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Ivf/icsi/fet/ june,july,aug 2013, feel free to join for support :)

Luma, I'm currently doing a donor egg cycle, and I didn't think it was possible to do a natural cycle even with donor eggs. Truthfully, I wouldn't think it was even possible do to them not wanting you to ovulate and them having to be a progessterone once the transfer is about to happen since you won't be making any of your own. Aside from that, I guess my next question is what are your concerns with using Lupron?

I have just recovered from depression and I also have migraine. I am very sensitive to any form of long-term medication and for some reasons, suffer from overdosing even at the lowest dosage.

The nurse that gave me the orientation said that about 80% of those that took Lupron suffered from mood swings and headaches. Although she said that Lupron will not be processed by my liver (which I doubt), I am concerned about the side effects.

I am okay taking the short Lupron protocol if I really need it, but I don't think I will be able to handle the long protocol. :(

Everything was found okay with me, just that my eggs aren't good anymore.
Hi girls glad to hear all the updates and welcome to the new ladies.

I've been mad busy at work but had my decapeptyl downregging injection yesterday so will get a bleed in a week or so then after the bleed stops a baseline scan before I start my progynova and crinone. Feeling very hot and tired but otherwise no side effects so far. I had the injection that lasts a month.

FET planned for 8th August.

Good luck to everyone xxx
Luma, I'm currently doing a donor egg cycle, and I didn't think it was possible to do a natural cycle even with donor eggs. Truthfully, I wouldn't think it was even possible do to them not wanting you to ovulate and them having to be a progessterone once the transfer is about to happen since you won't be making any of your own. Aside from that, I guess my next question is what are your concerns with using Lupron?

I have just recovered from depression and I also have migraine. I am very sensitive to any form of long-term medication and for some reasons, suffer from overdosing even at the lowest dosage.

The nurse that gave me the orientation said that about 80% of those that took Lupron suffered from mood swings and headaches. Although she said that Lupron will not be processed by my liver (which I doubt), I am concerned about the side effects.

I am okay taking the short Lupron protocol if I really need it, but I don't think I will be able to handle the long protocol. :(

Everything was found okay with me, just that my eggs aren't good anymore.

Headaches are definitely side effect of Lupron, but luckily I only had them the first couple of days. Then I guess I got used to it. I, too suffer from depression and take medication for it for about 2 years. I have found while taking my medication while doing IVF, I have not suffered from the mood swings. I think these concerns are very valid and you need to talk to the RE again before getting started. Sometimes you have to do what's best for you. Like I said, I've done a lot of research before deciding to used donor eggs and I didn't know a natural cycle was even an option. I've herd that about FET, but not fresh cycles. Good luck!
Thanks, Mells. Truly appreciate that.

Just heard from my IVF coordinator this evening. She said that they will discuss on Tuesday whether it is possible to freeze the embryos first and see if my cycle will sync with the lab schedule. It's very stressing!

I set another appointment with another clinic just in case.
Hello Ladies,

Hope you all doing fine. I have a query regarding the down reg, wonder if someone here could help. I will be starting my treatment early august. During our consultation meeting the doctor told us that after I have had my AF in the month of July, three week after that they will put me on this nasal spray to get my ovaries stop to work.

What I am wondering is why is it 3 weeks after my periods? Any idea? Do you ladies have to follow similar timeline? Please help.

Many thanks and take care
Sunshine, I have found that the down reging varied depending on my clinics schedule. They were basically putting you on their timeline. In my case RE only does IVFs two weeks each month.
Sunshine - our clinic does the same thing. I don't really know why they choose the 3 weeks though (and I'm on a different protocol, but most women there do it the way you were told)
Sunshine, I have found that the down reging varied depending on my clinics schedule. They were basically putting you on their timeline. In my case RE only does IVFs two weeks each month.

Same with my clinic! This is the reason why they want me on Lupron for a long time. :cry:
I would prefer that! I better ask my RE about this. Thanks, Sunshine!
Hello Ladies,

Hope you all doing fine. I have a query regarding the down reg, wonder if someone here could help. I will be starting my treatment early august. During our consultation meeting the doctor told us that after I have had my AF in the month of July, three week after that they will put me on this nasal spray to get my ovaries stop to work.

What I am wondering is why is it 3 weeks after my periods? Any idea? Do you ladies have to follow similar timeline? Please help.

Many thanks and take care

Same here :) It seems to have worked out so far for me. I started my period 5/24 and they put me on Lupron (same effect as the nasal spray) on 6/14.
Hi ladies! Been out of town, but anxious to catch up with you all now that we're back and getting settled.

Hoping to start Lupron next weekend for upcoming cycle.

Will get back soon to catch up on the latest!! Hope all are well!
Hello Ladies,

Hope you all doing fine. I have a query regarding the down reg, wonder if someone here could help. I will be starting my treatment early august. During our consultation meeting the doctor told us that after I have had my AF in the month of July, three week after that they will put me on this nasal spray to get my ovaries stop to work.

What I am wondering is why is it 3 weeks after my periods? Any idea? Do you ladies have to follow similar timeline? Please help.

Many thanks and take care

Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me stopping in. The reason they do 3 weeks after af is because you need to ovulate before they start the down regging or else your af will never come so that you can start stims
Mells - That is fantastic!!! :happydance: :thumbup: :happydance:

AFM - I started my Lupron on Tuesday evening! :happydance: No problems with the first injection but yesterday I got a large welt and redness at the injection site. The welt from tonight's injection was much smaller and it wasn't as red as last night's. Has anyone else had that type of reaction before to the Lupron?

On a side note, yesterday was my third wedding anniversary!!! :wedding:

I've had this happen if I injected too quickly. Inject the Lupron very slowly.
Well ladies AF got me this morning (in agony with it :( ) so ive paid my bill and im just waiting for phone call from nurses to arrange my fsh test then will start BCP on Friday cant believe ill be starting all this again :/

Mells huge congrars on been pupo whens OTD x

hope all our other ladies are doing ok :D x
Welcome back Galen! How was the vacation?

Thanks for the information, Blue! I will try to inject more slowly tomorrow night.

:hugs: Rosie!

Mells - Hopefully this week will fly by for you with the holiday distractions!
Hey Prayerful, how have your meds been going? I'm slightly behind with reading updates :) My meds arrived today and I feel like I've already forgotten everything the coordinator explained to me! It's like studying for a test and then once it shows up your brain is blank.
Hey Prayerful, how have your meds been going? I'm slightly behind with reading updates :) My meds arrived today and I feel like I've already forgotten everything the coordinator explained to me! It's like studying for a test and then once it shows up your brain is blank.

I go for my 2nd follicle scan in the morning!! Only 6 more days of being a pin cushion.... I hope!
My meds arrived today and I feel like I've already forgotten everything the coordinator explained to me! It's like studying for a test and then once it shows up your brain is blank.

Same here. Picked up the meds and got the lesson 10 days ago and can't remember a thing. I think I was just too overwhelmed right there and nothing stuck in my brain. I've been watching instructions videos etc. Hopefully that'll do it :haha:

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