IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

I've been around just not much new here. At 25 weeks pretty uncomfortable. Back and front pain still, laying at home most of the time. Had 24 week u/a and boy managed to get into a breech position. I am having a lot of pressure down there and constant need to pee. I'm pretty big already and have to work in the office at least 1.5 to 2 more months. Yikes. Commute isn't short and seems uncomfortable. That's when I get HB contractions.

Babies weight right where they should, boy finally showed heart and other parts he was hiding before.

I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable already :hugs: I know I complain a lot about the cold here in Maine, but I honestly can't imagine the heat FL either :wacko:
Yeah, I'm pretty much fed up with all the peeing. It seems I no sooner get done and I have to go again! So frustrating.
First ultrasound today, 7w1d, one bean measures exactly 7w1d with a strong heart beat of 137bpm. I think hubby embarrassed me too much by dancing around in the clinic!

Luciola - that is such wonderful news!!!!! :happydance: you must be so thrilled :cloud9: when is your next ultrasound? Do you know when you'll be released to a regular OB? How are you feeling?
congrats Luciola! That's great news!

Anyway, I've been lurking here but not posting much. Like Lucinda, in the last 2 weeks morning sickness (or evening sickness, as it is for me) has really turned it up a notch and I've had constant nausea and barfing. After it took me so long to get pregnant, I promised myself that I will not complain, but this is really testing my resolve :)

I had my 12 week (well, 12+6) u/s and everything went well. The baby was very quiet and didn't move much until I turned on my side. Then it just looked like it was annoyed that we disturbed it :) Anyway, the baby is 7.1 cm, HB 142, nuchal thickness 1.8 (not sure what that means yet, I'll find out the risk for DS and other trisomies in 2 weeks when my blood work is ready). I don't have any pics, the hospital charges $30 for pictures! What a rip off, at the fertility clinic they were just giving them away for free. I was so spoiled there :) Anyway, it didn't look much different than 2 weeks ago, so I thought I'd wait till the 20 week scan to get pics.

Mizuno - complain all you want! I think we all understand that even though it took so much for us to get here, it's still sooo hard!!! There are so many things about pregnancy that no one tells you about.... It certainly isn't as glamorous as I pictured in my head!? :haha: anyway - I'm sorry you are feeling poorly. It should hopefully ease in a few weeks.....
And $30 for pictures is a ripoff!!! I think I get 10 every time I go - I'm always like - hold up - save some trees, I don't need 8 pictures of the same exact headshot! :haha:
Luciola - congrats :)

I have a question to al the twin mums :). When did you start showing ? What was your morning sickness like ? I had my 6 and 8 week scans and all looked great . I lost my morning sickness few days before the second one. It did make me a bit worried but then we saw the heartbeats so I guess it's ok. We have another scan next week and I am looking forward to that but again... I don't feel pregnant and I am not sure what to think :-(. Am I just lucky ? I thought all the symptoms are supposed to be worse with twins. I only had it bad for a week or so...

My m/s seemed to go away about week 11. I was bloated from the whole IVF thing. I gained 4 lbs then lost it, then finally gained 7 by my 12 week scan. I'm huge!! I look 5 months easily. I have a ton of pain.i have round ligament pain, ******* colon on occasion, night time leg cramps, random pains when I twist or stretch. And the best one. . I feel like I've been hit between the legs with a bat. The muscles hurt so bad that I waddle when I walk. Consider your self very lucky to not be feeling all of this. Oh ya plus my feet ankles legs hands and face swell with fluid. Tonight my right foot was much fatter than the other. I did some research to see what I can do. .. it said. . Don't. .. stand for long periods of time, sit for long periods of time, eat a lot of salt, spend a lot of time in the heat, and so on. I'm a mail lady. Twice this week I worked 11.5 hours, 1 of those days I had no break except to go pee. I stand the first 6 hours straight and then in the vehicle for the other 5... in Florida. . Lmao.. I can't win. I'm so tired. My next Svan is on may 5th and then the 12th we find out the second of them. The 28th I go for another scan at the high risk doctor.
Thank you everyone! My next appointment is in 10 days and I think I shall be released to OB after that. I m feeling miserable though with all the morning sickness. I was admitted to A&E yesterday because of excessive vomiting (for about 10days, I started at about 5w4d). I threw up about 5-6 times a day and cannot keep anything down. I have a history of severe motion sickness and migraine so it doesn't help at all. I had IV and some maxolon and I feel better today. But developed a "phobia" towards all foods even my favorite because I will most likely throw up...
PostalMom - I'm not sure if it works, but maybe you can try wrapping cabbage around your swollen feet/ankles. I hope your able to reduce your workload and feel better soon. :hugs:


