO excited for you guys :D

AFM, I had an awesome weekend with brother in law and his wife who are visiting from Germany. We had a great party at our pretty house on Sat with like 20 people. What a blast! My af was weird this month. I started on the 15th, bled for 4 days like usual, but then spotted for another 4. Completely random. Of course, this paird with the fact that I've had a runny tummy for a week compelled me to poas!! :rofl: :rofl: :bfn: :rofl: :rofl: Anyway, the good news is I finally found a brand of pink dye test that I like over here. It isn't super-sensitive, only 20 milU/ml, but it'll work for me and not too expensive.

So that's my story. How is everyone else doing today?
ah pony....I have taken a test mid cycle before, no worries!!! I know how that feels!!! Glad you had a fantastic weekend!!!

I had a great day yesterday....it was my birthday!!! I'm 32...altho I want to tell people I'm 23 ;) dyslexic bday!! My husband and boys gave me the best present ever...they did the laundry!!! DH asked what I wanted, and thats what I told him!! then he felt bad cuz he didn't buy me anything, and I said no!!! it was the best present and best birthday ever!! :happydance::happydance:
so today i need to get some things done around the house...and hopefully I'll have some energy. :haha:
Oh Jeo, I'm sorry, i figured this was it. Are you usually late like this? I know a lady on BnB that tested for about a month after being late and finally got BFP and was 6 wks pg.
Happy late Birfday hoping!!! Sounds like it was a good one!!

Jeo- that sucks!!! Hope AF shows soon so you can get on with next cycle! Did you get the appt with the fertility doc?
ah J! that totally sucks!! :(

Thanks Angel!! I did have a good day :) and my boys bought me a cake from walmart...it was super tasty...I think I will have a piece in a bit...
oh!! and I'm all done w/ my gross cream!! did I say that already?? cuz I'm done!! hope I don't need it anymore!!
my cycle is so effed up for the first time I can remember, ever and that's freaking me OUT.

I am trying to plan a "get away" for DH and I but not sure when since no clue when i'm going to start!
Sorry about your cycle Bree, hope it all sorts itself out in short order!

So I just got the greatest news that a good friend of mine is pg!!!! She's wanted a kid forever, is getting married in September (which I think is going to be the same month she is due!!!) and they are just the most awesome couple! My husband and I actually played a big role in them getting together. They are going to be such great parents, I'm so happy for them!!

So why was my first reaction this nauseating stab of jealousy? Why can't I shake it? :cry: I feel like I'm a bad person coz I feel this way :blush:
Bree- what is going on with your cycle?

Plastik- I know how you feel and sometimes we just can't help the jealousy. My idiotic brother had the nerve to tell me he was going to get his girlfriend of 6 months pregnant. I just had to walk away! He lives and works in north Dakota and comes to see his girlfriend every 28 days for 2 weeks in Texas so good luck with that! Lol!
Pony~I know how you feel. I think we all do....I think the only person on the planet I would not be jealous of if they got pregnant would be my sister...she has been trying for 15 years!! Other than that...nope. everyone else would receive the "oh congrats!" and in the back of my mind would be the "you f*in suck!!!" its ok, I know people will/already feel that way about mine, and thats ok. I totally understand. its just something thats gonna happen :)

Bree~yes...whats up w/ your cycle?? whats going on??

Angel~the sad thing is she will probably get knocked up right away...and then he will have to try to move them all up there, cuz she will be mad he won't be there the whole time...and trying to find a place to live in ND right now is impossible. The eastern side of the state is going to crap, its getting dirty and nasty and all the things people told us about the town we moved to in wyoming. I love our new town, and want to point and laugh at all the people who tried to talk us out of moving. I don't regret it one bit!! I have no friends, I know no one, but I don't care, cuz my kids are getting the best education I could ask for, and they have opportunities they would never get in our home town. so...that being said....tell him to be careful having a kid in nd...it will be tough on any kid. just sayin. he needs to think about that.

J~excited for your appointment!!! please let us know how it goes!!! we have a soccer game that night, but I will be waiting!!
Hello all!
Bree-maybe it is stress, or the supplements. Having a death in the family can play havoc on a person. I think a getaway with dh is prob the best thing, take care :hugs:
Happy belated birthday hoping! :hugs: to you too,

Plastik, I think we all feel like that, I found out my coworkers 17 yr old is pregnant, 2 ladies at work and my NEPHEW! He is 19 and his girlfriend is 18! I'm happy for him but also sad that it is so easy for some. His girlfriend just recently was treated for cervical cancer so I am happy that at least she can have babies.
I had acupuncture tonight and the dr is very happy that I O early, he said that means things are going good and we are essentially turning back time. We're gonna bd again tonight just to be sure but my opk is faded now. I had some O like pains today though so I'm not sure if I O'd Sunday, monday or today. My boobs are sore so I think I prob did yesterday. Wish me luck ladies, I'm really hoping this will be the month!
Good luck. I have been thinking about trying acupuncture is going to be my next step. My regular doctor put me on metaformin so hopefully that gives me the kick that I need.

In other news, I am totally planning my next tattoo. I am totally in the mood to get tattooed. I just want to move on with this cycle and either get a BFP or AF. This limbo sucks.
I agree Jeo!! Limbo sucks!! I love tatoos, I have 3. What are you going to get?

I changed my ticker to reflect this cycle with the early ovulation!!
Hoping- my brother is immature and can be stupid. He told me he was just joking but I don't believe him. They are having a hard time finding a house in Williston or some town like that. They are going to move in with each other and his girlfriend has never moved outside the state of Texas. So I'm going to pop some popcorn and sit back and watch the show between them. I feel sorry for the girlfriend because my brother is the typical male.

Jeo- I saw that spider tattoo you posted and I liked it!

Mas- hope the acupuncture does the trick for you!

AFM- I'm going to my regular GYN appt for my female yearly. It's a new doc I never seen before but I picked her because she specializes in fertility and has twins because fertility so I figured she would be a good fertility doc and OB doc. I'm going to continue to use my fertilty clinic I go to now but while I'm saving money I figured she would help me get meds till I can do IVF.

I feel guilty and did 5 shots of patron last night! Lol! I was a little over tipsy last night! Somebody look at my temps! They are beyond crazy! I don't know why I decided to temp!

Jeo- limboland does suck!!
Angel~sorry...I meant the WESTERN side of the state...EASTERN side just gets flooded every year... stupid baby brain!!! :wacko: I got it bad! :haha: Anyway...there are a bunch of mancamps there, when we drove to minot I couldn't believe what I saw. Its just going to crap, and Williston is the worst of it, but the whole side of the state is bad. There were people working in Williston coming to the town we lived in to find housing, which is 2 hours away from there, but they were also coming from Dickinson so we had no places to rent, and when you did find something it was a one bedroom pos that was 1200 a month. That is ridiculous for that part of the state. I hope he comes to his senses cuz she will hate it there....just sayin :winkwink: oil towns are not for everyone. I'm so glad we got out of there when we did....not sure why I'm telling you all this...probably cuz I have my coffee in me already...I was up early :coffee: woohoo!!! chatty kathy!!! :happydance:

J~woohoo tattoos!! I have two...I want to get a four leaf clover on my wrist...but I also want to get a ring around my wrist w/ my kids names....super excited about it :thumbup:
Lol! I'm here now and kind of nervous. I don't know why! The lady who asked me all the personal questions really wasn't friendly so I guess it has my nerves a little shook up. I actually shaved for this doctor! That was so nice of me. And can you believe they asked me how many sexual partners I had in my life! Omg pretty personal! Freaks!

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