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I'm looking for a buddy!

That is a strange combination, but I guess worth a try. Though it doesn't make much sense because if you ovulate then your period would come so you wouldn't need to take them right?

Ok girls I need to vent. I am so fed up with the animals in my house I almost cried this morning out of sheer frusteration and anger. I woke up and the dog had gone to the bathroom all over the place, so I try to clean it up and she is jumping on me getting my work clothes all dirty. The poor puppy had to deal with my rath as I screamed so much at her (soooo not like me!). Then our 5 year old cat decides it is her turn to s**t all over the floor! On top of it all, I went to bed in a mood after coming home to the house in disarray. So I am extremely moody this morning and feel like crap! I sure hope this anger is due to pregnancy, the only thing keeping me sane is thinking that I could be pregnant.

Sorry rant over thanks for listening lol.

I would agree with you having to ovulate to get af!!

Aww I'm soo sorry about the puppy. Let's just say I had the same exact frustrations! But now I love my doggy. For my husband and I. We had the kennel she slept in when she was a puppy or out of the house. And then when she got better we leave he out when we leave the house and she just sleeps in the her kennel at night. I really hope she gets better! :hugs: I bet the cat is thinking why is this dog in my territory! And that's why it did it. :dohh: OOO and btw moodiness is a pregnanct symptom :winkwink:
Ann > I dont know what to believe off the internet anymore. I was looking for stuff on Soy and then i found a whole bunch of other things like Vit B that can be bad for you, to much Vit C also, so now im scared the prenatal vitamin im driking is to strong but surely it shouldnt be????? :shrug:

Joanne > I sincerly hope it is the pregnancy hormones that is taking its toll there however, i would also be livid pregnant or not...lol

Hope everything is sorted out now and that you can relax. How many DPO are you now?

Tella: I agree!! I bought my soy but I havn't used it yet. And I'll prob. wait for a few normal cycles before I try it and a small dose. I heared vitamin C could be bad if he take over the dose that is reccomened. And what did you hear about B?
I've been told by a few people to get a kennel for the puppy... though we are already keeping her in the little bathroom with a baby gate to close her in (rather than closing the door on her). I feel like a kennel and the bathroom are almost the same thing because both are small. So not sure, I might think about getting one soon.

So my moodiness has not completely gone away today... although I am not lashing out at anyone at work like I was at home. I just feel quite down and yuck, I'm hoping the temper doesn't show again as soon as I get home. I will also mention that I rarely get angry and if so my mood is usually back to normal in no time. So this is out of character for me. I'm holding onto the hope that we might have caught that eggy this time :)
Ooo ya I forgot you told me about the bathroom!! That does still work!

I also really hope you get the bfp!! I'm very excited for you to test!
I will be testing next week, AF is due on the 20th so I have a week to wait. Since my period can range from 28-30 days I might try to wait and test next friday... I have no tests in the house so I wont be tempted.

So I got home from work this afternoon and DH had cleaned and on the table were some flowers! I so don't deserve them after taking my rage out on him this morning but he is such a sweetie, definately cheered me up!


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Hey Cara are you still spotting or any sign of af?
Ann: Did your spotting turn into a full AF or did it just stop?

Cara: Any news from those tests you had?

Tella: Did you end up ovulating this cycle and if so how many DPO are you now?

So I was in a perfect mood this morning, until the cat got out on our way out the door to work. So naturally he ran under the deck and we had to wait for him to get out, and we were late for work. Boy was I fuming angry... so I guess the moodiness is still around (3rd day now)... hoping this is a sign! I said I wouldn't symptom spot but I guess I am this cycle lol.
Joanna > Those are stunning flowers!!!!! Love the color of the lilies! Shame girl it seems like every element of your life is testing your patience at this moment.

Nope no OV yet im only CD11 today, did my first OPK and it is still negative but considering that i might have a 32d cycle i might only OV as late as CD 18 so i still have a week to go but i will be testing daily from now on just to see when exactly i OV.

Cara > have you decided on whether or not to go for a second opinion?

Anna > The thread you referred me to relating to SOY, on the first page the one girl mentions B6 having an adverse effect on her LP and then somewhere in the first 6 pages it is discussed again.
Well good luck, hopefully you get that postive OPK soon... have fun BD :happydance:
Joanna- Nope no full AF. still spotting.. :(

Tella- Well thanks for letting me know!! All these vitamins are tricky!
Ann: you've been spotting for quite a few days now, right? Well I guess spotting is better than nothing at the moment, hopefully your body is making some progress.
True. Shows that my body is doing something. Maybe trying to fix itself.
Hey Cara are you still spotting or any sign of af?

Nothing. Not a fricken thing. It was only that one little spotting moment the other day on the TP and then it was like, poof, gone. Made me pretty upset. </3

Joannaxoxo said:
Cara: Any news from those tests you had?

I don't ovulate, but everything checks out fine. Which is good I guess, since I only have to get something that will help me Ov. DF has a low sperm count. My gyno pretty well seems to use any excuse to get us out of her face, she pretty much said she will not do anything for me because of the LSC and that with DF having that - there is not a chance of a :bfp:... so she is going to refer us to a Fertility Clinic in the city - where all of the procedures cost, and can be pretty pricey too. We were furious. I am the main issue if I don`t Ov, because Low does NOT = No sperm. Grah. Every time I think of her I get pissed. lol.

Tella said:
Cara > have you decided on whether or not to go for a second opinion?

I am going to be requesting a new gyno, but I have to wait until my family Dr gets back from vacation - 2 more weeks. I will keep you guys updated on that for sure though!

Joanna: Fx'd that it is a sign... when are you going to test?! I am sure I am not the only one who is waiting (not so patiently) to see if these are all good signs for you! :rofl:

Tella: Hopefully you get a + opk quickly so you can pinpoint when the good day is!! :)

Anna: It would be good if it was your body's way of trying to right itself out. Is there anyway to double check to see if it was AF?
Sorry Cara I had forgot that those were your results. I remember you telling us about them now. Have you decided if you are going to be going to the Fertility Clinic with your OH or have you already made an appointment? I would get pissed if my doctor did the same thing to me... It has to cost quite a lot, it was expensive to go to my dentist a few months back, so I can only imagine. But if the clinic can get you that BFP then it will be well worth it. Good luck.
Oh and I'm planning on testing next friday if AF hasn't arrived. My AF usually comes every 28-30 days (which would be July 19 - 21). Friday will be day 31 and I don't work, so I can be home to be happy or disappointed. lol. I will buy tests next Thurday so I wont be tempted too early lol.
Not too sure. When I went to the dr. and I got my pap smear I told her about the spotting and she said it didn't look like I was about to start af. I'm just ready for this week to pass by so on the 20th I can call and ask if she has results from my blood tests and ultrasound.
It would be nice for this week to pass us by quickly, you can get your results and I can get mine.

How have all your days been going so far? I dont work Friday's so I've been doing laundry and cleaning the house. It is much better for my mood swings to have a nice and orderly home, plus the animals have all been asleep this morning so its been nice and calm. So other than the occasional moodiness, I dont have much other symptoms to report.
Hey girls. So I'm planning on picking up a test tonight to take in the morning. I dont think I can wait until Friday next week, so I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes. I should be about 12 or 13 dpo tomorrow, so hopefully it will be accurate enough.

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