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i officially hate af :)

no they monitored it a while after i had my son and it just went away thank god. it was a benign one so not that bad but there is a risk of it coming back with hormonal Bcp.. which is why i had a copper IUD in.

And when i do get pregnant again i will have to get it checked out a lot during pregnancy.

Mmmh. well i think its closed and high... There hasn't been any pain in the last time we dtd.. so i will have to feel in there a bit and see how it feels. Maybe i will feel it XD
no they monitored it a while after i had my son and it just went away thank god. it was a benign one so not that bad but there is a risk of it coming back with hormonal Bcp.. which is why i had a copper IUD in.

And when i do get pregnant again i will have to get it checked out a lot during pregnancy.

Mmmh. well i think its closed and high... There hasn't been any pain in the last time we dtd.. so i will have to feel in there a bit and see how it feels. Maybe i will feel it XD

mines like all closed, wouldnt it be funny if i happened to ovulate really early this cycle and im allready pregnant and im still waiting for ovulation? lol .
just thought about it.

anyways my periods are like not too regular, last cycle was 29 days and the previous one was 27 days. before mc it was regular and 30 days cycle.

so im just calculating it as 28 cuz its in-between the 2 previous cycles ive had :) hopefully i get the timing right tho .
Lol could be hahah.. I read only it's supped to feel soft and high when pregnant and only high and firm when ovulating .
Lol could be hahah.. I read only it's supped to feel soft and high when pregnant and only high and firm when ovulating .

WHAT?? it should be high and firm when ovulating ? not low and soft??
That's what I read when I looked it up. I will see if I can find the page again and then I'll link it. And just so I got it right ^^
Ok here is the link.https://www.enkivillage.com/cervical-position-in-early-pregnancy.html

And low is usually after AF.. what did you say your cervix felt like?
ive read when ovulating it should be low and soft, now ive read another one - says high and soft , im so confused.
mine is high, definatly high that i have to push my hand until i cant push anymore- to touch it with the tip of my finger. it feels slippery\wattery - def not soft like the sides of the vagina but also not firm as they say the tip of the nose feels like. its in between firm and soft, and its pretty high . but i couldnt find the hole, so either its closed or i just couldnt reach the hole ?
:rofl: no wonder dh favourite position didnt hurt this time and i could actually enjoy that :D <3
Sounds like you will be ovulating the next few days which kind of coincides with your opks.. I just read a few and they all say high when ovulating low during AF. And it will stay high if you conceived and will go low if AF is coming.
Sounds like you will be ovulating the next few days which kind of coincides with your opks.. I just read a few and they all say high when ovulating low during AF. And it will stay high if you conceived and will go low if AF is coming.

lol just like BBT stays high if pregnant and goes low if not pregnant. great :)

Tho its not soft yet :(
Thanks hun <3
Im heading to bed with dh ;)

Good night for now <3
Cya later :)
I was in bed until my little one just woke up 3 hours ago with earache... now we are still up. He is feeling a bit better thank god but it took a while.
I hate ear aches.. we can't do much for it. :( and he has so many problems with his ears. Hope the referral for that ear,throat and nose doc goes through soon.
Cervix checking just confuses me
I haven't done it enough to know the difference.
Think ill stick to cm watching :)

Hope he is better soon hon
Horrible when they r sick.

Hope the tumour stays away for u .
Must hve been worrying xxx

Nicole if ur cycle can be longer ur prob still waiting for ov
But either way best of luck in getting bfp xxx

We r back in action here.
Hee hee
I know what was up with OH .
He was up for promotion again and didn't tell me
He got it today.
He keeps so much to himself.
No wonder he us baffled by my oversharing at times
Guess we balance each other out :)
oh congrats to your DH. Thats great he got promoted.. I guess work stress can really be a downer on ttc'ing.

Yeah i hope the tumor doesnt come back either. I wouldn't wanna be worried that it might burst when i am pregnant.

Went to the doc and she gave us some ear drops and something for his pain. he is feeling a bit better now so hopefully tonight won't be like last night. I hate when they are sick in a way we can't help them...
Congrats to your OH!! That's awesome news stress can affect the body so much.

Lev- glad you're going to get it checked. No idea what it could be but it came be good. Have you ever used lube?

As for checking your cervix is takes awhile to get used to it. I've found the best is to put one leg on the toilet and bend your knee. Basically it's the wall you feel at the end of the tunnel. Just try at different times of the day and using different things to prop up your leg. Different heights make a difference. Also once you start checking it check at the some time every day, as it can move throughout the day. It doesn't help a lot with Ttc more for fun for me. I was just really curious. Lol
Hugs vel.
Horrible when they r sick xxx
Glad he is a bit better.
Lil dude had tummy bug last two days.
I seem to hve it today.
It's not terrible just annoying .

Thanks Mrs green
People use it to see if preg during tww too don't they?
Well I've seen people say cervix feels dif in a cycle u get bfp.
How y doin xx
Am I pregnant yet? &#55357;&#56842;
Impatient today
Hhaha I feel the same way all the time! "Am I pregnant yet?"

I think people use it but I've also heard it changes after a bfp... Usually not until 13-14 dpo. Kind of like an opk can pick up hcg but usually it happens later and once you've already gotten a bfp. Does that make sense?

I'm doing good! I don't think I've ovulated so that's good. And we bd last night just in case since I had a little ewcm. Got the go- ahead for DHs SA so he'll do that probably Tuesday so I can schedule our appointment. Hopefully before my new cycle starts.
took another opk today at work, negative.
im starting to think i missed it, even if i did ovulate and i didnt know about it, i know we dtd right when bleeding stopped anyways up untill nw with no breaks.

so far BDed everyday ever since cd5 when bleeding has stopped.
im also afraid - what if i wont ovulate :(

am scared :(

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