Sorry I haven't posted in a while, our first cycle of IVF worked! But now we're in beta hell and I need some advice.
At 7dp3dt I got my first very faint positive. It started gradually increasing but was faint. Got my first positive digital on 13dp3dt. Next day was my beta, and it was 55. They said I was pregnant but my numbers were low, as they were looking for 90-100.
I tested yesterday, two days later at 16dp3dt and my number went up to 215which was where it should be if my first number was in the normal range. I stopped bleeding last night. I have never had cramps in the last few days other than maybe five days ago and there were super light. We did transfer two embryos so I'm wondering if one was just a late implanter?
Any advice on low betas would be so helpful. Needing some reassurance.