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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

POAS this morning and it is stark white. Got a little gung ho but I've seen so many people getting positives on the 4th day 😔 Keeping fingers crossed still
Today just tired Star, sleepy and moody, no more cramps, I can't symptom spot anymore hormones mimick it all it's frustrating lol

I'm trying to convince DH Lana but no such luck lol

It's def early Ark, I'm 6dp5dt and I still think it's early, I'll be googling earliest day for a clear line not a faint one lol
Yes I think it is early. I tested 4dp5dt my beta is next Wednesday
Mine is scheduled for Thursday, I reckon I can check Tuesday or Wednesday though

I just wanna know *weeeeeeping*

I had a Mexican lunch and I ate sooo much, the next thing I know I'm craving French fries and it's just not like me to eat this much! I ate the fries out of anxiety and now I want cake .... This wait is going to kill me
Totally know what you mean. My poor DH must think I'm insane lol. I told him I had joined up on a website forum to help and he just laughs. I told him it helps more than he knows! I'm sure all of you can agree. Hoping for all of us and our BFP!!! I did not do an hcg trigger due to being worried about ohss.. so I know if I get a positive it's the real deal. So much to think about and so many things are different between everyone lol. Oh man.. baby dust to all
lol exactly the same with DH Ark! It certainly helps ALOT! So grateful for this forum!
Ark- Welcome! So glad you joined us! Yes, DHs don't understand! I am only transferring 1 also.

Bombo- you are tough! I'd be testing every day! POAS addict

Dancing- excellent! Only 2 1/2 more days till your transfer! Are you going crazy or staying relaxed waiting?

Tiff- yes they told me it would be light sedation so I was surprised I slept the whole time! I figured I would still hear everything just maybe not feel things... oh well I liked being out of loop! I hope your scan goes well tomorrow!

Afm- RE called with fertilization report! Out of 5 eggs, I had 3 which were mature. All 3 fertilized! He said that was good that 100% of mature eggs fertilized but also said it isn't an indication of how they are going to continue. Fingers crossed they keep growing! I know 3 is a low number so I'm just trying to stay positive that they continue to day 5. He does not do any 3 day transfers. RE said they will call on Monday to set up a Tuesday transfer but I will not get any updates before that. Anyone have experience with low number of embies and positive outcome? I also just had my first accupuncture treatment. It felt great.
oxoxo everyone
DBR- Good luck! It only takes 1 and you have 3!! I have a friend doing IVF a day behind me and she had 21 eggs and 17 fertilize... I had 10 and 6 fertilize - she ended up with 2 day 5 and I ended up with 2 day 5 (only one made it to freeze), my point is that it's not quantity it's definitely quality! Stay optimistic!

How is everyone else doing?? I am waiting out this weekend for our PGS results early next week.... time is going by sooooooooooo slow!! It's a week after my ER (after 9 days stims and estrogen was over 3K at trigger) and I'm still feeling dopey and tired. Has anyone else taken some time to recover??
DB I have moments were I am freaking out because I want to know how they are then times I feel calm. Congratulations on all three! Lol hormones do not help. Anyone else doing the PIO injections? Ouch
I'm doing the suppositories and I just told my mom I wish I was doing the injections. These things are a nasty mess. I've done the injections before, and it wasn't bad for me. Although I must say I don't have as many side effects with suppositories as injections.

Our one embryo they were watching to possibly freeze didn't make it; so hopefully the two we put in take. I see we have several testing next week! Mine is Friday. I'm praying we all get our BFP. This wait is insane. I have company this weekend though because it's my baby girls third birthday party tomorrow. Hopefully that will help time pass quickly.
Db That's great, hope they do keep growing into beautiful blasts for you. Do you know why they don't do the 3 day transfer?

Paislee that's comforting to know your friend had more eggs collected but then you both ended up with same amount of blasts.

Angie, can I ask what suppositories they are? For progesterone? Hope your little girl has a lovely 3rd birthday! I honestly don't mind putting these injections in at all. I think I'd choose injections over suppositories for sure. It's just the side effects of bloatedness and fatigue and weight gain that suck a little.

I was emotional yesterday, as I feel robbed of my left ovary and all those follies. Last September cyst was only 1cm and my follicles were still there on left one. Shocked it's grown to 4cm in a month!. I have pain where the endometrioma cyst is and I fear its growing bigger. Feeling a bit uneasy at the idea of a just the one egg with not many follicles.

Hope all you lovely ladies are ok xxx
Today's PIO injection was much better having my husband do it in my butt. I have been doing them myself in thigh, which was very painful.
Db That's great, hope they do keep growing into beautiful blasts for you. Do you know why they don't do the 3 day transfer?

Paislee that's comforting to know your friend had more eggs collected but then you both ended up with same amount of blasts.

Angie, can I ask what suppositories they are? For progesterone? Hope your little girl has a lovely 3rd birthday! I honestly don't mind putting these injections in at all. I think I'd choose injections over suppositories for sure. It's just the side effects of bloatedness and fatigue and weight gain that suck a little.

