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i officially hate af :)

Morning ladies xxx
Sorry did disappear to try make a baby, hee hee.
It was fun.
Hee hee.
But OH is showing the pressure of it.
First time ever he couldn't finish.
Was tired too but I felt bad for him.
He nearly wants another more than me
Not that I don't but he def does.
Felt bad for him.
But it wasn't even best day anyway
My best day is today .
So lots of coaxing this eve :)

And it doesn't usually take coaxing :)
Think its just mc and babies and tiredness
Wrecking his head
My pic is my cat looking through the window of an envelope :)
I've been asked before but I like the pic :)
I should hve known when he took ages to come to bed
He usually runs up the stairs when I text :)
Hahaha now I can see it xD lol nice pic ^^

Awww it's not easy on them either... hope it works out better today. ^^ maybe he was exhausted from work.

Me and DH have been having problems lately because it hurts too much for me and it Burns too... it's annoying. Hope it'll get better ^^
Yeah we hve to limit some positions cos I get pain too.
His fave hurts me
It didn't used to .
So that doesn't help either.
He is tired, he gets up at 5.30 for work
The poor guy.
Hope he is feeling better today :)

Hope they can sort out ur cyst for u x
Or ur body sorts it out itself, even better
It's like this ttc changed everything.... I hope it does too. Hopefully the doc has some good news for me ^^
I was on the pill fir ten years
Since I've come off it for ttc,
Things hve gone a bit haywire.
Hve increasingly bad ov pain
And few mc.
Think the pill was holding something at bay.
A couple of my sis hve endo.
Not sure if something like that .
Hopefully preg loss clinic be able to check things out for me.
But hoping I'm preg before that happens too :)

Hope ur Dr does hve good news for u xxx
hey ladies <3
just got back from work :)
gonna test opk in a few mins, ill post the pic of it here, hopefully its somehow pos+
same negative lol. no point of posting a pic that will look the same, so.. negative - for now :)
Mine is like urs now Nicole.
Prob pos tomorrow night.
I got my pos at 8 at nght last time.
If I hadn't tested at night I wouldn't hve got it.
Soon for both of us I think .
Hurray xxx
Hey ladies! I haven't read it all but wanted to check in.

Liles- they said my thyroid is "normal-high" and they did a test for autoimmune but it came back negative I think. I only know what the email says lol

Nic- hopefully it turns positive in a day or two!

As far as hurting when bding. One position hurts me too. But then once i started checking cp it only hurts when cervix is low or med-low. So your SOs may be hitting your cervix.
As far as burning (vel I think?)
That doesn't sound good. Have you mentioned it to your doc?

Hope you're all doing well! We're getting on a flight to come home. Can't wait to be home with DH. Someone stole his truck when I was gone so he's been stressed out. Poor guy.
how do you check cervics? :O
never knew how, i knew u could didnt research how to tho ...

and yah i think ill ovulate CD 12-13 , currently CD 10
Mrs green that's good for ttc
My Dr is keeping mine normal but higher end of normal for ttc.
Good call on cervix cos it doesn't always hurt but often does.
But we prob bd more often around ov
And it would be low and open wouldn't it

That's horrible about his truck.
Hope he gets it back or is covered for it xxx
Mrs green that's good for ttc
My Dr is keeping mine normal but higher end of normal for ttc.
Good call on cervix cos it doesn't always hurt but often does.
But we prob bd more often around ov
And it would be low and open wouldn't it

That's horrible about his truck.
Hope he gets it back or is covered for it xxx

yah, just read about it, low and open. honeslty i cant feel my cervix lol, cant tell what am i touching lol, tho i just googled pictures to get a picture of how it SHOULD feel like and i laughed out loud :D i just realised, cervix is a premature penis . lol , looks like a penis tip. :rofl::sex:
also i just reached mine, had to push rly hard to reach it , means its rly high eh? and its firm idk its firm and soft in the same time, but ill take it as firm, and also didnt feel any hole, so i guess its closed . i dont like that. open up and get closer , dont get the AF WITCH attitude ):
I haven't checked often but mine always seems low if I do &#55357;&#56842;
Not really sure I'm finding it to he honest &#55357;&#56842;
I've enough other signs to go on for ov anyway
So I'm grand &#55357;&#56842;
I was on the pill fir ten years
Since I've come off it for ttc,
Things hve gone a bit haywire.
Hve increasingly bad ov pain
And few mc.
Think the pill was holding something at bay.
A couple of my sis hve endo.
Not sure if something like that .
Hopefully preg loss clinic be able to check things out for me.
But hoping I'm preg before that happens too :)

Hope ur Dr does hve good news for u xxx

Oh that's horrible. When I was actually pregnant with my son they found a tumor in my liver and I found out that that is very common for some women that take the pill too long.
But it was shock. I couldn't use anything hormonal after the pregnancy.

Hope the doc has good news for me too. ^^
Hey ladies! I haven't read it all but wanted to check in.

Liles- they said my thyroid is "normal-high" and they did a test for autoimmune but it came back negative I think. I only know what the email says lol

Nic- hopefully it turns positive in a day or two!

As far as hurting when bding. One position hurts me too. But then once i started checking cp it only hurts when cervix is low or med-low. So your SOs may be hitting your cervix.
As far as burning (vel I think?)
That doesn't sound good. Have you mentioned it to your doc?

Hope you're all doing well! We're getting on a flight to come home. Can't wait to be home with DH. Someone stole his truck when I was gone so he's been stressed out. Poor guy.
Yeah I'll be making an appt I think this week again. Because it's very uncomfortable. But it doesn't burn when I urinate... mmh could be anything I guess.
When I look for my cervix all I feel is a black hole of mistery. I don't know what I'm touching down there xD I'd rather do everything else then that. Although the cervix could be at fault for making Intercourse painful. Although I am now dpo 9 what should my cervix doing now?
Did they hve to take it out?
How awfull.
Is it likely to come back?
Hope not xxx
I'm a bit vague on cervix,
But think its meant to be closed and possibly high.
I only read stuff on it once though a bit ago.
So I stand to be corrected xx

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