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Hey pink_tinks

Archie sleeps through from about 9pm to about 10am (he loves sleep lol) but he started sleeping through at about 2 months I think when he started sleeping on his belly and in our new flat for some reason! He'd go to bed about 11pm and wake at about 9am so his a good baby! Am sure your lo will start sleeping through soon! x

I am Ellie, age 33 and Anna is my first baby.

Anna was born 11th January by c-section weighing 6 lbs 15 oz.

I breastfed for first 7 days but she lost so much weight and turned out there was very little milk there at all so we mixed-fed for another couple weeks then formula only from when she was about 3wks old.

She used to sleep for about 4 hrs straight at night but dont know whats going on now - last week or so she is waking every 2 hours or even less sometimes - just really restless and throwing her hands around and grunting etc. She dropped the night feed at 7wks old but now she is wanting it back!! I am very lucky that I dont feel sleep deprived or anything and dont mind being awake half the night!


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Hi Ellie!
Sounds like Anna is having a bit of a growth spurt to me.Its amazing how little sleep you can actually live on isn't it?!You don't realise until you have a baby.
Anna is so cute--I love her outfit in the first picture :flower: xxx
i know this was probably a one off but Harriet didnt wake up during the night!!!

i actually bolted out of bed at 5.30 this morning when i woke up to check she was okay lol! i will be over the moon if this is the start of sleeping all night - but knowing my luck it isnt and she will be up all night tonight (good job OH doesnt have work tomorrow, he can get up with her hehe!!)

JEN - when i read you put 'still up every 3 hours' i thought poor you, yous LO's nearly 2!! then i realised what i had just thought and that you also have a baby lol

gosh, think solid sleep has done me more harm than good! :-D
Hi ladies, I'm Lyns & i'm a first time mum to Bella who is 7 weeks old now. I tried to breast feed, but a combination of a hungry, unsatisfied baby, bleeding cracked nipples, blocked ducts etc made me give up. Bella is now a happy formula fed baby & although i felt guilty at first giving up breast feeding, i now feel it's the best decision i made & have nothing to feel bad about. Bella is content & very happy & everyone who meets her agrees. She sleeps really well at night, has a bottle at 8pm, 12, 4 7 then 8am then randomly though out the day.

My avatar is her at 5 1/2 weeks flashing one of her beautiful first smiles & she now doesn't stop! Becoming a mummy is the best thing that i've ever done.
Pink Tinks- Your Lo is adorable!! and HAHAHAHAHAHA I think you might need a few more nights of good sleep ;)
Lyndz- Gorgeous little one you have there! I don't blame you in the least for stopping! Sounds like you had a rough go at the breastfeeding :( Wouldn't it be nice if it was beautiful, natural and easy like it looks? I was a lucky one who had it easy for the most part and I still found it rough at first :( As I said before, As long as you and your LO are happy, that is what matters :)
Thank you!! She's being a lil grizzle bum today! I naively imagined it would be easy i'd have no problems, but life never goes that way. I'm proud i did manage to do it a lil though, i breastfed her directly after her birth & expressed milk up till about 5 weeks, then my supply started to decrease.
Well my Lily who is 2 in a couple of weeks still does not sleep through! Jack goes down at about 6.30, then till about midnight most nights, feed then down till maybe 4? then a feed and then down till 6 where he wants a bit of a cuddle and some stimulation when he gets cranky again and goes down at 7 for a few more hours :)
Hello! :dance:
I'm Anna, i'm 26. My little Oliver is 3 weeks and 4 days now. He's our first baby.
I tried to BF without good result so right now he's full FF as i have no more milk. We started with SMA Gold, then Aptamil COmfort, and today we've changed for Aptamil 1 (he's been sicky recently, suggested to change as Aptamil Comfort may be too heavy for him) Now we have to see how he will do.

(i'd like to put our pict but i don't know how lol )
What r the issues u faced while FFing? We went through colic at a very early stage, then reflux started when Omar was 3 wks old. Had to switch formula several times, & we changed lots of bottles. Now we'r using Aptamil anti-relux formula, infacol & Dr. Brown's bottles.
what a great thread!! I'm Lindsay and I have 1 lo, Poppy, who will be 5 weeks old on sunday. we have been ffing since she was 5 days old, after I completely failed at bfing! we are both much happier ffing though. we started off on sma but changed to c&g to try and combat constipation and colicky type symptoms, which it did! have been using tt ctn bottles since day 1, but have switched to the anti-colic ones in the same range which are helping with wind! shes always had reflux and still has it! infacol helped us a lot, detinox was rubbish and now shes on gripe water!!


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What r the issues u faced while FFing? We went through colic at a very early stage, then reflux started when Omar was 3 wks old. Had to switch formula several times, & we changed lots of bottles. Now we'r using Aptamil anti-relux formula, infacol & Dr. Brown's bottles.

Similar here. Oliver started colics very early, at that moment we were using SMA and dentinox drops, then changed formula to aptamil comfort, after a few days he started to vomit a lot, mw said that might be reflux. Meantime, we've changed bottles from avent anti-colic to dr.browns and dentinox to infacol. Today i've changed formula to aptamil 1, as i've been told aptamil comfort may be to heavy. I wonder how ur baby is reacting for aptamil ar??
I'm going as well to give him gripe water instead of infacol, just waiting till he turns 1 month :)
What r the issues u faced while FFing? We went through colic at a very early stage, then reflux started when Omar was 3 wks old. Had to switch formula several times, & we changed lots of bottles. Now we'r using Aptamil anti-relux formula, infacol & Dr. Brown's bottles.

