I just need to talk...

Oh I feel like dying today. Spent the morning crouched in front of my toilet and now trying to get thru work. I guess I am no longer in the lucky club of no morning sickness. This sucks. I hate my OH right now cause this is his fault!
lol morning sickness is good!!! less of a chance of miscarriage...or so i have heard ;)
I took it and still seen a faint line on FRER but I'm beginning to think it was the remainder of my hcg dumping. It seemed lighter. I'm going to test tomorrow cause I have dr appt tomorrow for regular pap smear. It was definately there yesterday and seemed lighter this morning. Sucks!!

Sandy- hormonal pregnant woman- hang in there! Morning sickness sucks! Hope you get to feeling better!
Went for my midwife app today :D I got an ultrasound!!! :happydance: however my scanner is being really stupid and won't let me scan it :(

So we go into to talk to billings and my dh is like "You might remember us we came in a few weeks back, anyways we're expecting uhh... uhh.... umm.... a baby...etc":haha: I was like OMG spit it out!!! I think cause it was his first time saying it so it was hard for him to choke out the words :p but yea the baby was jumping all about.. eeee I'm SO happy!!
I'm dumb... I coulda just taken a pic of it... which is what I just did :)


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I hope your line gets darker Angel!
Glad your scan went well AC!
Ill come to your party Hoping! The lab I work in is freezing half the time and stiffling hot the other half and I hate!! Being Cold! As soon as I get home every night I put my fuzzy house coat on and sit by the fire, lol!
I'm at the acupuncture clinic now waiting for my appt. I have had a bleeding nose on Sunday morn and again this morning and I mean really bleeding! Not usual for me! Sometimes I get blood in the kleenex when I blow because of dryness but not dripping out. Could be a sign I guess, other than that just my boobs are sore on outside, bloated, achy tummy, sore back. AF due early next week.
AC- love the pic!!!! Yay!!!!!

Mas- I had bloody noses with all 3 of mine right before I tested! So hope that is a sign!! I'm not very hopeful this cycle anymore.

DH sent me a text and said he needed a stiff drink that it's been a rough day and asked me to stop by the liquor store. I think he was so excited he saw my test go negative back to positive in one day that it really disappointed him this morning. He never sees the lines but this time he did! On top of that we just found out his dad has stage 4 melanoma and it's not looking too good. So I haven't peed since this morning so when I get home I'll test again and if it's negative I'll be joining him with a drink!
I had to reschedule my appointment with my FS. My husband had a whole bunch of running around for is PO this morning and there was no way I could get enough sleep and make it. So it is next Friday morning at 8 am. I am happy I do not have to wait another month to see him.
Goodluck with your appt! I had to take a break from FS. I have my regular yearly GYN appt tomorrow so I'm going to tell her no more clomid and please put me on femara. I think I've just about had enough to be honest. The new FRERs have totally pissed me off.
There is still no sign of AF either. Ugh...I hate Limbo-land.

That really sucks jeo. Your cycles are too long! You need femara or clomid to regulate them. I know you tried clomid, I hate it too at this point because symptoms get worse but I plan to ask for femara tomorrow.
I did four months of Clomid. I hated it. Apparently soy is not working for me this month. I wonder what the doctor will put me on next. Ugh...it is so frustrating.
Hey Jeo, have you ever thought of taking fertilaid? It is supposed to be great for regulating cycles.
Angel - I agree about giving up on clomid and trying femara - it was way less side effects for me and cheaper, although I also took injections for a few days after the femara which were really expensive. Im sorry to hear about your Father in Law, have you ever read up on wheat grass and its benefits, they say it can be a miracle worker for cancer. i have started taking it as it is supposed to be good for fertility but it has all kinds of benefits for other things too. Look it up.
My acupuncture went well, my dr is very positive that things will work out for me within the next few cycles if it doesn't for this one. My boobs are still sore and I have a bit of a sick tummy at the moment.
Hoping, I have a question first, I don;t think the fruit in our tickers are realistic there is NO way my baby is the size of a lime lol.. maybe my uterus is the size of a lime though.
Also, I'm 11 weeks and 3 days right? my baby was measured at 10 weeks and 6 days... is that normal?
ah AC!! you have a blob!! congrats!! :haha: I have one too :winkwink: and I think its not the actual size of the lime, I think its the length of the lime...like a stick the size of the lime. they should just put in little rulers!!! LOL

Angel~sorry about your FIL...that really is awful. Give your hubby hugs from us!!:cry:

J~I'm sorry.....I wish I could make things better for you!!! want a cookie?? :flower:

Mas~oooo I'm excited to see whats going on with you!!!!

AFM~I have really bad prego brain, so I really hope I got everything right up there....its getting bad. OH! and my appointment is in a few hours with my new doc... :wacko: I hope it goes well!!! I had a dream last night that the new doc couldn't be there, so they midwife took my appointment, heard the heartbeat and did a scan, and the scan was like....a tv of the baby...not sure how else to describe it. I could see lots of hair, and it was a boy... :dohh: maybe because I'm expecting a boy. it was in color and like i was just watching a baby on tv, so weird.
and I just saw the weather...we are going to Denver tomorrow...and Denver is going to get a foot of snow when we are there. a FOOT!!! great...glad we are bringing the truck...aka the tank.... :wacko:
We heard a heartbeat!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I filled out the cards to send people, I decided against the cookies, they wouldn't make it there w/out being in crumbs...and I didn't have time to make them :winkwink: It was a beautiful 160 bpm, strong and clean!!!! I'm so freakin excited!!! :thumbup:

oh and AC~When I had my scan I was at 9+3, and the scan machine said I was at 8+5, so its all good :happydance:
I did want a cookie. Ugh...My appointment is next Friday @ 8 am. So hopefully I will know what is going on.
ah J....I give you permission to totally go to the bakery and buy a bigass cookie :) with lots of frosting!!!
I am thinking chocolate tart. LOL Which would totally go against my diet. I am trying to lose some weight and see if that will help. Plus my regular doctor put me on Metaformin to see if that will help me.

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