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IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Thanks for the welcome :) We're preparing ourselves for a huge rollercoaster ride, just so keen to get things started. We were told we have a 0.01% chance of natural pregnancy but the docs seemed very positive about ivf and icsi, so fingers crossed.
Can I ask any of you working ladies how you deal with both? Does your work know what you're going through/about to go through? We recently moved and have only been in my job 4 months, I'm worried about their reaction to ivf. Will I need a lot of time off? x
Hey Hun I told my work but only my boss in office to show letter and appts for time off humans his wife all so went thru iui and told me not to get stressed and to take as much time as I need off. Part of me wishes tho I didn't tell them but u have to have appt letters to prove when u r off! I have been off work 8 weeks due back 8th January since having my op and when I go back that is when my ivf will start so i just hope they still don't mind the time off
I work full time as a deputy sister on NICU. Can be emotionally hard working there and not conceiving so I have told my work. I'm glad I have coz they are so supportive.
I can't have appointments and stuff off work unless I swap my shifts though which is understandable where I work. I've had sick time for my laps. I've got annual leave in march and April, and my manager said she is happy for me to use annual leave for IVF instead of sick time if I want to.
Em xxx
I have also told my boss. I told him I didn't want people to know because there is no guarantee that anything will work and I don't want to answer any questions. My boss was very intrigued and started asking me about how things work. He told me to take whatever time I need and not to worry about. My RE is 3 1/2 hrs away so once the monitoring starts I will stay near the doc and will probably miss a couple weeks of work.
RELmom- Welcome and best of luck :) i had a HSG years ago and can honestly say it was the worst pain i have ever felt and i have had 2 ruptured fallopian tubes...i strongly recommend taking VERY strong painkillers before this procedure. Good thing is that it does not take very long x

Emily- Welcome and good luck :) must be so hard working on NICU for you x

Hi to all the gang. Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and that 2013 brings a ton of BFPS to our 1st page on here! ;-) xxx
Yikes that's what I was afraid of! My mom is taking me so I don't have to worry about being in pain while driving! My hubby has to take our daughter for her check up the same day so he can't take me! I wonder if muscle relaxers would kill the pain otherwise all I have is ibuprophen!!
Yes i would take a relaxant and maybe even a mild sedative... ;-) only lasts minutes luckily so don't panic too much x

Merry Christmas everyone. Lets pray this time next year we will be mummies or pregnant xxx
Hi!! I hope I can join this thread. My hubby and I are starting our first IVF in Jan! Only a week to go!! I have PCOS and have done 6 failed rounds of clomid +IUI. They seem to think my problem is thin lining. I am nervous this might still be the case with IVF. Has anyone had a thin lining with clomid but was fine with IVF?? My AMH is at 5.9. I am hoping for lots of eggies!

For those of you who have done this before. Do the drugs make you feel crazy? I know clomid made me an emotional mess! The hot flashes were out of this world!!

Just think. New year, new start hopefully new life for us all!! :happydance::happydance:
Hey welcome good luck :) this is a busy thread getting now hard to keep up :haha:
I haven't used any other drug we went straight onto ivf , they keep an eye on ur lining throughout treatment don't they?
Momma- Welcome and good luck! I will be starting 3rd cycle of IVF in march and with IVF they can monitor the womb lining and if its not thick enough they can lengthen the time you are stimming. Also as a tip, eat lots of chocolate as this helps thicken the lining but obviously reduce after transfer ;-) x

Hi Pcct, Rosie, Emily, Mells, RAFwife, Wannabe, Lovetoeatcake, Cvaeh and all the gang x

Hope everyone had a nice xmas and i cannot wait for this new year to see our BFPS come rolling in! Jan girls need to cause a domino effect for us Feb and March girls xxx
I had an hsg test done all I felt was a very mild cramp. I was told to take ibuprofen beforehand to help with any cramping and I had even forgot to do that. They told me most women have mild if any discomfort so please don't panic.
Hey ladies! I had my baseline yesterday. My lining is thin and I had about 6 antricle follicules on the right side. The left side had a small cyst, so I had some bw done to see if it is suppressed. I'll know more today when the results come in. Hoping this doesn't delay things! :dohh:
Momma- Welcome and good luck! I will be starting 3rd cycle of IVF in march and with IVF they can monitor the womb lining and if its not thick enough they can lengthen the time you are stimming. Also as a tip, eat lots of chocolate as this helps thicken the lining but obviously reduce after transfer ;-) x

Hi Pcct, Rosie, Emily, Mells, RAFwife, Wannabe, Lovetoeatcake, Cvaeh and all the gang x

Hope everyone had a nice xmas and i cannot wait for this new year to see our BFPS come rolling in! Jan girls need to cause a domino effect for us Feb and March girls xxx

Thanks! I think I can handle eating chocolate! hehe :happydance:
Count me in. I'll be doing a Frozen Embryo Transfer on the 11th of January as a surrogate :)
Hi ladies

Happy Christmas! Hope youve all had a nice break

Been struggling to get over this lap, still sore and can't walk for long before I have to sit down.

I cant wait to get to my referral appointment a week today! Just want to know whats going on!

Em xxx
:hi: ladies I'm going to be egg sharing in 2013- probably in feb/march time :)
Hi ladies hope you all had a lovely christmas, ours was hectic lovely but definatley hectic looking forward to a nice chilled weekend now!

How will you all be celebrating at new year?

Im just still waiting for AF to show so I can go for FSH test and start on pill due anytime from today to well goodness knows when!

Good to know about the chocolate africaqueen gives me a good excuse to eat all the christmas choclate weve been given ;)
Hey all the newbies :hi:
Hope u feel better soon after ur lap Emily :hugs: I felt sore for a while after my lap too

Hey phantom welcome :) am doing egg share as well , you share half your eggs and u get reduced cost ivf :) such an amazing thing to be able to help another woman at the same time :)
Hey Rosie hope af shows soon for u so u can get started :)

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
phantom egg sharing is what pcct just explained :)

pcct :hi: haven't read back through the thread yet didnt realise you was on here :hugs:

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