Introduce Yourself Ladies

:wave: I'm Nic, 25 next month, married to Bee (also 25). Carmen is our first baby, born Jan. 20th. She was fed EBM for her first couple weeks as she never came close to latching on, but my supply dropped quickly and she's been FF ever since. I used to feel guilty, but I know full well there's no reason to and my child is thriving and happy, so screw what everyone else thinks.

We've had some problems with silent reflux (on EBM and formula), but the worst of it seems to have passed. We're using Enfamil Fussiness & Gas formula but I'm looking into switching back to Similac if it has a similar product.

Carmie about a month ago:
Hi Nic!I love the name Carmen,its gorgeous!I'm glad the reflux is passing :hugs: xxx
Tania your pictures are brilliant!Did you take them yourself?I especially love the Easter egg one xxx
What a great thread. I'm 32 and have one little girl, Lily. She was born on 10-01-10 weighing 7lb 6oz. I always intended to go as natural as possible for labor and after... Instead, my home birth ended up in a C-section, and my breastfeeding ended up as formula feeding! I learned right from the start that little ones have a way of putting their own spin on the best laid plans. ;)

Lily was breastfed for the first week or so, but my nipples became extremely damaged, to the point that I would cry when feeding because it was so painful... In fact one of the midwives who visited got tears in her eyes when she saw them! (That gave me a bit of a wakeup call as to how bad it had gotten... I think I was just in such a haze, recovering from the section, on painkillers, anemic, etc.) DH finally insisted that we use formula temporarily so that I could heal, and I gave in - it was a slippery slope, and as the days passed I just could never get back to proper BFing. I tried to express for a while, but I couldn't keep up with that and my milk supply dwindled to the point that it wasn't worthwhile trying to express.

No one has made me feel guilty about it, except myself. Breastfeeding was just something I really wanted to do, and there are times when I still feel really bad about it. But, intellectually I know we are definitely happier this way. There was so much stress, pain, and exhaustion for all THREE of us when breastfeeding... Very suddenly, with a bottle, we could all be satisfied, rested, and happy. And I have no doubts that an FF baby can be just as healthy and intelligent as a BF one; DH was FF and he's one of the smartest people I know. ;)
So sorry to hear you had such a hard time coming to FF Sekhmet :hugs: My planned home birth ended up in an ambulance ride to hospital,so I can sympathize with you on that!I am glad you're all so much happier now though and you really have nothing to feel guilty about.
Oh and the outfit in the 1st pic is lovely,where is it from?xxx
Hii :flower:

Im Jess 20 and mother of Lucas born 16th Jan 2010. Was planning on breastfeeding but Lucas didn't take to it so ended up formula feeding. I'm quite glad it ended up that way in the end as I was ill after the birth and it meant I could get a bit more help if I wasnt feeding myself :thumbup: x
Thank you, Jen. :)

Oh and the outfit in the 1st pic is lovely,where is it from?xxx
I got it from H&M. I love it - I want to go back and hopefully get it in a bigger size, because she was only able to wear that one for a couple weeks!
Ah yes I thought the vest looked similar to some of the H&M organic cotton vests we've got for Lennon!
Thank you :flower: xx
hello my formula feeding friends

how we all doing?
Bit of a random post... Harriet's been a bt gippy the past couple of days but its not like normal liquid sick, its kinda like curdled milk?! Any info / advice on this??

Also, wanted to show off some pics i had done :)

Kym, Jake & Harriett - March 2010 003 2nd.jpg

Kym, Jake & Harriett - March 2010 017 2nd.jpg

Kym, Jake & Harriett - March 2010 087.jpg

Kym, Jake & Harriett - March 2010 052 2nd.jpg

i have like 12 million more but its taking aaaaaaaaages to load lol! x
Beautiful pictures :thumbup: I love the first one.

