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Is this normal?

Braven sorry your feeing so down but i totally get it as long as it took to conceive our son i had many months feeling like there had to be something wrong with me but dont do that to yourself its not fair to you and only adds tons of negative things to your body you dont need when trying to conceive its only 2nd cycle with me femara so you still could easily get that bfp i truly wish i would have kept more notes about my tww when i conceived so i could reference them and share them with all of you but i didnt cause ljke always assumed it was a bfn month. As usual i dont really know what dpo i am but still early so not much to report noticed sensitive nipples but thats nothing new get that lots of months
Also cwrvix very soft with alot of that slippery white cm
Thank you Wanna :)

Hannah, if you look around, most doctors consider anything over 25 mm to by a cyst or "over mature." Mine was 29.1 mm 2 days before I O'd, which meant it could have possibly grown 1-2 mm a day after I triggered.

I did speak with someone on here who said that she conceived all 3 of her children with follicles over 30 mm, but generally follicles that big aren't good news. I'm only taking solace in the fact that my doctor didn't seem concerned at all and she pretty much tells me like it is.
A coworker just told me she's expecting. I'm happy for her because she's been struggling and had a loss a few months ago.

Still stings a bit though. :(
I'm sorry, Braven. I know the feeling. Its like one pregnancy announcement after another on facebook these days. I'm so bad, honestly sometimes I unfriend them because I just can't stand to see it.
Totally understandable to feel a little sadness when you see or hear an announcement
Can you lovely ladies explain the whole thing on CM ? LIke i said this is my first time ttc, and im still very new to everything . What does CM have to do with pregnancy or AF ? And i saw you mention your cervix being soft and wet etc , what does that mean ? Lol i feel silly asking these questions !
Newbie, I don't know a lot about cervical position but cervical mucus changes throughout the course of your cycle. Usually after AF you have little to none then it changes to creamy/water before you ovulate. Ovulation should bring ewcm (egg white cervical mucus) or watery (ewcm is ideal). Once you ovulate it changes to creamy and then generally dries up right before AF comes. As for position, I've never been able to check mine but if you monitor it regularly it's supposed to help tell you where in your cycle you are. Maybe other ladies can shed light on that :)
I am still learning alot about cp also but doing it daily im noticing more of what is regualr for me in my cycle that way maybe i will notice a change if its lucky enough to be my month to conceive. From what i read your cervix getting hard at end of tww is usually af staying soft is usually a good sign of bfp but it can takes weeks to change so not always a great tool

Alot of women notice they keep alot of cm all the way until bfp anf after and most will dry up a few days before af so having alot all the way through the tww is usually a good sign
Thanks ladies i really appreciate it . I checked my cm today and yesterday & i have a like sticky white cm ? Not sure if this is a good sign or not , but its like wet down in there, it doesnt feel like the cm is drying up because its wet so idk if this is a good sign or a sign of AF :(
CM is as follows for most women: After AF is done you may be dry, have sticky cm or creamy- all normal. Leading up to Ovulation( Anywhere from a week before to a day or two) you cm should change to watery(fertile) or EWCM (Egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile). After ovulation you may have another day or two of watery or EW, but you should switch to either creamy, sticky(tacky) or dry after ovulation and up to AF. Some may get a little ew or watery CM in the 2ww, usually towards the center of the 2ww.

Dry=little to no cm, if you have some it is "crumbly"
Creamy= white, off white or clear but have an almost lotion like feel
Sticky/Tacky= Feels like drying glue, sticky but without much stretch at all
Watery= clear or whitish but consistency of water or close to it
EWCM= usually clear or off white, feels slippery, smooth and generally can stretch between finger an inch or so.

Hope that helps.
CM is as follows for most women: After AF is done you may be dry, have sticky cm or creamy- all normal. Leading up to Ovulation( Anywhere from a week before to a day or two) you cm should change to watery(fertile) or EWCM (Egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile). After ovulation you may have another day or two of watery or EW, but you should switch to either creamy, sticky(tacky) or dry after ovulation and up to AF. Some may get a little ew or watery CM in the 2ww, usually towards the center of the 2ww.

Dry=little to no cm, if you have some it is "crumbly"
Creamy= white, off white or clear but have an almost lotion like feel
Sticky/Tacky= Feels like drying glue, sticky but without much stretch at all
Watery= clear or whitish but consistency of water or close to it
EWCM= usually clear or off white, feels slippery, smooth and generally can stretch between finger an inch or so.

Hope that helps.

Im 6/7 dpo , & ive checked my cm only twice today & yesterday & both days there was like a sticky/tacky cm. But theres like plenty of it . Thats why i wasnt sure if it was a good sign or bad sign . I have little knowledge on cm ! Thank you ladies forreal !
Cm can be a good sign or mean nothing in the 2ww... it's a very individual thing, but general consensus is more cm is a better sign than less :dust:
Braven, if this cycle is BFN due to the follicle being too big maybe next cycle you could get another u/s and trigger before it's too big. I'm worried now that maybe my follies are possible too big as well. Lol just another thing for me to stress and obsess over. Yay!
Well the cramps are here today , about 5mins ago i was cramping , but this time it was on the right side , and i mean the cramps felt like a pulling cramp thingy lol , but once i rotated my position it slowly started to chill down , right now i have none , but i wonder how long that'll last !
I haven't gotten the bill yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be paying for the U/S for the next 4 months or so...so not getting montored next cycle unfortunately
Dang. I'm sorry to hear that! Well, if your Dr. wasn't concerned than I'm sure its fine. A big follie is better than none.
Ahh guess it could be worse with no infertility coverage. $225 for the U/S and $100 for the visit

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