I just need to talk...

I was very crampy this morning-was sitting having a tea with my Mum and a few of her friends and I got this awful sharp pain in my tummy - like my guts were being twisted, it took my breath away!! Then it abated somewhat to a dull ache. A little later I had to pooh a few times (tmi) which usually happens the day my period is supposed to start but I don't think it is supposed to start until at least monday or tuesday. Anyway no :witch: yet and cramps have went away with just a few twinges here and there, a little bit of dizziness, super sore boobs and legs are achey and cramp. I sound like a mess, lol!! :shrug: not sure what to think.
I was very crampy this morning-was sitting having a tea with my Mum and a few of her friends and I got this awful sharp pain in my tummy - like my guts were being twisted, it took my breath away!! Then it abated somewhat to a dull ache. A little later I had to pooh a few times (tmi) which usually happens the day my period is supposed to start but I don't think it is supposed to start until at least monday or tuesday. Anyway no :witch: yet and cramps have went away with just a few twinges here and there, a little bit of dizziness, super sore boobs and legs are achey and cramp. I sound like a mess, lol!! :shrug: not sure what to think.

sounds good to me :) Sorry about the pain, how it's a snuggle bean!!:happydance:
Angel that really sucks :( im sorry!

AC happy birthday!!

Mas...GOOD SIGNS!! :)

Afm... We are going back home today...got to ride out the fun snow storm in Denver :)
Got a BFN this morning:( maybe its too early AF is due sometime this week.
I'm really worried about Angel. Sweet girl, if you're out there, can you let me know you're okay? :hugs::hugs:
Angel, I hope your ok :hugs: let us know if you need to talk or vent.
congrats on being a lemon hoping!! :D

And yes, hopefully you're ok Angel!!
The stupid :witch: got me! Did not even feel her coming - sneaky rhymes with :witch:!!!! Oh well, that means I am kinda back in a type of tww (more like 12days) until I get in that fertile window. So in about 10 days we will start the good old :sex: :sex: and more :sex:! One good thing is I am back to a 28 day cycle so I think the acupuncture and supplements are doing something for me.
Hope you are ok Angel and we hear from you soon!
Yep, I am still in Limbo-land. Friday cannot get here fast enough. I just want to know what the heck is going on with my body. I never imagine that I would be wishing for the :witch: to show up. LOL I haven't tested in about three weeks and I am not going to.
i'm going to try to get back to temping tomorrow. CD 11 and all :haha:

D and I are going away next Thur-Sat, jacuzzi suit! We'll see what happens :) i've really ENJOYED not freaking thinking about TTC and hope I don't regret temping again, it's been kinda freeing, but then again, he hasn't even been home during the weeks i've needed him!
Ah Bree! I loved not temping....I really didn't pay much attention the month we got pregnant, and I think that helped a lot! plus I didn't know what my cycle was doing...I did do some opk's but I was so confused by them and my cm that I didn't think I even O'd....crazy!! lots of luck to you!! and have lots of fun on your vaca thats awesome :)

J~your appointment is on this friday? good luck!! i hope there is a secret baby in there for ya ;) or they get something figured out for you!!!

Mas~sorry the witch showed up!! stupid witch...
Ugh......day 2 i am home sick from work. I am really done with this MS thing. I just got up a little while ago when DH brought home lunch (wonton soup). I did get to eat, and so far staying down. It is now only a matter of time as to when the nausea returns :(

At least i had to tell work right off the bat about being pregnant, so they are pretty cool about me being home. I actually went into work yesterday morning after blessing my toilet at home all morning. Well, the only thing that could happen after that is that i walk into work and proceed to head right for the bathroom there to get sick. I walked out and my coworkers were just brutally honest by telling me that i looked like shit, and that i should just go home and rest. Apparently i was quite pale and sickly looking :haha: (the one telling me has a 6 month old daughter, which is #2 for her so she knows exactly what i am going through).

Today wasn't much different, but i called out before making the 30 minute trip in. What to do with the rest of my day other than sleep. At least i have my OB appt tomorrow morning so i can ask my dr what there is for me to do about this. If only i can fast forward to 13 weeks......

Mas- :hugs: So sorry the witch got you. Hopefully your acupuncture and supplements will give you a BFP next cycle!

Jeo- :wacko: That is bizarre that you still haven't gotten AF yet.....i dont think i could have gone that long without testing. Hopefully you will get your answers at the dr!!

Angel- I hope everything is OK with you.....:hugs:

Hoping- Glad to see you are safely home from your trip! I have to say i am currently jealous that you are in your second tri....i wish i was there!! Congrats on being a lemon! :happydance:

Bree- Enjoy your trip next week and lots of :dust: that this will be your cycle!

AC- Congrats on being a plum!! :happydance:
Yep, hoping, it is this Friday. I hope there is a secert baby. That would be awesome. The last few days I have been crampy and my nipples have been on fire. Plus my boobs got bigger a few weeks ago. I just do not know what to think. I want answers.
Hi girls! I have tried not to log on to BNB, couldn't help myself I guess! I have jeo on fb but been hiding my feelings. I read back through the post and started squalling again so I really appreciate everyone of you.

AFM- I'm fine, really hurt. Things escalated around my house to the point I told DH to leave. When I came home today, his stuff was gone. I'm 17dpo and no sign of the witch. All BFN! That's ok I guess considering what I put myself through. I have been cramping so bad but no AF! I'm thinking I might have a cyst, thx to clomid. Might explain my erratic temps and bad hot flashes this cycle. I know they say stress can delay but what from I understand, it shouldn't effect the LP.

Sandy, thx for hearing my total freak out the other night, I think it helped me at the moment to vent.

Jeo- I hope you get answers soon because it sounds like something is going on! As for Madonna, at this point I need a trip away because grinning in front of my daughter right now and faking is a little hard and I need a vacation.

Mas- I'm sorry AF got you, it is such a pisser! Especially when you want something so bad and doesn't happen! I hope and pray you get a BFP before IVF. More like in this cycle. As for getting into my fb, it really pissed me off. His step mom deleted me because of it. It really hurt my feelings. As for BNB he would read mine and laugh and that aggravated me too!

AC- happy late birthday! Hope you had a great one. Being pregnant is like having a 24 hour sleeping pill. I remember with mine my eyes literally wanted to shut and I felt like at times I needed toothpicks to keep those suckers open.

Hoping- Im glad everything is progressing well! Next time, post the ultrasound!leave totinas pizza out and get some applebees! Baby wants ribs! Lolol!

Bree- I ended up stop temping cause my temps was so crazy! I really think I have a nice luteal phase cyst. Has been a while since I had one but definately feels like it. Hope all is well with you. I know you been busy with school. How is that? The thought of going back brings goose bumps to me. Maybe I should do some online classes to keep me occupied.

To all the new ones on this thread, goodluck to you. It's definately emotional roller coaster ride. I couldn't do without this thread!

Love ya!

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