I wouldnt be too concerned about the sick hon unless Harriet doesn't seem very well..Just keep an eye on it :flower: xxx
Aww Pink_Tinks them pics are gorgeous. Harriet is so cute :)
sorry no advice on the sick tho
thanks :)
i cant stop looking at the pics lol!

well im going clinic tomorrow to get the lil munchkin weighed so i'll mention it, not that they will prob give me any advice or anything, the HV's are pretty shite!

also, i have just realised that the one night Harriet slept thru was April Fools... she hasnt done it since the lil madam!!
Tania your pictures are brilliant!Did you take them yourself?I especially love the Easter egg one xxx

Thanks Jen, I've lost count of the number of photos I've taken of my lil girly :) lol, she seems to give me new reasons to get the camera out every day! :thumbup:
thanks :)
i cant stop looking at the pics lol!

well im going clinic tomorrow to get the lil munchkin weighed so i'll mention it, not that they will prob give me any advice or anything, the HV's are pretty shite!

also, i have just realised that the one night Harriet slept thru was April Fools... she hasnt done it since the lil madam!!

What did the HV's say about it hon?
And :rofl: at only sleeping through on April Fools day,you've obviously got a cheeky one there ;) x
Thanks lullaby :)

Jen - well, she said shes fine... Harriet also has a rash which i asked about which she said was dry skin so put aqueous cream on it...

today i took Harriet to the walk in centre coz im not convinced at all that she is normal, and the nurse said she poss has a viral infection!!! fookin health visitors!! been told to give her calpol and keep her feeds up and give her water, and to use aqueous on the rash to help it go down. if there are no improvements to go back on Monday.
I am furious, absolutely furious!!

on another note, she hasnt been as sicky today :)
:wave: Hello, late joiner here!

I'm Katie, 27, Chloe is my first. I intended to BF her but had problems from the beginning, I managed a whole 1 day in the hospital then had to change to bottle feeds. I had always intended to BF then combi feed and then fully bottle feed when I went back to work so I was quite happy to just bottle feed from the off instead.

Here is a pic of Chle being bottle at 1 week old and then by my friend at around 23wks. Oh and another just for fun!​
I'm Kerry, I'm 34 and Hollie is my 3rd baby. My oldest 2 are 19 & 15!

I combi fed up until 2 days ago and my milk has now (I think) dried up so fully FF.

Not got a clue how to upload pics on here!
:hi: mind if i join?
i'm anna, i'm 17 and my little boy noah is nearly 6 weeks.
BF for about 2-3 days in the hospital but it was a dismal failure, my nipples were sooo sore and i couldnt hack it anymore, we were both exhausted and crying the whole time :nope:
so i switched to formula :D
noah has really really bad colic atm :( he screams all day and all night... last night he was up at 3am and screamed right through to the morning when my dad came in and saved me by taking him to sainsburys..
night before it was the same but he woke at 1am and was crying through til morning!
doctors have said nothing is wrong and to wait it out :nope:
he's on aptamil atm, have tried aptamil easy digest (too thick & made no difference) and infacol, dentinox and gripe water.
after hearing quite a few glowing reports im thinking of changing to Cow & Gate Comfort when i finish the current tub of Aptamil :thumbup:
really hope it helps, im going out of my mind...
anyway sorry for rambling. nice to meet you all :D

so... whos babies r sleeping all night?!
Harriet's 9 weeks, and feeds at 7, sleeps till about half 1, feeds, then sleeps till about half 6 / 7

i want the night feed to stooooooooooooooop lol
...i wish! :haha:
i would kill for that routine, noah feeds at roughly 11pm, 2am, 5am & 8am, but wakes about every hour :dohh:

This is Noah :D:
aahhh anna hes gawjus!!
Harriet had colic too and i used infacol and dentinox which he hated! i stopped giving it to her and within two days she was fine... now it may have just been coinsidence but not sure!
Do you feed him on demand or have a routine?

we've now had a whole week of Harriet sleeping 7-7, OH has just said to me 'isnt our daughter just amazing' i replied with 'yeah but dont get too excited, she will prob have a growth spurt now and totally change!'

just waiting for her to wake up now... dum d dum! Going for our first swimming class today.... sh*tting it doesnt even come close to how im feeling lol!! im more nervous than when i went into labour..!

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