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Is this normal?

Wanna, how exciting! Now you have something to possible base your cycle off of. I am keeping a notepad and literally writing down every symptom I have so I can compare and hopefully get some more insight on my cycles as this is only my second time O'ing in like 4 years. Plus I didnt pay attention to that kind of stuff when I was 16 lol
Braven, I'm a fan of unisex names too. I like Charlie, Skylar, Taylor, Morgan and I also think the name Carter is awesome for a boy or a girl!
Yes i will def be keeping a eye out for that back pain i do remember is was my lower back
So far havent noticed much today just tired irritable and constantly feel wet but at 4 dpo thats early so probaly isnt baby related
Haha, that's funny wanna! Coming across an old post that you commented on. Welp! Keep a look out for all of it! What else did you say you noticed back then?
I had my first pregnancy dream this cycle, last night. Ohhhh boy, so it begins.. xD
Good morning ladies. I'm suuuper crampy this morning. If I wasn't only CD 24 I'd say AF is going to show today. Would be weird if my cycle was shortened like that. LP definitely wouldn't be long enough. But yeah, I actually went to the bathroom expecting blood. Weird too, my chart is kind of on a downward trend at the moment, which generally doesn't happen until 2 days before AF or the day of. It's an odd chart, although as I've said, not very reliable at all.
All of a sudden, I started feeling.. unsure. Like this isn't the cycle. This is annoying :blush:
Braven, I had pretty bad AF cramps about a week before I was actually due. Fingers crossed that AF keeps her distance. The Femara sure seems to play tricks on our bodies.

Gina, pg dreams are great but, honestly, they always leave me with a sort of empty feeling after waking up. Did you get that POS OPK yet? Last cycle I didn't get a pos until cd 19 and O'd on cd 20 so there's absolutely still hope.

Today, my temp did go up but not as much as I was expecting. It is more than .5 degrees higher than my last temp but not .5 degrees higher than all my other temps? This is obviously my first time charting and I'm confused, to say the least. I know you need at least 3 high temps for FF to confirm O, but is it looking promising to you ladies?
I haven't tested since yesterday evening. I've been testing every day at the same time (4pm after a 4 hour hold). I also picked up the clearblue that you mentioned.. wish I would've brought one to work with me so I didn't have to wait so long! :doh:
Braven i have always read cramping is a good thing in the tww so i hope it is for you especially since its happening way earlier than usual in the cycle. When did you say you would be testing again???

Gina dont get down already we are all very much in it still. I didnt say a whole lot in the thread i found the biggest thing i was going on about was waking up with a stuffy nose and sneezing and a constant lower backache for a few days seemed like it started around 6 or 7 dpo and i got a pretty strong positive at 10 dpo wasnt a squinter

Hannah i totally agree about the pregnancy dreams when i wake up from one i def feel more down than up
I know i shouldnt be symptom spotting like this already but i have been having pains in both ovaries since super early this morning more painful on left but im pretty sure i ovualted on the right also starting to feel some lower back pain i know i shouldnt get excited but i am a little also woke to a massive canker sore in my mouth
Every little difference calls for symptom spotting! haha I imagine googling "canker sore 5dpo" and spend 1 hour searching for that.

It's hard not to resist! This AM I was like.. hm.. any CM? Wait.. is that o pain or is my stomach really, really THAT hungry.

Does o pain still occur after ovulation?
I dont know i think it probaly does but the pains im having on left side are strong and pretty painful and sadly i did google the canker sore thing!!! 😂
I'm awful. Couldn't help myself and tested with a cheapie. Of course bfn, so, yeah.
Hi ladies, so update. Also--do we really have to say 'tmi' anymore? I feel like.. if we're googling every little thing.. we kinda expect to see every little thing there is to find lol just in case.. tmi

I did take the clearblue opk and it was a negative. The easy @ home strip is more faint than the ones in the picture I posted a few days ago. Bummer.

So yesterday, when I said I noticed ewcm it was 1) when I wiped (just that once in the evening) and 2) when I checked my cp right after. When I checked my cp, that's when I was like 'woah, this is legit ewcm that you see in the educational sites when googling and such.' Like, it was spot on description.. stretchy, about 1-2 inches, clear but semi opaque (pretty much clear mixed with a milky hue to it)

Then today, not too much of anything. At one point, I felt what seemed like a small leak but when I went to the bathroom.. just one tiny, tiny wet spot on my underwear but not wet when I wiped.

And.. that's that. Just seems pretty dry and scant. All day yesterday too, except for that once in the evening with the ewcm and opk was still negative (even the clearblue)

Throws me off.. so, so confused. Gah!
A few hours after i posted the cramping i got some severe cramping on both sides and muddle plus went aroumd to back could even feel it in lady parts lasted about 30 since then i feel very tender inuterus area also my face has been bright red flused all day even dh said something this is turning into a crazy cylce

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