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IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Hey Hun :hi: nice to see u in here the lucky thread where we are all going get our bfp in 2013 :)
Well I got the call, my cycle has been postponed :cry:.

So sad and tired of things not "going as planned." Looks like Late February...
Aw mells sorry to hear your cycle has been postponed :(
Hi ladies :hi: can i join too?
I have been around here a while, ttc for 6.5 years.lost 7.5 stone to be help things along. i have pcos and underactive thyroid, lap this year finally diagnosed endo, i had an endo cyst, ovarian drilling and my ovary unstuck from my bowel. i have had 9 cycles of clomid and bloods have shown that i still didn't ovulate.
I have finally been referred for ivf, short protocol, under Hammersmith hospital. i have my co-ordination appt on the 8th Jan where they teach you your drugs etc. hoping to start cd1 after that!
Look forward to following all of your success stories and seeing lots of bfps :hugs: xxxxxx
:wave: Hi all you newcomers!

Mells- I am so sorry... that is crummy. :hugs: Damn cyst. So are you back on birth control?

AFM- I had my U/S and everything looked good. Thick lining, no cysts and 8 follicles on left and 10 on right. So far so good! I've been on Lupron since Christmas. I start Follistim on January 1!!! I'm ready to get this ball rolling for us! ;) :BFP:
Hey ladies, hope u all had a good christmas..only a few more days till Jan so we are getting there!!!

Welcome to all the new ladies xx

Mels :hugs: sorry to hear about that, must be very disappointing. Glad to hear things are set for Feb though and hopefully it will fly by and it least you have the other girls on here to go through it with xx

Africa is that seriously true about choc?? Ive got so much for xmas so maybe that will come in handy!!

Cali - that sounds like a lot of follies so fx for you.Yay xx

4 days till my scratch....sooo excited!!! Am I the only one on short antagonist regime?? Ive not heard of any of your drugs!!

Does anyone have an opinion on acupuncture with IVF? Its really expensive and we already payed out 5000 for the actual IVF so not sure whether to do it or not!!
mells so sorry to hear your cycle has been postponed :hugs: :hugs:

ineedaseed not long now wishing you tons of luck :)

cali_kt everything sounds fantastic and sounds like you have got alot of follicles going on :happydance:

pcct fx'd we all do, our bfp's are very long overdue right!!

klemocake what drugs are you taking? Not sure what protocol I will be doing yet :dohh: I've already done hmg injections (Menopur) though so I'm ready for when it comes to Stimming :)

Oh yeh sorry I was meant to say in my first post- if anyone is interested in my ttc story it's all in the 1st page of my journal if you want a read :)
Hey girls.. Hope u don't mind me joining too.. I'm also egg sharing. Got appointment 7th Jan for nurse planning so get my treatment plan then. Hoping to start mid/late Jan. xx
gem :hi: you're on my egg sharing thread :) hope you're doing okay? 7th jan is just around the corner :happydance:
Hi to more of u joinng the tread :)
Inneed I have my appt on the 8th jan as well :) really looking forward to it.
Cali glad ur u/s went well and everything is looking good for u and on ur way to ur bfp :dance:
Klem we were going to do acu as well just before staring our ivf it seams really helpful but like u say it's so expensive :/ I don't even no if mabye just doing the odd one or two rounds would benefit us :shrug:
Hi everyone, sorry i haven't been on this thread for a while. i had been waiting for my appointment to come through which came today. It's not until the 31st January and i honestly don't know whether i will even get the go ahead to start then! So it looks like i will be starting February at the absolute earliest!
Good luck to all of those starting soon!
As soon as AF starts I will be back on BCPs. They increased my Lupron back to 20 units, and I'll get a new protocol calendar once everything starts back up. I'm staying positive and I know things always work out they way they are meant too. :thumbup:
@klemocake- i am on short protocol too. i am considering acupuncture, its supposed to really help with the relaxation side of things.
The first week of Jan brings lots of excitement in here, Woop!!
Her girls, looks like I might be joining you all...

Today was my beta day for IVF#1 and it was negative :cry: I was completely heart broken and crushed! Words can't even describe the lot in my throat as I tried to maintain a conversation with my FS... But I've cried my tears and I'm ready to move on...

