Well, I'm back from retrieval already! That was sure fast. I felt nothing, remember nothing and actually feel great--just a bit tired--it really was the easiest part of this whole process by far.
They retrieved 7 eggs ( upon which I apparently exclaimed--MY LUCKY NUMBER---yaaaay sedation. Make me say crazy things.... )
Anyway 7 is pretty good I think? My doc told me they thought all along they'd get between 5 and 10 so 7 is right in the middle. The reality is all may not be mature and all may not fertilize, but hey--if I can get one out of this, I'm happy.
I should know tomorrow how many were mature, they said stats are usually 60% mature--so that would be 3 or 4---but I'm hoping to break the stats and have even more.
So, I wish it was 10, but 7 is great---and the best part is it's OVER!
DH was AMAZING during the process and sat right in the room with me. I guess right before I drifted off from the meds I guess I kept saying over and over to the docs " My husband is so nice. " Truth comes out I suppose! He kept me laughing pre-retrieval and is now making me a sandwich and picked up some trashy magazines on the way home. All in all, today---I feel very lucky. Planning to just take it easy today and relax!!
Thank you for your support, it's been amazing to know I have a whole team routing for me! I will update each day as I know more.