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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Thanks scooby, and horay!!! What a brilliant baseline scan for you. That many antral follicles sounds amazing. I know it's a long road but you've started it now :)
I had my womb scratch today. They did u/s first to check womb and told me it was very thick, and then she took a long pause!!! And said there's a huge cyst on left ovary :-( it measured 4.5cm (last u/s I had it was tiny) she told me to get my jeans back on and we'll talk!
She basically wanted to cancel and restart next cycle with a different birth control! This massively confused me as a few weeks before the nurse told me I would not be allowed to try any other b/c at all. Hence I've been told to do this IVF cycle without it. Doctor also explained right ovary was ok and we could still try but it would likely yield less eggs.... Or could end up cancelling. Call me crazy but I'm not prepared to wait any longer and going ahead today. I have faith in my one good egg!
The scratch- excruciating. The cramps now are nothing in comparison. Some light spotting. I've just done my first suprecur injection too. Yay. I feel excited to give this a go. And I'm hoping the cyst may have been blood filled and it just dissolves away by the time I start stims. I find it odd each time I go for an u/s my follicles get less each time within a few months! I had 18 antral follicles September last year and now I have 8. That can't be good.

Scooby, I couldn't sleep with bcp but I also had the migraines and couldn't function :-/ hopefully after a few days your body may adjust x

Good luck to everyone pupo! Not sure what that stands for but I know it means you've had the transfer? Lol sorry. I feel like I should know what it means.

So sorry beneath, and wishing you success for your next IVF xxx
scooby- i've been having embryo dreams all week!

Paislee- I hope those morulas keep going! Fingers crossed

Lana- sounds frustrating and ouch!

Afm- trigger is tonight 10pm and retrieval Thursday am. I still have 6 follicles (20-14 size) and 2 tiny ones @ 10. Doc said no bedrest after ET. He knows I like to look up studies so he said check out Spanish study on bedrest. I looked it up and saw they found that no rest had higher pregnancy rate than just 10 minutes rest after ET! hmmm What have your doctors said or recommended?
Thanks Lana,
It's harder for me, there's so much hope and you know there's an embryo in there.
Pupo is just pregnant until proven otherwise lol
I think age plays a huge role in follicle count, it's the same with me usually, this time they upped my meds a lot and my dr said the ovaries are very weak in general.

I would do the same Lana, have faith in that egg! My first cycle my dr wanted to cancel and it's my miracle cycle! Praying for you Hun
Good luck Db!

My dr agrees, all three drs I've had were the same, maximum of one hour after transfer is what I got, regular daily activity after. They either took it didn't in the first 15-30 minutes.

My first cycle I rested a bit more because I had a horrible horrible cough and was terrified id push them out lol read so many stories and there were people that slipped on the way out of hospital or got a massive knock you over hug from their dog, calmed me down.
Lana, I'm with you on the scratch! Had 2 and wasn't amused at all, I agree, have faith and go ahead!

Db, good luck with ec!

After my transfers nurse just said no hot baths or showers, with dd I had a sore throat and virus day of transfer, typical! so I stayed in the house for a week cos I was so ill, not bed rest but taking it easy
With fet no2 I carried on working, only office work but we had an inspection and I know I got stressed by it as I'm a natural worrier

This time I'm taking 2 weeks off work just because the last blighted ovum makes me.want to do.all I can and avoided stress more than anything, not to physically rest up but I will day of transfer and had a sofa day the next day
Db, my clinic told me I won't need rest after transfer. Just to be active as normal.

Bombo, First of all lol that's brilliant PUPO! Love it. I see what your saying about it being a harder 2ww. What level of meds were you on during stims? They told me because of the lack of follicles they'll up my meds a bit and have an earlier scan. I think the endo is affecting my follicles too. My amh was 10 which I thought was ok but they told me it should be higher for my age.
I've got the faith for sure I keep remembering it only takes 1 egg.

Star, I was hitting the wall with my hand from the pain lol definitely not amusing.
I agree with you taking the time off especially as you're a worrier. Ive decided to do the same as I'm a stress head at work. I have read a few times now stress does negatively impact the IVF.
Low Amh too Lana, something along 20 five years ago and I never checked after that. A very high dose of Menupor, 450 daily and upped to 600 for the final two days as an attempt to get smaller follicles up to speed. I think he tried to get what he could out of my poor ovaries.