Back history... I'm 24 and dh is 30. We have been trying exactly 5 years New Year's Day. I have used clomid, done iui's and nothing. In November- December of this year I started my first iui with injectables but at my day 12 ultrasound they saw 17 mature follicles. With lots of begging on behalf of my FS, my insurance agreed to switch the iui to ivf :happydance: that is why I ended up having my first ivf this month.

My follow up to see what step to take next is on January 11th and I'm asking to start back up right away. I'm praying everything works in my favor to do a second round of ivf.
Hey august :hi:
Sorry to hear ivf1 didn't work hun. :hugs: everything crossed that your appt goes well and you can start number 2 straight away.
afm- i have downloaded zita wests relaxation cds for the ivf process. has anyone else used them?
9 sleeps till my appt, Eek! We need to have the hiv/hepatitis blood tests done while there, i hope it doesn't delay us starting!

Hope you are all well ladies xxx
hey everyone!

Witch arrived this morning so off to hospital in morning for FSH bloods and all been well should start on pill on thursday, it all seems to of come round so quickly :O
Hi ladies :) wow we are a busy thread now! :)

Phantom- Welcome and what a wonderful thing you are hoping to do! the gift of life is the greatest gift of all. Hope all goes well with your FET x

Emily- Ah hope you feel better soon. Iv had 2 laps and was very sore for a while. Having my 3rd end of Jan and feeling edgy as i know what's coming :( x

Scerena- Welcome and good luck with the egg share. Its a fab thing to do x

Rosie- Glad you had a nice xmas and yayy for the witch coming! all systems go! :) for NYE i am going to our local pub for a disco with my dad. Dh doesnt drink on NYE as he is Muslim and likes to pray as the new year comes in. What are you up to? x

Mells- I am sorry your cycle is delayed but on a good side, it means we will most likely be cycling around the same time ;-) x

Ineedaseed- Welcome and lots of luck! iv seen your posts on various forums for years and wish u all the best x

Cali- Yayy for such a great U/S result! all guns blazin now! lots of luck x

Klemoncake- Yep the choc thing is true so enjoy! lol. Good luck for your scratch. Hope it does the trick for us both! I did the short antagonist protocol last cycle and will be doing it again on our next. I love how fast it goes! :) As regards Accu i think its good for relaxation for some ppl but i dont think it has a baring on the end result. I believe in fate really and when we are meant to get pregnant we will(fate best be onside next yr! haha) x

GemH- Welcome an lots of luck. Fab your doing egg share x

Lovetoeatcake- Im sure the 31st Jan will soon be here :) that's the date i have my lap etc too. We could end up cycling together x

august- Welcome :) i am sorry your cycle didnt work out. Iv had 2 fails and know how awful it is, but stay hopeful for next cycle and let me know when u will be starting again so i can add you to our 1st page. x

Pcct- How are u doing? x

Hi to everyone else and hope all doing well x

AFM- Not much to report here. Been bleeding on an off for past mth so going to request my AMH is repeated as it could be the start of the menopause. Could also be symptoms of Endo so will have to see. I hope to god its nothing serious. I am actually looking forward to my next lap end of Jan so we can get to the root of the problem hopefully. We had a pleasant xmas but quiet. Hope next xmas see's us all with our bundles of joy or at the very least, heavily pregnant ;-) As we say goodbye to 2012 i would like to thank you all for joining this thread and as we enter 2013 we will all be a great support for eachother and hopefully it will be a year of celebrations :) xxxx
africaqueen thank you for the warm welcome :hugs: what was your AMH when they took it first time? Praying its not menopause for you Hun :hugs:

augustluvers I am so sorry to hear that your first Ivf didn't work :hugs: I will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts that this next Ivf gives you your sticky bean Hun :hugs:

rosie06 good luck :)

lovetoeatcake I will be starting maybe end of February maybe march sometime also :hugs:
AF showed this morning so I'll be starting BCP on Tuesday. I'm hoping to be on a longer protocol as that seemed to work best so far. I'm ready to get this party started.
thanks for the advice re acupuncture, think i will give it a go, it can't hurt!!!
zita west relaxation stuff sounds good too- I'm such a stress head so anything to help during the next few weeks will be good i suppose..

august- im so sorry it didn't work this time. i just can't imagine how that feels, I'm trying to block it from my mind. really good luck for your next go and well done for being so brave:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

mells glad its started so you can get going again x

hope everyone has nice plans for tomo night- 2013 is OUR YEAR, YAY!!!

ps africa- i just ate half a box of milk tray so its gotta work!!!! xx

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