IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

wanna - sorry I dont know about that gel.....I hope you find out though.

AFM - Due to not having my correct needles last night I ended up taking my first IVF meds, gonal f and menapur at 10 pm instead of 9pm. Now my question is, should I continue to take it at 10 pm or move back to 9pm tonight?
Hi all

Not sure if I can ask on this particular thread but hoping to get some help from lots of ppl who have had good outcomes

I am on day 11 of a 2 day embryo transfer and this morning after intercourse I bled well when I say bled after going to the loo to hmmmm sort myself out it was bright red when I wiped and in the toilet.
I have had no period pain no signs nothing
I had to go into hospital on sunday night (28th) with ovarian hyper stimulation (think that's what its called) and had to stay in until Tuesday I was still positive up until this morning, I am on protesgeon injections once a day and prognova tablets twice a day I am ment to test this Wednesday has anyone else experienced this and still had a positive result?
Ive been running to the loo all day and have had nothing else since this morning.

any comments would be greatful
Hey Jeffers - I think good sign it stopped. Sorry I can nite really help you. My doc suggests no sex during the 2week wait. Good luck!
Egg collection is Tuesday :)

peachy Thank you :hugs: hope you're okay?

ttcbaby can't wait for your first scan :) I would check about changing the time Hun I'm not sure...

jeffers I haven't a clue sorry :hugs: Good luck :hugs:
TTCbaby....my nurse told me that i could take my meds +/- an hr.

Goodluck to everyone else :0
Hello everyone :flower:.

Ttc for my first injection I took it around 4pm since it was at the hospital because they were going to show me how to do it,and the dr told me to choose a more convenient time for the rest, and I choose 2pm. So I think you can change.

Jeffers my dr said no sex from EC, and up till today we've not had sex, am around 7 to 8 weeks. I think you should check in with your clinic to be sure what the blood was. Hope you hear good news.
Thanks ladies.....I will start it at 8:30 which is a more normal time for me.
TTC, my doc always said to try and do it at the same time each day, but not rush home if out just to do the shot.

Jeffers, my RE also said no sex from EC until given the clear well after the 2 WW. Hope all is ok!

Scerena, congrats!
AQ - I know I'm late on this but I haven't really been around much lately but I wanted to say that I'm so so sorry :hugs: I'm afraid I don't have the right words to comfort you but we're all here for you if you need to talk and we all, I'm sure, wish you nothing but the best!

LPear - I can't believe you're 17 weeks already wow! Time does fly! Did you find out the sex of your LO yet?

scerena - sorry you've been having to coast for a while but yay for EC on Tuesday!

jeffers - I don't know as I've never been in this situation but like a few of the other girls said, my doctor does not allow me to have sex until after the official beta. I've never gotten further than that so I don't know what his rules are for after that but I've heard that some women don't have sex for about 7-12 weeks after the positive test so .... I hope everything works out and if there has been no more bleeding I'm sure everything is fine!

AFM - I think I mentioned it before but I was worried because I haven't had a period in about 40 something days. Probably because I've been on BCP's since April 2nd. I was mainly worried because I thought if I didn't get a period then my cycle would be canceled because I would have old lining. Well AF finally came today, I stopped the BCPs on Thursday. I'm pretty much miserable and in a lot of pain. I'm on the couch with a heating pad and I took a tylenol about 10 minutes ago, waiting for that to kick in! I go in tomorrow morning for b/w u/s which should be ... interesting. I just hope I get to start my meds tomorrow!
Hi AQ , no words to express how i feel about ur bfn.. A really sorry it didn't work but I have faith that things will fall in place.. You have been here for all of us and helped us thru our joy and tough times.. Our prayers and good wishes are always with you.. You are a great human being and god won't ignore that.. Am sure you will have your joy soon.. Nd we are here for you throughout .. Just to let you know I am there for you for anything you need and would be glad to help .. Do drop me and email if you want to chat: [email protected]

Scerena- Best wishes for ec tomorrow?

Wanna- I probably missed it but do you know your transfer date? How are you doing with themeds? I am a little worried about the estradiol.

Ash- Loads of luck on this cycle hope this is it for you!
Scerena- That was supposed to be an exclamation point not a question. Me and my fat fingers Lol
Hey Jeffers - I think good sign it stopped. Sorry I can nite really help you. My doc suggests no sex during the 2week wait. Good luck!

Scerena- Best wishes for ec tomorrow?

Wanna- I probably missed it but do you know your transfer date? How are you doing with themeds? I am a little worried about the estradiol.

Ash- Loads of luck on this cycle hope this is it for you!

Hi Peachy - They are estimating sometime around the 21st. They are really watching my lining. The estradiol is making md really emotional. I cried at work today which is really embarrassing. I started the elestrin which is a gel you put on the side of each arm. I am worried because it says side effect is hairloss! I don't need to loose anymore yikes!! I go back Friday.
Wanna- Wow the 21st is coming up quick you must be so excited! Try not to worry about potential side effects that's why I don't read them because I'll manage to conjure them up. Maybe they mean hairloss is at the site you apply it to so that wouldn't be a bad thing. I have a hard time with the bcps that's how much of a wimp I am.
hi guys

so I have had no other bleeding apart from sunday morning ive had no pain nothing, yesterday when going to the loo when I wiped there was a pinky tinch to the discharge on the toilet paper, I woke this morning feeling sick but that could be nerves as I test tomorrow!!!!!
Scerena - best of luck today.

Ash - we find out the sex on the 28th, though I am convinced it's a boy! Hope all is well with you!

Pcct - can't believe how far along you are already, how time flies!
Hi ladies. Just wanted to pop in and thank you all for support xx
I wish all of you the best of luck and hope you all get those BFPS.
As regards me and dh, we cannot afford another cycle so we are going to concentrate on a life without babies and enjoy some holidays over the next year then look at our options again. We will either save and get a loan for the ARGC which has huge success rates for women in my situation or we will go straight to donor eggs. Not sure which yet. Emotionally over the past 3.5yrs i have been drained tho. Iv lost my mum, my 2 closest friends, my tubes, 2 babies, 3 failed cycles of IVF... its all too much. We need to concentrate on our marriage for at least a year and have some fun for once. Yes we are devastated but life has to go on. We have no choice. To all those women struggling, stay strong. There is always tomorrow no matter how bleak things feel.

I will pop in occasionally to update the 1st page but aside from that i won't be around much so if anyone wants to keep in touch via email or FB, here is my email [email protected] xxx
AF - Good luck to you! I hope your year off brings much happiness to your life. You are one of the strongest women on this thread and I believe good things will happen for you. Enjoy time with your hubby :)

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