IUI and Femara

Washed sperm live on average 24-72 hours after IUI in the uterus...so some of the swimmers were still in there today. With timed intercourse, as long as you have good cervical mucus and no other problems (some people's bodies attack sperm before it can reach its destination) the sperm should be able to swim through the cervical mucus to the fallopian tube where fertilization occurs. An egg will ovulate about 36 hours after the trigger shot. It is able to fertilized for about 24 hours. SO, you have sperm on board from yesterday, waiting in the fallopian tube right now from your IUI. Your Timed Intercourse happened today, also, and that sperm has 24 hours to reach the fallopian tube to fertilize the eggs. This is GOOD! I would say you have a good chance as long as your timing was right (when did you trigger on Wednesday?) and you have fertile CM. FAST SWIMMING SPERM (usually y chromosome sperm, so boy makers) CAN MAKE IT TO THE FALLOPIAN TUBES IN A HALF HOUR! GOOD LUCK! If you had a trigger shot Wednesday, you will probably be ovulating right now, and you have sperm waiting in there to do its job! Do you feel any cramping or twinges when you ovulate to let you know? I am experiencing it right now, along with (TMI) bad rectal pain. This is how I know I am ovulating. Can't wait til November 27 for us!
I have a question ladies and a bit frustrated at this moment. I did Ovidrel shot Wednesday night at 8:30pm, did iui yesterday at 10:40am about 14 hours after. Today I didn't get to do my second iui because of an emergency DH had. so my nurse told us to do TI which we did at 11:20am about 39 hours from Trigger shot. I think I got it covered but so nervous it wont work. any comments?

I think your bases are fully covered! In my case, despite MFI, it was a TI cycle that worked. I think it's good that you were able to do both iui and TI this cycle! I am optimistic for you!!
@sassy your right I'm just so overwhelmed lol I get so dramatic when things don't go as planned but as my nurse was explaining to me I should be ok

@stephanie thank you so much for the break down. It's just as I read and I sure will be BD tonight as well. And oh yes I'm having the pulling and sharp pains as usual when I O .I also get pain especially when I sit down so I know what you mean. I can't wait for us to share our results wishing you all the best of luck
Hey ladies!!! Went for my scan Tues and had a 26mm follicle and a 14mm (I think)! Triggered Tues night and am 1dpo today! Sounds like we are all around the same dpo!!! When are you all planning on testing? I'm planning on testing thankgiving :) sorry haven't been on in a little bit. My niece was born wed so it's been a bit crazy around here!
@Brandy_R I decided to test the morning after thanksgiving unless AF shows her face first. Good luck to you
Thank you, iloveme! Did you O yet? That's awesome were so close in our cycles! Gives us all the same thing to talk about! 2 dpo today! 12 days to go haha! It's actually going by pretty quickly already. I find myself looking up symptoms already and I REALLY need to not do that! I need to slap my own hands haha
@Brandy yes I did , did iui on Thursday and timed intercourse on Friday so I will be testing the 27th

I promised not to symptom spot this round just like before I got pregnant last time. I'm just going to stay busy take my suppositories and prenatals and test the 27th. Praying for us I hope it's our month
@Calinina any update on your results? I'm rooting for u hope this is it
Are you taking progesterone? I have some left over from an injectables cycle and thought about using them. They didn't say to take them but was thinking it might be worth a shot
Yes I have left over and requested more. I know from my mc that I need it so take it twice a day until I test
Ok, well that's good that you know and can do that to help prevent that from happening again :) I don't know if I need it because I had an ectopic but it won't hurt to take it even if I don't need it right?
@Brandy yes it's not harmful to take during the TWW it helps your lining
@cali... Any news on the retest? Fingers crossed for you!!
@loveme @cali I took a test yesterday and today and the line was very very faint yesterday and non existant today and I'm starting to feel AF cramps..I was really depressed yesterday because I REALLY thought I was pregnant. I actually got really sick with a cold last weekend and had to fly to DC to help my aunt who is going through chemotherapy and I feel like maybe the combination of me being sick with a cold and taking medicine and flying could have interfered with this cycle. My temp was really high before I flew out to DC (99.2) then dropped when I got to DC the next morning to 97.9 :( ugghh we'll see..
@Calinina im sorry for the stress your going through. all the excessive stuff can take a toll on your body. But I say keep testing since Af has not shown yet. fx for you
@Calinina hang in there............there's hope if AF has still not shown up.

@Brandy and @iloveme I'm on the same exact cycle as you both. Had iui done last Thur/Fri. They told me to test the day before Thanksgiving, but I don't know if I will. Like someone said before, the anticipation may be better than the possible heartbreak through the holiday......but who knows maybe I'll change my mind. Hang in there girls, I wish everyone the best!

Oct 2015 - IUI #1 - BFN
Nov 2015 - IUI #2 - ???
AF showed up yesterday :( going to see my dr tomorrow for cd3 u/s. I was devastated but I'm better today.
I hope all you ladies are doing well.
So sorry Calinina. Hope you're ok. Big hugs to you!

Heart123 that's awesome!!! I know what you mean about being disappointed for the holidays if it's bfn. I was debating on testing the day before thanksgiving just in case. I'm also trying to not symptom spot this cycle. We shall see how it goes haha
Sorry Calinina. Triggers are evil. Stay positive for your next cycle, you had great results with the injectables this cycle.. Are you going to do the same treatment?
Thanks Brandy and Sassy.

Yes, I'll start my clomid 100mg today until Saturday, and then do 1 shot of FSH 50iu on Sunday and Monday.

I'm supposed to be going out of town in 3 weeks (Jamaica for my 30th birthday) but I'm worried about traveling & that it could interfere with implantation, even though my Dr says traveling is fine...ughhh

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