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IVF/FET roll call April-October 2017 *12 BFPs, 3 sets of twins!

Babylights & Ashley - Thanks for checking in ladies, my OHSS symptoms are pretty much gone except I am still getting some pain in my upper left shoulder, but other than that I feel pretty normal. Going to try naturally this month and then next month I start down reg for my FET which should be around the end of september.

Scoobs - thanks of the title change, I can now keep holding on to this lucky thread a bit longer with Secret :) Yay for no more PIO
babylights - My AMH=4.4, FSH=6.1, I don't have any record of my AFC... sorry!

scooby - yay for stopping PIO!!!!

secret - congrats on making the decision to do another round!!

mnelson - good to hear your OHSS is doing better! Wishing you the best for your natural cycle this month :D
Welcome babylights! I did BCP supression, too, for my original IVF and still got 20+ eggs and had some pretty bad OHSS. So, clearly wasn't a problem in my case (my AMH was 24 consistent with lean PCOS), but I can understand the fear. It always seemed silly to me to do all the suppression when the problem was I wasn't ovulating in the first place. I think overall you just have to inform yourself and then trust your doctor.

Good luck this cycle secret!

Scooby- that's awesome! will they check your levels again now that you've stopped? I'm already kind of afraid of stopping (I don't know if they'll have my taper off?).

Ultrasound for me on Friday! Hopefully feeling sick is a good sign...
Babylights-I actually don't know any of my levels because my RE really wants her patients to not focus on the labs and just focus on relaxing during the process. Way easier said than done! But I do trust her and I let her focus on my labs and making changes and now I'm glad I did because I know it would have caused me more stress in the end. I know most girls do seem to know all of their levels though.

Kepper-how did your ultrasound go Friday?!
mnelson so glad you're feeling better! Can you imagine, natural bfp this month?? But even if not, so exciting to have your FET to look forward to! Come to think of it, I appreciate the title change to October too because after CCS my FET will likely be in October, at the earliest!

koj such beautiful numbers you have *sigh* But more importantly you're preggo now!! Thanks so much for posting your numbers for me!

kepper the bcp does seem kind of nonsensical, but your success does make me feel hopeful! Good luck with your scan on Friday!!!

kjw oh wow I see the wisdom of your doctor's philosophy but that must have been so. hard. I still haven't gotten my calendar and I feel like I'm already having a meltdown. This waiting is the worst. I'm so happy for your bfp and that doing it that way saved you some stress!
Oops! Sorry Kepper, for some reason I thought your appointment was this past Friday.
I'm back and I can't believe how many BFP there have been on this thread! Congrats ladies!

Babylights- I was on bc. I don't know about oversuppression, but when I was on bcp, I was also on Lupron to suppress me further. My estrogen got down to under 5 and they didn't seem to worry about it. They were happy with anything under 80. I didn't get my calendar until after I had my AF coming off of bcp and just had my first bloods last Tuesday...but my protocol might be different.

AFM- started stimming on Saturday. So far, so good. I had my baseline scan last week Tuesday and everything looked good and quiet. I have another ultrasound on Wednesday to see what's going on in there now that I'm stimming. Hopefully I am growing some good follicles in there. It's getting real!

I am not looking forward to the PIO shots though..the needles are so big!
Db, good luck with stimming and your cycle

Mnelson, glad you are feeling better, fet soon, very exciting
babylights- BCP is standard protocol for most clinics because it helps them get everyone on the same schedule. And generally it does a good job suppressing the ovaries without being an issue. Do you have any markers of DOR that would make you worried? A low AFC, low AMH or high FSH can indicate a problem. As someone who WAS over-suppressed on my first IVF, the only way to really know is if your ovaries just aren't responding well to stims. But it's pretty rare so really, try not to worry too much. (Believe me, I'm Queen Worrier so I totally get it!) Do you know what protocol you're doing yet?

mnelson- I'm so glad you're feeling better. :hugs: I have such a great feeling for your FET! I'm surprised but thrilled that there's been so much success on this thread, and just hoping that continues into the fall!

koj- Thank you! It was a happy day lol. Unfortunately, the last shot went badly and I bled for the first time in forever. Go figure, PIO had to have the last laugh ;)

kepper- OBGYN has no plans to check my levels, which I have mixed feelings about. I think the blood tests were stressing me out a lot, but on the other hand it would be nice to get some reassurance that all was well. On the plus side, I've had no spotting or anything and my bump keeps getting bigger, so FX everything is still good! Can't wait until your scan on Friday! I still think there's 2 in there ;)

DBZ- So excited for your scan tomorrow! I hope you've got lots of good, even growth going on. :thumbup: As someone who was on PIO for over 3 months, it's honestly all about finding the good spots. Try to keep your muscle relaxed when the shot is going in (I found lying down the best) and massage the spot for a minute afterward. You'll do great!

