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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Hmm I'd worry about zika? Ask your doc but CDC says if pregnant should not travel to Bahamas.
I have been going crazy wanting to visit my grandmother in PR but won't go till after a baby.
Ladies could I ask those who had down reg with suprecur, did you have a delay in your af starting?

I'm feeling sicky, a bit dizzy and tired and bloated too. Breasts are so sore I can't wear a normal bra either. My af is due today but I normally have spotting days leading up to it and so far zero spotting. Hoping it doesn't start too late as this will delay my stims
paislee- Go, snowbaby, go!:cold:

lana- Really hope that cyst resolves. I think it's good to go with your gut when it comes to all of this. If the timing feels right, just go for it. My insomnia from BCP seems to have resolved, yay! Still having insane dreams but they've been kind of fun lol.

db- Good luck with your ER this morning! I hope they get all 6 and more!

bombo- I selfishly want you to POAS because I want to know lol. But again, I think just go with your gut and do it when the time feels right like star said.

dancing- 15 eggs is amazing! When will you get your fertilization report?

AFM, spoke to my RE yesterday. She'd been talking about splitting our eggs 1/2 IVF & 1/2 ICSI, which is a great diagnostic tool for our situation where we're "unexplained". But since this is our only shot and I'm not likely to have too many eggs, I told her we want to go all in with ICSI. She agreed that's a good call for us.

I have the worst freaking cold right now, ughhhhhhh. :sleep:
Scooby I'm so glad you're insomnia resolved. As long as they're nice dreams and not horrid ones then yay! All in with ICSI sounds good. I didn't want to do ICSI at first but my clinic explained why it would benefit us so I'm doing ICSI too :)

I'm cramping like mad and have so much bloating so how come no period yet. Darn periods!
Lana- I don't have experience with that med. Hopefully AF soon! I did BCP for set time then started. I didn't have to wait for AF. I can remember if you told us but do you know what your protocol will be?

Beneath- how are you doing? You are in a natural TWW, right? When do you test?

Scooby- haha insane funny dreams. I had one that the embryos were spider plants(houseplant) and I saw two together so I was like, ok i'll split these two and get an extra embryo.
My RE said today that he likes to go 1/2 and 1/2 but his cut off is 6 eggs. So 6 eggs he would do 3 ICSI, 3 natural but less than 6 he goes all ICSI. Since I got 5 he is going all ICSI. Yuck on the cold! Feel better!

AFM- We got 5! Right before the retrieval the RE goes "we are going to get something from 0-6 today." Of course I didn't like hearing that 0 was a possibility! I am happy with 5. He said he got both big follies, both medium and one of the small ones. I ended up asleep the whole time, I thought I would be more lightly sedated but sleeping worked for me! They are going to call tomorrow with fertilization results and then said not again until Monday. RE said they do not do any 3 day transfers anymore. 5-day transfer will be Tuesday if all goes well. I'm loving this heating pad, Percocet and couch right now. Love and baby dust to all! oxox
Lol Scooby I still haven't purchased any in the hopes of delaying it for as long as I can! I had mild cramps and pulls 4dp5dt and I pray they're snuggling in, lighter ones last night and much lighter one time today (5dp5dt) - I'm very huffy and puffy and just tired these days and I'm eating more than I ever have like literal stuff my face mode, DH is terrified ha ha. I just pray they're all good signs, I'll give it one day or more before I purchase a test, DH warned me not to, such bad luck with them but we'll see!

Glad you're having better dreams Too! I'd go with all ICSI too for better chances. Good luck hunni! Load up on vitamins lemon lime ginger honey the works, don't worry my worst cough as in EVER was ET on my first IVF with DS! Sometimes a hiccup is not such a bad thing.
Great news Db! I hope they all fertilise! Rest up and enjoy some good movies and snacks! Hope they call you with great news!
Scooby I'm so glad you're insomnia resolved. As long as they're nice dreams and not horrid ones then yay! All in with ICSI sounds good. I didn't want to do ICSI at first but my clinic explained why it would benefit us so I'm doing ICSI too :)

I'm cramping like mad and have so much bloating so how come no period yet. Darn periods!