Similar here. Oliver started colics very early, at that moment we were using SMA and dentinox drops, then changed formula to aptamil comfort, after a few days he started to vomit a lot, mw said that might be reflux. Meantime, we've changed bottles from avent anti-colic to dr.browns and dentinox to infacol. Today i've changed formula to aptamil 1, as i've been told aptamil comfort may be to heavy. I wonder how ur baby is reacting for aptamil ar??
I'm going as well to give him gripe water instead of infacol, just waiting till he turns 1 month :)

He's much better on AR formula, but I dont knw why u dont have it in the UK :shrug: I heard cow & gate stay down is similar, or using a formula thickener like Gaviscon is the same. I tried gripe water, but went back to infacol, worked much better with trapped wind.
i know this was probably a one off but Harriet didnt wake up during the night!!!

i actually bolted out of bed at 5.30 this morning when i woke up to check she was okay lol! i will be over the moon if this is the start of sleeping all night - but knowing my luck it isnt and she will be up all night tonight (good job OH doesnt have work tomorrow, he can get up with her hehe!!)

JEN - when i read you put 'still up every 3 hours' i thought poor you, yous LO's nearly 2!! then i realised what i had just thought and that you also have a baby lol

gosh, think solid sleep has done me more harm than good! :-D

I bet you're feeling great today after all that sleep!!Fingers crossed for you that Harriet will keep sleeping through now.

Well my Lily who is 2 in a couple of weeks still does not sleep through!

So you have to get up at night with Lily AND Jack?Emily,you're a saint,I think I'd be going mad from exhaustion by now :hugs:

What r the issues u faced while FFing? We went through colic at a very early stage, then reflux started when Omar was 3 wks old. Had to switch formula several times, & we changed lots of bottles. Now we'r using Aptamil anti-relux formula, infacol & Dr. Brown's bottles.

The biggest one we have faced was persistent oral thrush in Ophelia.It kept coming bac and we kept having to get more medicine and throwing alll the teats away to get rid of it :dohh: Which got very expensive and a complete hassle! I'm very glad that we haven't had that with Lennon (fingers crossed it stays that way)

Nuke I love that picture of you and Poppy!xxxx
Maajka, your pic is lovely!!! sooo sweet!

Jen, yep have been indeed! been at a farm all day today and all that fresh air has really done me good lol, im ready for bed!!

Our problems have also been colic... i think its soooo common now tho app only 1 in 10 babies get it!! yeah rite... someone needs to get some new statistics.
we were giving Harriet infacol, then got dentinox, but tbh neither of them done her any good. not sure if it was just coinsidence but we stopped giving her stuff and it got better in a couple of days... also got the anti colic TT teats which seem to be okay :)
Thank you!! She's being a lil grizzle bum today! I naively imagined it would be easy i'd have no problems, but life never goes that way. I'm proud i did manage to do it a lil though, i breastfed her directly after her birth & expressed milk up till about 5 weeks, then my supply started to decrease.

Wow! Even one feed is great in my eyes :) The feed after delivery is amazing isn't it? It's such a nice feeling! I was well prepared with this one about breastfeeding as I have a friend whos LO is 3 months older than Kayleigh and she told me so many horror stories LOL... scared the crap out of me!
You should be proud! You did great! :D

what a great thread!! I'm Lindsay and I have 1 lo, Poppy, who will be 5 weeks old on sunday. we have been ffing since she was 5 days old, after I completely failed at bfing! we are both much happier ffing though. we started off on sma but changed to c&g to try and combat constipation and colicky type symptoms, which it did! have been using tt ctn bottles since day 1, but have switched to the anti-colic ones in the same range which are helping with wind! shes always had reflux and still has it! infacol helped us a lot, detinox was rubbish and now shes on gripe water!!

Oh wow! If you and LO are happier FF that is all that matters :) It's rough sometimes though when you can end up having other problems too :(
I love gripe water! Works great with hiccups too :D

What r the issues u faced while FFing? We went through colic at a very early stage, then reflux started when Omar was 3 wks old. Had to switch formula several times, & we changed lots of bottles. Now we'r using Aptamil anti-relux formula, infacol & Dr. Brown's bottles.

Sounds like you had a bit of a rough go...
I went through colic with my son, and terrible constipation, gas and real bad fussiness! I had to put him on a few different formulas before we found the right one for him. He ended up on Alsoy/Isomil, after that he was great!

Maajka, your pic is lovely!!! sooo sweet!

Jen, yep have been indeed! been at a farm all day today and all that fresh air has really done me good lol, im ready for bed!!

Our problems have also been colic... i think its soooo common now tho app only 1 in 10 babies get it!! yeah rite... someone needs to get some new statistics.
we were giving Harriet infacol, then got dentinox, but tbh neither of them done her any good. not sure if it was just coinsidence but we stopped giving her stuff and it got better in a couple of days... also got the anti colic TT teats which seem to be okay :)

Yeah I find so many people are now talking about their little ones having colic :( My son used to cry from 6-11pm every night, non stop :( It was heart breaking and the gripe water and ovol did nothing for him! Once we switched formula to a soy based one, he seemed to calm down some. It's so sad to watch them cry when there is nothing you can do about it!
Hi all, your babies are gorgeous! :D

My name is Tania, I'm 30 and Ruby is my first and currently only bundle of joy :D She was born via emergency section 4wks early due to medical complications and weighed 8lbs 3oz. She started sleeping around 10-12hrs through the night from about 2months old and had to start weaning just before 3months on hv advice due to not putting on enough weight which is down to a mixture of reflux and an over active digestive system. She's a very cheeky girly full of smiles and giggles :D

Here she is yesterday enjoying her first easter at 15wks (she'd been slurping on some stage 1 choc pud lol)

then she fell asleep on me clutching an easter egg as if trying to stop anyone else having it ha ha ha

Here she is napping with her Daddy :)

My precious little lady :cloud9:

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