I'm looking for a buddy!

Yeah. I plan on getting on Soy, AC, EPO & anything else that might help. I have yet to really talk to DF but I think he will be open to vitamins and/or supplements as well. Not sure on the second opinion, but atm I am just begging the :witch: to arrive so we can move through this faster.
Ooo I know how you feel with wanting :witch: to arrive to you can get even started... I'm in the same boat.. :(
I am kinda pissed at the Dr because she still sort of brushed us off IMHO using DF's issue as an excuse to pass us off. We have to wait until I get my period, which could be in like 4 months time with how irregular I am, she could have at least put me on Provera to jump start my period so I can get the fricken xray done and we can go for the consult at the fertility clinic. DF says we should get a second opinion since she hasn't seemed very helpful since the first time we met her. Not sure what we're going to do, but I know we will be doing what we can in the wait for the :witch:.
I would get a 2nd opinion. There should be a underlying reason why your cycles are so long. And your right it does seem like she's brushing you off. It would seem to be since you've been trying to concieve so long they would prescibe you provera and clomid so it would help you guys bd on time.

What is the xray for?

I'm getting a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow.
She told me "Your hormones are fine, you're just not ovulating. Your partner though has a low sperm count. Getting you to make eggs won't be that hard I don't think... but he is the issue." Soooo, in other words, she will do nothing with/for me until DFs sperm count goes up. Which I don't get why she's sending us to a fertility clinic and not referring him to a Dr that can help. When we talked about it he said that she doesn't seem like she actually wants to help and that we should talk to someone else. I am going to call his Nan tomorrow because I guess his uncle had low sperm count and DF told me to just ask his Nan what Uncle did. Aside from that, really thinking about calling my fam dr tomorrow and requesting to be transferred over to the other Gyno... My best friend goes to him and swears by him. He gets things done for her, doesn't push her out of the office. Gurrr! Sorry for the rant, I am just so emotionally crazy atm over all this bs!

The xray is ... well, not sure the technical term, but the pump dye into my lady parts and take multiple pictures of it just to make sure there is no blockages or what not. :s But I will do what I have to do.
Cara > :hug: Im sooooo sorry girl, i know how you feel. It is the worst feeling when they tell you, you're not ovulating but everything seems fine. My DH is on Wellman Conception and im using Pregancare Conception. Its not that expensive considering the cost of multivitamin so maybe you should look at that. www.pregnacare.com/conception. When you read up on the website there is alot of interesting facts on male fertility that will help.

Research a bit on the internet if there isn't a natural equivalent to Provera or ask your fam dr. if he wont prescribe it to you.

Ann > Soy what does it do? is it in a tablet form or how do you use/take it?
Cara I'm so sorry that your Dr. won't give you enough help :hugs: I know what you mean about getting another doctor's opinion... I live in Canada too, and it is hard enough being able to get a family doctor in the first place. I moved to the town I am in now almost two years ago and only just got a family doctor this Feb, so I don't know what I will do if I ever need to get a second opinion.
Thanks guys. I was up until 130 this morning researching vitamins or supplements that help with regulating cycles (Agnus Castus) and that help with low sperm count (Maca). Now I just have to find somewhere that actually sells the stuff. I have been looking online but it all requires a credit card - so I might have to invest in a prepaid one to get them.... but it will be well worth it if they work.

Tella: I will have to check out that website, see what it's about. The obgyn told me that 'my problem' was easy to fix because I just had to make eggs, but that 'his problem' was a bit more difficult - uhm, hello? We are trying to have a baby 'together'! So now she is sending us to that clinic like, at our ages (I am 22 & DF is 21) we can afford that, esp since health insurance doesn't cover it? I think that woman lacks 98% of her brain cells.

Joanna: Yeah, finding a family Dr around here is pretty tough. Even though I moved to another town I kept my family Dr since I have been with her since birth. It's about a 45-50 min drive from my town to the town my Dr is in - luckily all highway driving, but to me it is well worth it. I am thinking (and DF heavily suggests) that I should ask her to refer me to the other obgyn since this one doesn't give us the impression that she really even cares about helping us that much.