I was emotional yesterday, as I feel robbed of my left ovary and all those follies. Last September cyst was only 1cm and my follicles were still there on left one. Shocked it's grown to 4cm in a month!. I have pain where the endometrioma cyst is and I fear its growing bigger. Feeling a bit uneasy at the idea of a just the one egg with not many follicles.

Hope all you lovely ladies are ok xxx

My RE used to do both 3 and 5 day transfers but stopped doing 3. He said an embryo likely to implant and be an ongoing pregnancy should be able to make it to blastocyst. He also said at day 3 naturally the embryo is not in the uterus, a day 3 does not want to be in uterus it is in the tube and gets to uterus at day 5. So it's best for embryo to go in uterus at the time it is supposed to get there.

I looked this up and apparently in the past it was better for some 3day because the labs had trouble supporting embryos to 5 day. Now that the media they grow in are more advanced, better for 5 day.

I hope my 3 guys make it!

Dancing- glad the shots were better jn your butt! I have crinone a prog gel 1x/day. It is ok.

Angie- yes hopefully family will distract you!

Lana- ugh! Can that cyst just go away already!!

Bombo and Ark- Test! lol

Paislee- thank you for the encouragement! I hope your PGS test comes out well! I'm ok after the stimms but I've been taking it easy, not fully myself yet.

oxox everyone
Wow thanks for explaining that db it does make sense to me now. I guess IVF is advancing so fast.

Has anyone heard of a clinic allowing two day 5 transferred? Or do they only sometimes allow more than 1 when its a day 3?
A part of me really wants two put back! I'm sure my clinic said they wouldn't allow this though.
Lana- My RE uses the recommendations from American Society of Reproductive Medicine where # transfered determined by age and whether favorable outcome predicted. How old are you?
Heya girls I hope everyone is well and good luck to the girls that's testing next week eek so exciting!!

Afm- I had my ultrasound this morning and my eggs are from 16s to 19s I tink I have 10 altogether so they want me to take one more injection tonight to grow them on a bit more because iam doing icsi so I trigger tomorrow night and ec is Tuesday morning at 9am iam so happy, anxious and nervous all at the same time
Y'all! I am sooooo upset! I got an email from the PGS lab this morning that confirmed my results had been released to my RE YESTERDAY!!!! It was a really quick 2 day turnaround but we only had 1 so, it makes sense. But, now I am sitting here on Saturday with no way to reach my clinic till Monday.............. I am irritated that the RE didn't call with the result, why keep me in suspense any longer than necessary. We pay them so much for all of these treatments and tests, we should be getting immediate attention. How am I going to last till Monday??? UGH!!!!!

Lana- my friend (who is 38) just transferred two blasts. I do think it depends on age but, it is done.... I would be leary of transferring two unless I was ready for twins (which I wouldn't be, lol!)
Ah I think that'll be why. I'm 29. Mine keep saying I'm so young so we should have great results... I'm seriously not feeling that at all. Mind you, they said that before they saw the huge cyst. I got it wrong my cyst grew from 1cm to 5cm in 3 weeks!!! I'm scared I've been advised to check for ca125. My endometriosis is everywhere in my pelvis so I'm scared my quality of eggs isn't great.
Thank you db and paislee, I'd say hell yes to twins. That way my family would be complete and I could have my bits taken out as I can't take the constant agony and swelling much more. I'm going to ask my clinic if there's a chance they may put back 2 (if I was lucky enough to have blasts), they'll probably look at me like I'm crazy.

That's very irritating that they had the results yesterday and didn't bother to tell you. Especially as you're paying through the nose for all this! I think it will be good news, that's why they're so relaxed (or lazy!!!)

Tiff sounds like its going amazingly :) yay
Db - 3 is great I hope they all get to day 5! I've always had a small number - quality over quantity friend! I was telling DH yesterday that funny enough our weakest two transferred on day 2 (for fear they won't make it longer) BOTH took but lost one very early. I'm still holding up from testing - too terrified!

Angie - Happy birthday to your little one! Hope you had a lovely weekend. I agree they are a horrible mess I can't wait to be done with them and move to phase 2!

Lana - Cysts suck! I hope it just starts to go away ;( How are you doing? I have three day 5 embies in now, I think it comes down to the case and your IVF history, I don't think they'd do that for a first time IVF.

Tiff - That sounds great! Good luck with ER!! Almost there huN!

Paislee I'd be furious!!! They should know better! We're already so pumped with hormones and extremely emotional of course we want to know ASAP! My hope is that it's all good and they got lazy (not an excuse though grrr)

AFM - Going CRAZY but refusing to test. I had to take a premulot injection yesterday just as a precaution and being at the hospital I walked into the pharmacy asked for a test and changed my mind and walked out. I had a horrible night 7 days post, just started to loose hope, today is better but I'll do my best to wait! I asked my dr if I could get my Beta done earlier and he won't budge on Thursday ... I know he wants to avoid the chemical hassle god forbid, I'm just anxious.

Arkh are you testing soon?

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