Go for a run Lana, or just jumping jacks and jump squats, AF is nasty like that, stalls when most needed!
Out of the 15 eggs 9 were mature. All 9 of them fertilized. Doctor is very happy how well things are looking. My clinic does not do anymore checks until day 5 Monday on transfer. So pray that my embies grow. Wish I could have more updates but I understand best leave them alone
Wow ladies this is all so exciting.

Db thank you. I've since researched it and apparently it can delay af by a week or two. Would have been nice for the heads up from the clinic. Horay! For your 5 eggs and grow grow little blasts! Good luck

Bombo those cramps and pulls you described sound hopeful! Omg you could be testing tomorrow yikes :-D i will be doing some gentle excersise over next few days to try and relax myself to encourage af hopefully

Dancing, 9 fertilising is amazing. Hoping they all reach that vital day 5 stage for you x
Scooby -- I would go all ISCI too.. don't want to risk it! Feel better, love.

Lana -- Hope AF shows for you!!

Dbrbernie -- I'm okay, hun. yes.. testing day is next Friday. Yay for the 5!!!! Can't wait to hear fert report!

Dancing -- WOO! Great fert rate :dance:
Hey ladies I wanted to join in :)

Husband Had failed vas reversal 12/5/2015

Decided to go for IVF

2/8/2017 - egg retrieval, 13 eggs, 9 fertilized, 4 made it to day 5 with ICSI
2/13/2017 - fresh transfer of one 4AA Blast.

2/16/2017 = nervous wreck.

For the last two days after retrieval I was in a good bit of pain due to minor OHSS. I luckily overcame before transfer time.
No fertility issues besides not being able to get to DH swimmers so we are hoping for the best. I am 26 and praying we get our positive.
Hiya everyone just a quick update from me I had my first scan this morning to check how my eggs are growing iam day 8 of stims today and I have overall 11 leading eggs growing I think I have something like 2 14s 3 12s 2 10s 2 8s and 1 size 7 and my doctor said the lining of my womb looks perfect and there really happy with my hormone levels so iam super happy with this good news so I have to go bk Saturday for another scan so if all is going well I should be having my er Wednesday

Arkhune- welcome Hun I really hope you get your bfp there isn't much between us in age iam 24 next month your young and I have very good hopes for you Hun I got my bfp on my first ivf and I have ds from that :thumbup:

Dancing- great fertilisation report grow embies grow :dust:

Db- glad you got through er and you slept through it my clinic only lightly sudate you and you can totally feel everything not something iam looking forward to I can't wait to hear your fert report :dust:
Thank you Tiffttc!
I am certainly nervous. How many embies did you transfer your first round?
Our Doc would not budge on doing more than one single embryo with my age.
Welcome Arkhune! I was 26 on my first and I had to beg for two embies lol but because of low AMH RE agreed and one took! Praying you get your BFP! When is test date and are you planning to POAS?

Great numbers Tiff! Keep growing follies !!

Dancing those little warriors will do great! Soon you'll be PUPO dear!

I'm still holding off testing eek terrified, good luck everyone! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend
Welcome ark and good luck!

Tiff, all sounds great for you yay!

Bomb, so excited for you, any symptoms?
Well done db and dancing! When are transfers?

Afm, day 29 and awaiting af, story of my life!
Thank you Tiffttc!
I am certainly nervous. How many embies did you transfer your first round?
Our Doc would not budge on doing more than one single embryo with my age.

We only transferred 1 embryo it was a day 5 transfer they also wouldn't hear of transferring anymore because of my age but at ec I had 12 eggs 6 fertilised and only 1 made it to day 5 so I didn't have anything to freeze but it only takes one I've had two failed cycles since and on my last failed cycle they transferred 2 embryos and it didn't work so I will be pushing for 2 again this time
Welcome Ark, and good luck. Sounds fantastic so far. Fingers crossed

Really good update from your scan tiff. Not long till retrieval now for you!

Bombo you are made of steel lol

Star, me too waiting for af. I feel like af will start every day but it doesn't grrr. We are getting there slowly.

I've gained 3lbs since starting down reg. not too happy tbh. Haven't been over eating. Ahh well. I do feel like a balloon. It hurts on and off where my cyst is, I pray it's not growing more :-(

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