Africaqueen yayyy so happy for you dear, your GP must be an angel sent from above.
RAF great news for having 5 embies, wish you all the best for your transfer
Angielude sorry for being out this month , FX for you does the trick.
Samsfan sorry for the bfn dear
Mbrink 7 is awesome, wish you all the best for your transfer
flowermal as Africaqueen said take lots of fruits, it'll help.
just1 yayy for the follies, and goodluck with ER
yayyyy babyhopes so happy for you dear, can't imagine how you felt when you saw that heartbeat
BabyD sooo sorry dear , we are for you.
sorry if i missed anyone, but hope everyone else is doing good
Afm, had my scan and bw, the dr saw 5 follies on the left and 5 on the right, she said she wants more so she upped my injection with 75iu gonal f for yesterday and today, will go in tomorrow for another scan and bw. BTW does anyone experience any pain during the scan?
Yup I do seem to experience some discomfort during the scan.. Not sure if that's cos I tense up and muscles contract therefore it's harder for the scope to go in.. Guess I'm just a panic queen