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Is this normal?

Every day! I get tired just thinking about that lol Around O time we're every other day and it usually works out to about 7 times in a span of 2 weeks. It's exhausting. Half the time I'm just like, please just be quick so I can go to sleep haha
Another question for you ladies.. And possibly TMI lol. So after BD'ing is it best to lay down, or maybe wait a while before "cleaning up"? Because whenever I stand up after BD I feel like it all leaks out??

I have heard of some woman using a softcup/diva cup after BD to keep the swimmers closer to the cervix since most will die after only minutes in the vagina.
I usually lay there for like 5 min from what i understand the ones that will make it and live will be where they need to be by then but when trying for son i did the softcup thing and i would wear it like an hour afterwards and when i took it out it would still have some in it funny thing the month i conceived i didnt use it lol
I usually lay down for 5-10 minutes. Sperm can swim 1/4 inch a minute or something like that. Yes, I looked it up lol
Any healthy sperm will get in the cervix within a few seconds.No need to lay still for more than a minute.
I usually lay down for 5-10 minutes. Sperm can swim 1/4 inch a minute or something like that. Yes, I looked it up lol

Literally made me LOL! 😂😂

Hannah, I usually lay there with a pillow under my hips. And that leaking feeling.. omg.. yeah I know that feeling too haha "oh nooo! All the potential swimmers!"
Hi Newbie! I wish you luck and I hope your ttc journey is short. In the meantime, we would love to symptom spot with you lol:haha:

Wanna, babydust!!! For me, enetering the tww is bittersweet lol because now you can just sit back and wait buuuut I'm always worried that I could have done more.

Looks like Gina and I (Or possible just me) are the only ones still awaiting to O.

Question, lol. So my husband and I BD like every single day even when I'm not in the fertile window (yay to being young and horny:rofl:) but do you think that's actually hurting my chances of concieving?? My doctor said that with him being on 22 it's not a problem, but how can it not be?? Would love to hear opinions on this.

Well today im about 5/6dpo & the cramps were gone all day until just now and tonight it was a dull ache on the left side (not the right as usual) & mild pain in the middle of my uterus .
Yes gina, I should O on cd 18. Last cycle was cd 20 that I O'd and I had a 13 day LP last cycle. So I will be expecting AF or a BFP by the 28th!
Love that we could all possibly be getting bfps at christmas!!

As for me i could be anywhere from 1 - 3 dpo nothing as of yet except i still feel very wet but its not like ewcm its thinner and white not as thin as watery though dont have the right word for it
Wanna, white CM can be from increase in progesterone so thats a good thing. I had that last cycle from 2-4 dpo
Speaking of CM...I'm 8 dpo today, CD 23 and I've had creamy CM up until now. Not a ton, just a bit when I wipe...today it's dried up. I always interpret this as meaning I'm out. I feel like when I was pregnant with my DD I had super creamy CM and it didn't go away. But I don't know for sure, because I didn't notate my CM on FF back then. If you Google, of course, you find that lots of people get BFPs with dry CM. But if you add that to feeling absolutely nothing, just means I don't have a good feeling about this cycle again. I think I'm just permanently broken. I'm already preparing myself for AF to get here right before Christmas. So frustrating.
It's always hard to resist googling and symptom spotting. You're not broken!! Do you have any other symptoms other than cm?

I usually just prepare for AF anyways to prevent any huge letdowns. Heck, I'm still testing my OPKs. I was going to pick up those clearblue ovulation tests Hannah was talking about to see if I'm in the window at least -- which, when CP mentioned my OPKs results.. she said it looked like they're progressively getting darker. :shrug:
Pretty sure I am broken after this long...to have had a good follicle, taken a trigger shot and then nothing...2 cycles of Femara. I'll keep going with the Femara as long as my doctor will let me but we can't go anywhere beyond that.

The only additional thing we'll do next cycle is add a SA for hubby to make sure his swimmers are good. I'm 99% sure he's not the problem though.

I don't really have any other symptoms at this point. Slight cramping, which I've had all along, and periodic tender breasts but nothing severe. I feel absolutely nothing this cycle. Less than last cycle when I was just reacting to the increase in progesterone. Confusing!
I also have to say I'm really frustrated with my dumb body and temping this cycle. It's the first cycle I began temping from CD 1 and for some dumb reason I keep waking up between 3:30 and 4:30 and it's not consistent but I end up taking my temp then because I'm afraid I won't get enough consecutive hours of sleep after that (alarm is set for 6:40). Why in the world is my body waking me up at that time?! I feel like it's creating wildly inaccurate temperatures so I can't really rely on my chart at all.
That's the reason why I don't temp. Just the inconsistency of my sleep patterns. How long is it until you can temp? After 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep?

I'm not having ANY symptoms all cycle and I'm currently CD16. It's so confusing and frustrating :wacko: Braven--are you currently on your 2nd or 3rd cycle of Femara?
I think it's at least 3 consecutive hours of sleep. I think my body is doing that because it KNOWS I need sleep and is trying to sabotage me haha I didn't have any trouble temping for my DD but that was before I had so much going on i.e., a child that sometimes gets up at night, sleep deprivation, cats in bed with us. This time around it's proving to be a lot more difficult.

This is my second cycle of Femara. Last cycle we did 2.5 mg and I was unmonitored. This cycle we went up for 5 mg and had a follicle scan on CD 13.

Our plan is to do one more 5 mg cycle and then up to 7.5 mg the following cycle. I was hoping the doubled dose this cycle would bring good news. I guess the big follie was good news but it makes me nervous because at CD 13 it was verging on being too big...if I keep producing them that big I may never have a viable egg.
I wouldn't say your broken. My best bet is that you weren't ovulating prior to the femara. This was probably only your second time ovulating in quite a while so hope is not lost! It's going to happen for you. If you are having a different tww than last time then I would consider that a good thing since last cycle was bfn.

Can someone look at my chart? I expect to O sometime today but my temp dropped pretty drastically. Is that normal??
Hannah I'm pretty sure a dip like that is indicative of O day. You'll only know for sure if you have 3 consecutive raised temps after today. I'd say that's a pretty good dip though and probably means today is O day.

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