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i officially hate af :)

Mrs green hope the ewcm does the trick for u.
Id love I OH got a sa done.
Cant see it happening though.
Hoping the preg loss clinic suggest it .
But its unlikely plus no appointment yet.
Hopefully we wont need it cos ill be preggers ��
U too xxx

My bro and sil who had a loss same time as my last mc
Are 9 weeks pregnant.
I'm delighted for them.
They hve had 8 losses altogether
And 5 since their last child.
Gives me hope.
A healthy preg after 5 losses.
Hoping I get healthy one now too

Hope we all do obvs xxx
Nicole hve u done opks before ?
I'm binning the rest after this cycle.
They confirmed my timing but now I'm finding the focus too mych
And not necessary
But that's just me .
Hope u ov hon xxx
Aren't u behind me by a day cycle wise.
I haven't got pos yet.
Very close tonight but not there.
Think ill miss it over night to be honest
U sound covered on the bd front anyway Nicole xx
i just dont feel positive this cycle at all, trying not to think negative and neither positive , just not think about it at all, to not stress myself out.

i just dont get a positive opk, hopefully i will. only have like 2-3 opks left, and theyre expansive here, very expansive, and buying them online will take forever to deliver to me. like a month or so.

so ill just text tomorrow and the next day. also today i reached my cervix , i felt the hole, i wouldnt say it was open but neither closed, like a crack, hopefully itll get open.

why do i have such a negative thinking this cycle - thoughts liek maybe i dont even ovulate and im wasting my time? and im CD 11 - now its midnight so im in the CD 12 now.
my luteal phase before MC was 16 days. now i dont know what it is but probably between 14 to 16 is my guess..
i just wanna ovulate allready and kinda rest from the sex, not that im not enjoying it , but as closer as we get to ovulation day it feels more and more like im only Bding for ovulation, and im trying not to say that to DH so it wont be a turn off for him , so he wont be like "so u have ur own reason u have sex with me" and will think that im not really turned on, and then it will be a turn off for him, i guess, i dont know, it sounds weird and silly when i write it down, it sounds better in my head tho lol
Nic- you're only cd 11. Almost no one ovulated before cd 14. It's more like 14-18 is normal. And you can ovulate the same day as positive opk. Why are you so worried about it being negative? Idk anyone who gets a positive cd 11 or earlier. Have you used OPKs before? If so, when do you usually get a positive?
Nic- you're only cd 11. Almost no one ovulated before cd 14. It's more like 14-18 is normal. And you can ovulate the same day as positive opk. Why are you so worried about it being negative? Idk anyone who gets a positive cd 11 or earlier. Have you used OPKs before? If so, when do you usually get a positive?

yes ofcourse i have.
sometime between CD 11-14 id get a positive. i dont know what is it with me that im feeling that way lol. maybe cause its also not getting darker? maybe even lighter lol
Top and 2nd are CD 9 , 1st taken in the morning 2nd in the evening .
3rd is CD 10
4th is CD 11 today at work.
the first one looks darker than the last one lol . funny :dohh:


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Don't stress girly! Some women always get lines. I'm sure you'll get a positive very soon. Sending you lots of baby dust.
Nic- you're only cd 11. Almost no one ovulated before cd 14. It's more like 14-18 is normal. And you can ovulate the same day as positive opk. Why are you so worried about it being negative? Idk anyone who gets a positive cd 11 or earlier. Have you used OPKs before? If so, when do you usually get a positive?

I agree 😊
Even if u got pos at 11
U might hve long surge that time and not ov until later.
I got pos this morn cd 13.
For me I think that's great
U hve time yet hon xxx
Do something nice for yourself today
To take ur mind off it
Easier said than done
But maybe a massage or meditation or something.
If ur only testing once a day u could mss ur pos.
I test 3 times a day from cd12.
Until pos starts to fade.
I'm sick of poas now though.
Not doin them next cycle of not preg.
They r great to reassure but if they stress
Ur better off without them xxx
I always get lines.
Never had a blank opk
It's just if its darker or not
Are u still bd everyday Nicole
U can skip a day and still be covered.
We skipped yest.
Be happier bd today cos we did
Still plenty swimmers about ��
Mrs Green how u doin hon? Xxx
When is ur appointment coming up.
I'm a sieve head for dates sorry

Vel hope ye r ok xxx
Hope elijiah is better xx
Thing is that theyre not getting darker lol, took one today and still the same. Negative.
Got only 1 opk left, im cd12 today, should ovulate tomorrow or cd 14, hopefully tomorrow, tho underwear felt lil wet today at work. Just a little tho. If tomorrow itll be wet again ill take it as ovulation sign and ill probs ovulate the next day (cd14)
Hey guys ^^ I am super super tired today. Wish I could just take a nap but have a little 4 year old demon to take care of lol.

He is doing much better again and driving me insane.

So checked my cervix today and it's high and soft and I wanna say closed but I can hardly reach it.

I'm 11 dpo today. Still no other symptoms. Bbs are still perfectly fine although have had some weird Tingley feeling a few times.
Nicole.maybe keep the opk for the 14th and bd everyday and then maybe you'll see if it fades that you must've ovulated.
Nicole.maybe keep the opk for the 14th and bd everyday and then maybe you'll see if it fades that you must've ovulated.

i think ill use the opk either today evening or tomorrow noon, cause if i take it on cd14 i might get a false positive , like i allready ovulated but hormones are still high. so i might take it tomorrow noon, ovulation calculator says i should ovulate tomorrow, felt wet a little, today, and also yesterday i had weird feeling in my breasts, tingly-like but not sure cuz i was at work and was moving so i didnt realy noticed the feeling too well but def felt something, and i think i had the same feeling today at work as well, not sure really but i think lol (weird)

i just keep thinking "what if i allready ovulated and i dont know about it" lol, i wish i allready did ovulate cuz i know im covered with BDing lol.

i really wanna take an opk now just for fun :rofl: although i know itll be negative, theres something fun about it. :dohh:

btw - me and dh wanting to move to a new house next month, cause we thought the house were living in currently is abit small and we want a big house as like a "family house" that will have enough space to make alot of mess with the baby's toys and everything he needs. and also enough space and room to run around and play you know?
So im currently looking for a suitable house for us, next month we'll probably move :)
btw i think i can feel a difference in the cervix between 2 days ago and yesterday - and today. its high, i dont know if it can get higher but i think its high lol. and definatly opened a little, i think ill ovulate tomorrow or next day !
Nic- when are you testing (time of day) and how long is your hold? Also, mine stay exactly the same all the time except one day it gets darker. And then positive that night or next morning. So if I don't test multiple times I'll miss it. I suggest temping. It confirms ov. And bd every other day. We bd every other day, no opk the month we got pregnant. Try not to stress. Cd 12 is super early to get a positive I'm cd 16 and I either got my positive yesterday or day (haven't tested but I think it'll already be lighter)
Also, buy wondfo OPKs you get a lot for a little price. Because you shouldn't be running out of OPKs already.

Vel- sorry you're so tired. When are you testing?

Liles- no appointment scheduled yet. Hubs will get SA this week then I'll schedule the appointment hopefully for in a week or so.
Nicole-that cervix sounds promising. ^^ I'd say take it tomorrow ^^
And I agree with temping. It seems more easier with it to know when ovulation is due.

Mrsgreen-my AF is due in 3 days so I will see if the witch comes and if not I will test ^^

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