AFM, we're supposed to get the results of our Natera test this week. Eek! It's similar to Harmony, where they tell you your risk factors for the 3 most common Trisomy conditions. And they also tell you gender, so we could know if we're having a little boy or girl in the next few days! So excited!!!
DBZ thanks for letting me know. So excited for you, good luck at your next scan!!

scooby my FSH is elevated at 12.4 but my AMH & AFC are okay and I think my doctor goes off of those two, so it makes me a bit nervous. But I've already started bcp so I'm just trusting my doctor now! I think I'm on an Antagonist protocol, starting with 1 vial of Menopur and 200 units of Follistim. I have no idea what that means! I saw your news in your other thread - yay!! :happydance:
DB-glad stimming is going well so far! It won't be long now!

Mnelson-glad you are feeling better! It will be worth the extra wait, I'm glad I did now.

Scooby-hope your test results are good this week. I'm sure they will be perfect:)

Afm:just had my second ultrasound and they are both growing and had strong heartbeats 173 and 187 :) one of them was moving a lot! We go next Tuesday again. And I start decreasing my meds aug 6th:happydance:
Hey, just checking in and I'm happy we have more bfp's in this thread... #lucky
Sending lots of positive vibes to all that have upcoming cycles.

Afm just trying naturally this month, then off on our happy holidays end of August. After that we will decide if we are going to have another fresh cycle... though deep down I know I want to be pregnant again & have a baby xxx
babylights- Your FSH is a little elevated but that's varied a lot for me over the years so I personally think of the 3 numbers that one is the least important. I did antagonist too both times. It's nice because they monitor you to make sure your lead follicle doesn't race ahead. Are you excited to be starting soon?

kj- I'm so glad you had a good scan! If you have pics come post on the pregnancy group :) Seeing them move is amazing, isn't it? :cloud9: Hooray for weaning off your meds soon!

jack- So good to hear from you! FX for a natural BFP this month- I actually know 2 people who that happened for so it is possible! I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation & that you and DH are able to come to a decision that works for both of you.

AFM, we came back very low risk (1:10,000) for all major chromosome disorders, which is a HUGE relief. Also, we're going to have a little boy! :blue: :happydance: :kiss:
Kj, great news!

Jackdoll, good to hear from you, would love to keep supporting you here if you decide to try again

Scooby, congratulations again on your little boy!

Afm, 12 weeks today!
kj - yay for a good scan!! like scooby said, come join us on the pregnancy group https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...-assisted-conception-success-due-2018-xx.html

jack - good to hear from you!! good luck with your natural cycle this month and enjoy your vacation!!!! it would be great to have you back here if you decide to do another assisted round :)

scooby - woop woop! :blue: :)

star - 2nd trimester is right around the corner!!
kj- congrats on the great scan and decreasing meds!!

jack - sending so many good thoughts for a natural bfp this month!

scooby - congrats on being team blue and your low risk results!! thanks so much for your reassurance. I think I'm excited? haha it's such a jumble of emotions, plus I think I feel kind of numb because I'm not sure that I believe I'll actually ever get/stay pregnant. Which I know everyone on this thread understands, and while I'm so sad that that's true, I'm so grateful for this group :hugs:

star - congrats, what an exciting milestone!!!
Thank you guys:)

Jack-I hope you have a great vacation with your family! I hope you guys come up with the best decision for you, I can understand that it must be a difficult one. Would love to follow your journey if you do decide on another fresh cycle :hugs:

Scooby-congrats on great results and on finding out you're having a little boy!!

Star-12 weeks is so exciting! When do you have your next scan? Did you already transition to a regular on now?
star- Congrats on 12 weeks!! Such a nice milestone to hit :)

babylights- We definitely understand :hugs: Before I got pregnant, I'd never seen anything but stark white lines on tests in over 5 years (2 NTNP, 3 actively trying). After all of that disappointment you stop believing it's even possible. But it is! So don't give up hope :)
Thank you kj and scoob, scan is Monday 12w4d

I was discharged from fertility clinic at 7 weeks and just seen the midwife at 8 weeks
Apart from a. Private scan I cooked at 10 weeks it's been a long time without an appointment !

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