Ann: How did your pelvic xray go? Did you get the results back yet? Fx'd that every thing goes good for you at your appointment!!

Thanks for being here for me ladies. I really do appreciate it. xx & :dust:
Tella- Soy isoflavones is suppose to be a natural form of clomid. And you take it just as you would with clomid. Here's a site on it.


Cara- Sorry you've been having a rough time :( And the ultrasounds went great I had one of top of my stomch and then a vaginal ultrasoung. And I won't get results for two weeks :(
Here's a thread I've been going to about soy.

Thanks Ann, I will have to check that out. :)
Well ladies I "may" be starting af. But it's light.. And I'm scared it will stop. So we'll see if it gets heavier!! I hope it does! I bought soy today. But I'm unsure If I was to use it yet with this may being my first normal cycle. And I don't want to screw with it. Maybe I'll see how things go and then decide.
I am going to be picking up some Soy tomorrow... Thought the :witch: got me today, but not, it was like a bit of spotting then gone.

Need to rant. My gyno told me that there was no sense in 'fixing' me because DF was 'broken' and we couldn't get a :bfp: with a low sperm count even if I was ovulating... found this article and decided that Monday I am going to be switching Gynos. Whether I have to go to a whole different hospital or not. I am not leaving something as serious as our future :baby: in that demented ladies head. GRAHHHH. :growlmad::gun::evil: I am suuuuper pissed.

How to Increase Sperm Counts
Hopefully that spotting means af is comming tho! I spotted for the past three days and today is got a little heavier to where I still don't need anything for it.

So I hope the witch comes soon for you! So you can start a brand new fresh cycle maybe trying soy!!

And def. get a 2nd opinion. Especially since having a baby is the future is so important to you!!

I'm also noticing if you google "herbal medicine for sperm count" it comes up with a lot of other good sites. :D
Did the :witch: land full force with you? I am hoping that the spotting, and sore nips, is an indication that she'll be visiting me soon. I have looked all over town for Soy and Maca, but no luck. So I am getting my bff to look in at the natural health food store in her town for them. If not I will just order it offline.

How are things going for you?
Nope still spotting... But it's lighter today. I'm wondering if this is just a SUPER light af. That I don't have to use anything for. Because it's never a flow but it comes and goes in different amounts.. So I'm not sure what going on. But super happy I'm getting some sort of bleeding on my own!!

I hope your af starts soon also! How long have you been spotting for? Also I found my soy at wal mart.
Hey Ladies. Sounds promising with that spotting. I hope you both were able to get your AFs in full force then you can start on a nice fresh cycle.

I'm currently on 5 or 6 dpo today... fertility friend keeps changing her mind. I am fairly sure I ovulated last monday (July 4th) but FF thinks it was Tues (July 5th), either way I'm on that TWW. We BD on Sun night and Monday but got the puppy on Tues so we were too tired that day... so really hoping we caught it this time. I guess we will have to wait and see... I'm going to try and not symptom spot so I haven't felt anything yet.

Keep me posted on how your all doing :)
Looks like you dtd on time Joanna. I really hope you catch that eggy this cycle! When will you test?
I'll probably wait until 12dpo or until my AF is a day or two late. My first cycle I tested on 10dpo and of course BFN, but I thought I was going to be pregnant that cycle so I felt pretty disappointed. So I'm going to try and wait as long as possible to test this time.
Ok so I know I said I wasn't going to symptom spot but I've had a couple of things that are different for me. Yesterday I had heart burn (I never get this) and my right breast was having these strange twinges... not painful but making it tender. I also just went to the washroom and my urine was strong in smell (all I had was a cup of tea). Oh and one last thing... my chart has been all over the place in temp... up one day, down the next.

So I'm sure these things are too early to be feeling at 6 or 7 dpo... but I felt absolutely nothing last month at this time. Any thoughts?

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