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IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

@ rosie- great news that you can start soon, it really does come round quickly :hugs:
@ AQ - Thanks for the lovely welcome hun, i have seen you around lots too, 2013 will be our year. i really hope the lap sheds some light and its not the menopause hun. :hugs:
@ mels - woop for af, lets get the party started!! bring on the bfps!
@klemon - i am similar, i find things quite stressful and stew on stuff, hoping the cd helps. i am also considering acu, i have looked on the zita website to find affiliated clinics. am willing to try anything that might help!

cant believe 2012 is nearly done, the year has flown. i am off to bingo tomorrow with hubby, mum, bro and his gf, so rock and roll :haha: looking forward to welcoming 2013 and hoping and praying it brings a truckload of bfps and babies for us all :friends: xxxx
mells 54 looks like we will be cycling pretty much the same time i start pill on thursday though but will be doing LP too

AQ we were meant to be just have a quiet NYE however my parents and brother and his GF are coming round now and as of today my aunty uncle and cousins are coming round aswell, dont mind really we normally have such a good laugh when all together!

Really hope 2013 brings us all the luck we all need!!!!

klemoncake i actually done reflexology on my cycle of IVF looked at accupuncture but seemed cheaper especially as i just seen it as a means of relaxation! boy does it work though 2 occasions i actually fell asleep lol luckily she came to my house to do it so she just let my hubby know lol was so embarrased the first time good job id know her for quite a while!
scerena- My AMH was 2.5 in Feb so really hoping things have not got any worse in less than a year. Hoping its Endo and nothing serious. Gonna stay positive :) x

Mells- Yay for AF! All systems go soon for you! x

Klemoncake- haha to the milk tray. We may gain 10lbs but we will have a GREAT lining! ha x

Ineedaseed- Thanks hun an i pray 2013 is our special year an we can finally be in a pregnancy thread at LAST ;-) x

Rosie- Your NYE sounds lovely. Enjoy! x
africaqueen Im not sure how your levels work where you are? our average scale is 15 here I think it must be measured different here! I am sohoping its nothing to be worried about hun :hugs: I have heard that levels fluctuate :hugs:
Hi All-
I was looking for a group to join and if it's ok with you all- seems like I can learn from everyone here!
After 4 failed IUI's, We are going forth with our first IVF/ICSI. I just started the OCP's yesterday, and the shots will begin on Jan 14th with a transfer sometime the week of Feb 4th.
I'm nervous- does the transfer trial hurt/cramp...does the transfer or retrieval leave you sore?
When does everyone tell their family once they get the BFP... still wait 3 mos??
Best of luck to you alll!!!!!
Happy new year ladies! 2013 is finally here, so lets pray we see those BFPS come rolling in!

BabyD- Welcome and best of luck with treatment! I will be starting IVF x3 in March and as regards your questions, The mock transfer never hurt me whatsoever and the actual transfers went very smoothly too with no pain at all and all done very quickly. For my Egg collections i was given deep sedation so slept through it and woke up feeling fine with no pain at all. I had a tiny bit of blood loss but nothing to speak of.
hey girlies hope everyone had a good christmas and lots of BFP's to come fingers crossed for 2013.. i'm awaiting an appointment with nurse to get meds and injection training etc but i phoned them and said that it will be out soon and my EC is booked for 21st Feb.. so nervous.. to start meds etc.. african queen i ready ur amh levels is low. Did u get many follies? mines last time was 2.1 which is pretty low i have PCOS and i have all symptoms of endro but never been diagnosed but runs in family. Does endro affect ICSI? it's got me really worried. :wacko:
Happy New Year Ladies hope you are all ok

I start BCP tomorrow then have appt on 14th with nurses to collect drugs and go through injection traing sign consents etc,

my FSH was 4.2 LH 4.3 and AMH was 21.1 no idea what it means but she said that they were totally fine and AMH shows typical PCOS sufferer :S
Rosie my amh was 35.05 typical pcos! They like it above 15 in the uk, so when are you likely to start the drugs?

