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Ivf/icsi/fet/ june,july,aug 2013, feel free to join for support :)

Mells - How exciting! That is such a great number! I can't wait to hear an update tomorrow!
18 eggs retrieved! I'll have a full report tomorrow. On schedule for a Saturday transfer.

Great Mells, that fantastic. Would you tell us things you did health-wise or any other lifestyle change for this amazing result please? So happy for you.
18 eggs retrieved! I'll have a full report tomorrow. On schedule for a Saturday transfer.

Great Mells, that fantastic. Would you tell us things you did health-wise or any other lifestyle change for this amazing result please? So happy for you.

I used a healthy, young, fertile donor! these aren't biologically my eggs.
Yayy mells..that's a fantastic number!!!!
I hope everyone else its doing good!!!
Mells what a fantastic number, do you get all those eggs or do you share? have you had fertitlty report yet fingers crossed for good numbers :D

hows everyone else getting on?

welcome to any newcomers!

Ive managed to get myself in with an acupuncturist shes the only one who specifaclly deals with IVf in my area she was quite booked up but has manged to squeeze me in have my consutation on 9th july! Anyone else done acupuncture before?

treatment wise have to pay my bill this week and just waiting for AF to start hopefully next Tuesday then will be startin BCP x
Mells what a fantastic number, do you get all those eggs or do you share? have you had fertitlty report yet fingers crossed for good numbers :D

hows everyone else getting on?

welcome to any newcomers!

Ive managed to get myself in with an acupuncturist shes the only one who specifaclly deals with IVf in my area she was quite booked up but has manged to squeeze me in have my consutation on 9th july! Anyone else done acupuncture before?

treatment wise have to pay my bill this week and just waiting for AF to start hopefully next Tuesday then will be startin BCP x

Rosie, all mine and we had 10 fertilize! Hope we have some to freeze.
Sorry, been MIA for a few days (we've been having a flooding situation where I live).

Rosie - awesome you get an appt with the acupuncture specialist. We've been seeing one for a few weeks now. Of course I don't know yet if it'll help or not, but I do feel like that it at least relaxes me.

Mells - awesome news! All fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

I got a technical question for the ones who already did IVF before - I'm supposed to be starting stimms in a week from now (fingers crossed!), and I'll be doing 3 injections - Gonal, Luveris, and Cetrotide (same as Ganirelix). How exactly am I supposed to switch injection sites with 3 meds? Can they all go into the same area and then I alternate every day? Or does the antagonist need to go on the other side of the belly? Naive me always thought that I'd be injecting ONE thing and it made sense to alternate injection sites, but now I'm totally overwhelmed about how to do 3 injections :wacko::wacko:
Glad acupuncture at least relaxes you that's what im hoping for it cant do any harm giving it a try!

Ive never had 3 injections max ive has is 2 one is bigger than the other so I just do one on side one the other and alternate size each day, if I were to have 3 id prob do one on each side and one in the middle above the belly button one day and below the next if that makes any sense at all!!!
Mells what a fantastic number, do you get all those eggs or do you share? have you had fertitlty report yet fingers crossed for good numbers :D

hows everyone else getting on?

welcome to any newcomers!

Ive managed to get myself in with an acupuncturist shes the only one who specifaclly deals with IVf in my area she was quite booked up but has manged to squeeze me in have my consutation on 9th july! Anyone else done acupuncture before?

treatment wise have to pay my bill this week and just waiting for AF to start hopefully next Tuesday then will be startin BCP x

Rosie, all mine and we had 10 fertilize! Hope we have some to freeze.

Wow that's fantastic! fingers crossed for you :D keep us updated x
Are you doing a 5 day mells?

Yay suppression check in the morning then stimms too:-D
Hi Ladies...well I got the call this morning and RE decided to do a 3 day transfer. So I'm PUPo with 2 quality 1, 8 cell embryos! 1 is the best on the scale of 1-5. He also think we should have a couple or so to freeze.
Hi Ladies...well I got the call this morning and RE decided to do a 3 day transfer. So I'm PUPo with 2 quality 1, 8 cell embryos! 1 is the best on the scale of 1-5. He also think we should have a couple or so to freeze.

OMG OMG OMG!! YAY cant wait :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yeah I was a mess when the nurse called bc she said th embies weren't growing as expected. That is only partly true, RE said they usually wait Neil day 5 to see what the best embryos will look like, but with mine it was obvious which ones were the front runners. No point in delaying transfer at this point.
Yeah I was a mess when the nurse called bc she said th embies weren't growing as expected. That is only partly true, RE said they usually wait Neil day 5 to see what the best embryos will look like, but with mine it was obvious which ones were the front runners. No point in delaying transfer at this point.

are they going to wait till day 5 and freeze?
Mells - That is fantastic!!! :happydance: :thumbup: :happydance:

AFM - I started my Lupron on Tuesday evening! :happydance: No problems with the first injection but yesterday I got a large welt and redness at the injection site. The welt from tonight's injection was much smaller and it wasn't as red as last night's. Has anyone else had that type of reaction before to the Lupron?

On a side note, yesterday was my third wedding anniversary!!! :wedding:
Yeah I was a mess when the nurse called bc she said th embies weren't growing as expected. That is only partly true, RE said they usually wait Neil day 5 to see what the best embryos will look like, but with mine it was obvious which ones were the front runners. No point in delaying transfer at this point.

are they going to wait till day 5 and freeze?

Yes, they will continue to grow and freeze any that look good.
Hello, Ladies,

I have just completed all the tests and was given the schedule for baseline check on 7/31 and lining check on 8/14 but was devastated to know that I have to be on Lupron from July 3rd to suppress my ovaries. We decided to stay in this clinic because the RE that we had the consult with said that we could do the donor egg IVF naturally. I am really, really upset.:nope::nope:
Luma, I'm currently doing a donor egg cycle, and I didn't think it was possible to do a natural cycle even with donor eggs. Truthfully, I wouldn't think it was even possible do to them not wanting you to ovulate and them having to be a progessterone once the transfer is about to happen since you won't be making any of your own. Aside from that, I guess my next question is what are your concerns with using Lupron?

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