Luciola - I hope your MS improves and you are able to eat soon. :hugs:
PostalMom - I am so sorry to hear that. I feel kind of miserable but it is nothing compare to what you are going through.I really hope it improves somehow. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Luciola - sorry to hear about your MS
Hello ladies, May I join?
Serenyx invited me over

I have tears in my eyes right now.:cry:

I can't beleave I am in this thread right now.

I am joyful, shocked, blessed, amazed.....

TTC for n#1

First BFP ever!

after 2years 5month we are preggo

9 months of intessive assisted conception treatments

Praying hard for a sticky bean

IVF #7 was a lucky for us, we didn't use any ovarian stim hormones, we played with one egg at a time. This was our last try before stim IVF.
We did assisted hatching and I am on aspirin.

I had my blood test I was 16dpo beta was 521.
My blood test told me 5-6 weeks preggo but I was only 3 days before AF my AF. We'll retest on Wednesday. A week from Wednesday I'll have my first u/s.

I am due on the 29th of December.

You are the experts here I'll need your help during this amazing but stressful journey.

Since my ET I have cramping, twinges, needles in my uterus vaginal and cervical acitvity. Yesterday I had sharp pain in my cervix during my walk. I can't sleep at night since my BFP, I fall asleep and than I wake up and stay awake for hours. I worry about something bad is happening down there.
Now I have a thrombing pain on my left side, feels like ovary. My next beta is on Wednesday. I know by that day they should see something on the u/s on the 34th day of my cycle they should see gestational sac. Am I right? I hope in the uterus not in the tube. I'll complain about the pains so they'll do an u/s a week earlier.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Dovkav, don't panic! The twinges and all that are very normal. The stabbing pain could be a yeast infection. Very common and not dangerous during pregnancy!
Thank you everyone! My next appointment is in 10 days and I think I shall be released to OB after that. I m feeling miserable though with all the morning sickness. I was admitted to A&E yesterday because of excessive vomiting (for about 10days, I started at about 5w4d). I threw up about 5-6 times a day and cannot keep anything down. I have a history of severe motion sickness and migraine so it doesn't help at all. I had IV and some maxolon and I feel better today. But developed a "phobia" towards all foods even my favorite because I will most likely throw up...
Sorry to hear you have had bad MS, I threw up 5-6 times a day for a few days but then managed to get it down to only 3 - 4 times a day. I also have fairly bad motion sickness and my MS continued until I was 19 weeks :wacko: I hope you feel better soon!

Hello ladies, May I join?
Serenyx invited me over

I have tears in my eyes right now.:cry:

I can't beleave I am in this thread right now.

I am joyful, shocked, blessed, amazed.....

TTC for n#1

First BFP ever!

after 2years 5month we are preggo

9 months of intessive assisted conception treatments

Praying hard for a sticky bean

IVF #7 was a lucky for us, we didn't use any ovarian stim hormones, we played with one egg at a time. This was our last try before stim IVF.
We did assisted hatching and I am on aspirin.

I had my blood test I was 16dpo beta was 521.
My blood test told me 5-6 weeks preggo but I was only 3 days before AF my AF. We'll retest on Wednesday. A week from Wednesday I'll have my first u/s.

I am due on the 29th of December.

You are the experts here I'll need your help during this amazing but stressful journey.