Afm, Last cycle, which failed I held up till 12dp3dt to check Beta - no POAS at all, and Beta was 0. I'm only 4dp5dt and going insane at the thought of another 6-7 days - I know I can't hold up to the 23rd I just can't, totally loosing it, thought I'd be much stronger but nothing seems to distract me.
Bombo 20 sounds like a high amh! But I've read the follicle count is a better measure of how you will respond. Wow, I never knew the meds could go as high as 600! Mine told me they'd upped it to 300 to start with.
That sounds crappy. What could you do to distract yourself? Go for a walk, pamper yourself, make some pancakes :-D lol it'll be test time before you know it
It does sound high lol its actually 0.6!! I got lost with med numbers, 20 wouldn't need 600 units of menupor 😂 Shows how out of it I am !!
My first go was 175, second IVF 300, so this time they went up up up.

I went for a good Thai dinner, tom yum soup makes me happy. Trying so hard to pass time in a positive way. My sister called me up today saying she had a Preggo dream about me, got me all anxious. No one knows I'm trying again. Time always passes, a week is usually nothing until it's the final stretch of something. Well not quite final but decisive 😂

I'm ready to binge through this, comfort food all the way! Weight can be dealt with later!

Bombo 20 sounds like a high amh! But I've read the follicle count is a better measure of how you will respond. Wow, I never knew the meds could go as high as 600! Mine told me they'd upped it to 300 to start with.
That sounds crappy. What could you do to distract yourself? Go for a walk, pamper yourself, make some pancakes :-D lol it'll be test time before you know it
Awesome news Dancing!!! That's a great number!
I Just got the call. We have one precious snow baby on ice!!!!!❄️❄️❄️ That little fighter made it the distance to blast!! We are still in the game, just awaiting PGS results and then we go from there. �� I'm hopeful again!!! Just praying this is the ONE!???
Lol bombo! Comfort eating is fine by me. I'm already doing it just day 2 of down reg. uh oh...and does your sister not know you're trying?! And she had a pregnant dream about you, exciting stuff. I believe in psychic dreams.

What a brilliant egg retrieval dancing, I hope lots make it to next stage.

Paislee that's good news, blasts are the best we can get :) good luck
Awesome news dancing! May they all fertilise!!

That's excellent Paislee! Come on miracle baby! Lots of positive thoughts!

No Lana she doesn't, I have 5 sisters if I tell one they all know and that puts stress on me, they're very supportive and they know I struggle with fertility, but with DS I told them after rather than during. I was with my best friend all day today and just talking about it does relieve some stress so I'm grateful to that for now. I'll probably schedule another date with her during next week to avoid a nervous breakdown haha

Lovely news ladies, sending positive thoughts and prayers to you all!
Brilliant dancing!

Bomb, if it makes you feel better and stress less then test if you feel ready, good luck!

Paislee, well done on the little ice baby! How long for test results?
Yay Paislee, I'm glad one made it through!

Excellent dancing! How are you feeling? I go in tomorrow am for retrival. 6 follies, hopefully most are mature!

Lana- love comfort eating. The kiddies gave me all kinds of chocolate for valentines so I have that!

Bombo and Angie- Yay for embies snuggling away oxox
Congrats to all those have had egg retrieval! I'm still stalking along, though quiet.. have had a crazy few days!!
Brilliant dancing!

Bomb, if it makes you feel better and stress less then test if you feel ready, good luck!

Paislee, well done on the little ice baby! How long for test results?

Thank you Star! The lab told me that it's usually a 3-day turnaround, so maybe Tuesday? GULP!:dohh: I am just so excited that we are still in this that I don't mind the wait. I feel strangely confident this little blast will test normal!

Bomb, I can only imagine the temptation! If you cave, best of luck!!!
So we are planning vacation first week in April. I want to do couple day cruise to the Bahamas. I will hopefully be about 9-10. Any advice if I should etc.
Dancing - we were going to book a Caribbean cruise for late March but, with Zika still a concern decided to back off since we have so much invested in this IVF process... for us it wasn't worth the risk or the fear of exposure (even though it's lower risk during the Spring because temps are lower and mosquitoes are more dormant.) Just food for thought....

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