Hi Girls,
Vineyard, I gave up temping on CD13 because I got three different temps one after the other and they were all completely different, I do wish I could at least know if there was a dip or not. So Thursday is this day for you. Do you have any symtoms or not really?
Akcher, how are you feeling? Have you spoken again to your FS?
Did AF arrive 2 or 3 days after you stopped taking the progesterone?
Arcanegirl, the first time around when you did IUI and it didn't work,
do you recall how many days after you stopped taking the progerterone did AF arrive?
I suppose we are all different but if I am not pregnant I wish I could my next ovulation day on a Saturday, I just don't know what I will tell work to get the time off to go and do the procedure and I have used up all my leave. Girls who just fall pregnant by mistake are so lucky!
Hays and Someday, IUI is a great thing to do. It can work first time around, I did last time and suppose that is probably why I thought it would work first time this time around. Either way it is worth the effort because your chances of concieving are so much higher and just look at Arcanegirl happy in the second trimester.
It will happen for all of us, it is just going to take a bit of time.