Since my ET I have cramping, twinges, needles in my uterus vaginal and cervical acitvity. Yesterday I had sharp pain in my cervix during my walk. I can't sleep at night since my BFP, I fall asleep and than I wake up and stay awake for hours. I worry about something bad is happening down there.
Now I have a thrombing pain on my left side, feels like ovary. My next beta is on Wednesday. I know by that day they should see something on the u/s on the 34th day of my cycle they should see gestational sac. Am I right? I hope in the uterus not in the tube. I'll complain about the pains so they'll do an u/s a week earlier.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Hi Dovkav, great to see you over here :hugs:

The ladies on this thread are all in different stages of their pregnancy from just over 30 weeks (Chickadee and Disneyfan) to ladies who are only a couple of weeks further on than you are (Luciola) so there will be plenty of people to talk to who can give advice and share experiences with :flower:

I had the twinges and cramping too, along with the sleepless nights. I fell asleep only to wake around 3am worrying!

I hope your scan goes well. My first scan wasn't until 6+5 so I am not sure what they might see earlier than this :shrug: We didn't get a good view so I had to return two weeks later before the clinic would sign me over to my consultant.

I have spent a while today looking at prams - it's a complete minefield! I am still no closer to deciding what I want :wacko: Last time we had all but decided on an off road 3 wheeler for cross-country walks and a smaller pram to use in towns but now I just don't know! We have 4 dogs so a sturdy buggy to use out walking is a must although I am also leaning towards using a carrier on walks.
Serenyx - 4 dogs ? I can only handle the one I have and she needs a lot of exercise.

Dovkav- I agree with everyone. I felt stabbing pains on my left side and thought its etopic. My doctor said some pain, stretch etc is normal and I am probably over analysing everything anyway.
Serenyx - 4 dogs ? I can only handle the one I have and she needs a lot of exercise.
Well I only walk two myself (and one of those is always off lead :) ). My DH walks the other two, so it is pretty easy. They are also all fairly old now. However we will definately need an all terrain buggy as I will want to be out walking again as soon as I can.

I was making a list of the different requirements I have and I am really struggling to find one that ticks all the boxes!
Dovkav-- I had my first ultrasound at 5 weeks. They were able to see the gestational sac, but don't freak if they can't. My doctor warned me ahead of time that sometimes they can't. As the other ladies have said the twinges/stabbing pain are all normal things. I felt as if my AF was going to show the first 2 weeks of being pregnant.
Thank you so much for your input.
The pain which lasted all day yesterday is gone today. I am releaved.
My dr wants to see me for u/s next Wednesday, I'll be 6w2days. I agree to wait a bit longer and see better our little bean.
I take aspirin. It started to give me some stomach problem, I feel pain in my stomach. Do you know how I could releave it?

Luciola, I am so sorry you are so sick in early pregnancy. Hope and pray you'll feel better soon and you can enjoy your pregnancy.:hugs: I'll be 5weeks tomorrow. I am prepared for everything. I know you are taking aspirin. Does it give you problems too?
dovkav - congrats! don't worry about the twinges (well,even though I did), just like the others said, it could be ligament stretching, yeast infection, dehydration... as for aspirin, I'm taking it as well and it does give me stomach issues. Make sure you take it with food and not just before you go to bed - I find things "come up" and hurt my stomach and throat when I'm laying down.

Postal - I don't know how you do 11 hrs working on your feet. I went shopping yesterday for a few hours and my abdomen was really sore after. I sit at work all day, which is not great either.

luciola - sorry you have such bad ms. It will go away soon enough.
hey all, quick update - doc did not like my wacky fasting and after breakfast numbers, starting Glyburide tonight...

Congrats, dovkav!

Postal - how long are you planning on working the same position? Do you have an option to work maybe inside/at the desk for a while later on? I don't know, I work a desk job and my back is killing me anyway... Can't walk for too long, get tired.
hey all, quick update - doc did not like my wacky fasting and after breakfast numbers, starting Glyburide tonight...

Congrats, dovkav!

Postal - how long are you planning on working the same position? Do you have an option to work maybe inside/at the desk for a while later on? I don't know, I work a desk job and my back is killing me anyway... Can't walk for too long, get tired.