Wifeyw gl for feb :) it's nerve wracking right :hugs:

BabyD gl with your cycle :)

Africaqueen I really hope this third time you will be blessed with your baby :hugs:

I've got my nurses appointment on 22nd jan, second HIV test on 26th so hoping to start feb some time!
Hi everyone, hope your all ok!
Welcome baby, its my first IVF too so pretty scared as well but had my set up today and they said Er done under deep sedation like Africa said so its fine, and ET they said is just like scratch which was crampy for about 45secs and then ok, so try not to worry.

Just had my scratch as well.. that was fine but i had a bendy cervix so took them a while to get it through. its a bit scratchy and spotting a bit now but they said thats normal, so another week and I start on my gonal F injections!! yay!!

My AMH was 46 when they did it which they said was totally normal for my age, but that thwy would have to give the lowest strength of drugs to avoid overstimulation. On the results I got there was a graph that looked at age and amh range and it said for age 30 it shd be anything from 12-55 ish but dunno if they measure it differently in different centres.
Klemoncake- thanks for the info of the process I don't feel as nervous now- I've done hmg injections I'm fine with injections, was just the EC and ET I was concerned about aswell so thanks :)

Yh sorry regarding amh i meant there's nothing wrong with a high one, I just meant they like anything above 15 here :) i should of worded that properly :dohh: any higher like you said they have to give lower drugs- I had to stay minimum dose on Menopur on my Stimming cycles otherwise I produced loads of eggs,
Hello everyone! I just got back from my injection class today. Lots of information given to us. A little overwhelming but I think once we do it a couple times we should be ok. It seems like we will be at the doc office ALOT!! I am happy my work told me they would work around me and not to stress of missed time. THANK GOODNESS. I have to say I am feeling pretty positive right now. 2013 is our year!! They say estimated ER is Jan 18th but did mention that will mostly likely change give or take.
Rosie my amh was 35.05 typical pcos! They like it above 15 in the uk, so when are you likely to start the drugs?

Wifeyw gl for feb :) it's nerve wracking right :hugs:

BabyD gl with your cycle :)

Africaqueen I really hope this third time you will be blessed with your baby :hugs:

I've got my nurses appointment on 22nd jan, second HIV test on 26th so hoping to start feb some time!

well i start on the pill tomorrow then start down reg injections on 16th then egg collection will be either w/c 18th feb potentially the week before!

i know some of you are worried about EC i can honestly say it isnt as bad as what you think here we have contious sedation so basically your awake just a bit fuzzy, i have the lowest pain threshold ever but i managed without any additional pain relief the nurses help because they chat away to you so it diverts your attention the only thing that hurt was the local anesthetic they give you inside iykwim! x
rosieLocal anesthetiser inside??? NOWAY ouch!!!

How many ivf's have you had?
rosieLocal anesthetiser inside??? NOWAY ouch!!!

How many ivf's have you had?

oh yeah its the only thing they didnt mention and i now know why lol to be honest its the only thing that makes me that little bit anxious because i know thats to come!

weve just had the one IVF back in 2010 (wow that feels a long time ago!)

how about yourself?
Well Rosie I didn't no that :0 ouch!! I suppose it good to know exactly what is going on :haha:
How is everyone doing ?
rosie- where abouts do they do it inside TMI sorry :blush:
That's very off putting lol! The things we go through hey! But it's all worth it :)
So they don't do that after sedation??

This is going to be my first Ivf and I will be egg sharing :)

:hi: pcct :)
well im presuming they all do it i think its the inside wall of your vagina i think where they go through to get at the ovaries, if im honest i cant remember if it was before or after the sedation i think it was all at the same time!

when will you be starting your injections do you know yet?

hows things with you pcct any news on your dates yet? x
Ooo the ec is going to be arrghh lol
Am doing good thanks , we have our information evening on Tuesday :) then just waiting for af then start on buserelin cd21
OMG sounds soooo horrible!! And must hurt :( but oh well we will do what we have to do :)

Um not sure yet I've got my nurses appointment on 22nd jan- hoping they will do my 2nd HIV test then also as I'm due that around the 26th jan...
Then they will match me almost straight away as they have a long list of recipients and induce my af and then hopefully get started in feb sometime! Will know more on the 22nd about dates etc :)

You will be ahead of me so I will be stalking your journey if you don't mind :)

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