No, unfortunately the post office doesn't give me that option. In fact they are not sensitive to my condition at all. Their way of thinking is if you can't do the job then quit. So I'm struggling thru to keep working add long as possible. I did however make a very smart move in 2012. I took out a sickness injury maternity disability policy on my own. If I needed bed rest tomorrow I could start using it now thru the pregnancy until 8 weeks after my c sec. It will pay me 1625 a month. Not a fortune, but it sure will help. Also, did you know that maternity billing is a lump sum payable by the insurance Company only after the birth? So my hsa isn't being touched yet. I have to keep paying out of pocket until my max is met. So I made an appointment with a skin Dr to have some spots frozen and biopsy. To eat up some of my hsa. Lol. The sooner I use that up the better. Then it puts me only 500 from meeting my max and then everything's paid at 100% yeah! I'm 15 weeks today. Feeling a little blue. Dh and I got in to an argument over bills and I started crying and he starting getting mad saying I could stop crying of I wanted to. I beg to differ. I sure wish he could feel my hormones, emotions and pains. Give him a week and he'd be miserable. Lol. . I cry over everything. But he really hurt my feelings. Feeling deflated and about half an inch tall. To make it worse, he went to a friends and hasn't come home. I apologized in a text even though I want wrong. Just because we never fight and I don't want to. No response. Ugh. Men. .sorry. had to vent.
Oh Postal - big hugs!!! :hugs: My DH doesn't like it when I cry either -- like I have a choice!?!? I certainly don't cry because I like it!!! :shrug:

Well, I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and I'm officially OVER all the peeing! :growlmad: I no sooner finish going and get my pants back up and I swear I have to go again!!!

On the bright side - I took 3 Colace stool softeners last night because I've been feeling "backed up" and I've pooped THREE times today!!!! Gross, I know, but man do I feel better! :haha: got to celebrate the little things!

Also, tomorrow I have an ultrasound!! Feels like forever since I've seen my girl, but I think it's only been a month :blush:
Postal, I am sorry about your hubby, he should be more sensitive cos you are hormonal. It is oK to fight. If you fight you care about each other. It is important to talk after the heated emotions are gone. Give each other an extra hug today.
I can be stubborn, he can hurt me too, I get emotional. Once I slaped him with a peace of turkey. It felt so good and it was very funny....He is a germ phobic. So he did disinfected his face with an alchohol.:dohh:
Once my hubby screamed that he doesn't want any progesterone in this house. We women have to go through tougher times TTC than the men. They should give us a credit, they should be more understanding and loving..

Chickadeedee, :thumbup: for an extra time on the toilet!
I was constipated and that's why I had those sharp pains on the side.
I take organic oil spoonful a day, prunes or abricots and I drink lots of water.
Your little girl will put the smile on your face again. Enjoy! I can't wait for an update!

How many ultrasounds have you had?
I know that if the baby is growing healthy and you have no health issues and risks, u/s should not be nessecary. Are we in a higher risk cos of IVF?

Enjoy a day off!
Postal, I am sorry about your hubby, he should be more sensitive cos you are hormonal. It is oK to fight. If you fight you care about each other. It is important to talk after the heated emotions are gone. Give each other an extra hug today.
I can be stubborn, he can hurt me too, I get emotional. Once I slaped him with a peace of turkey. It felt so good and it was very funny....He is a germ phobic. So he did disinfected his face with an alchohol.:dohh:
Once my hubby screamed that he doesn't want any progesterone in this house. We women have to go through tougher times TTC than the men. They should give us a credit, they should be more understanding and loving..

Chickadeedee, :thumbup: for an extra time on the toilet!
I was constipated and that's why I had those sharp pains on the side.
I take organic oil spoonful a day, prunes or abricots and I drink lots of water.
Your little girl will put the smile on your face again. Enjoy! I can't wait for an update!

How many ultrasounds have you had?
I know that if the baby is growing healthy and you have no health issues and risks, u/s should not be nessecary. Are we in a higher risk cos of IVF?

Enjoy a day off!

Dovkav- they consider me high risk because of my age (39).. So I have had a TON of scans (and I'm not complaining!!).. I think every 4 weeks or so? And now that I'm over 30 weeks I get to go every TWO WEEKS!!!!!!

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