Hi everyone, hope your all ok!
Welcome baby, its my first IVF too so pretty scared as well but had my set up today and they said Er done under deep sedation like Africa said so its fine, and ET they said is just like scratch which was crampy for about 45secs and then ok, so try not to worry.
Just had my scratch as well.. that was fine but i had a bendy cervix so took them a while to get it through. its a bit scratchy and spotting a bit now but they said thats normal, so another week and I start on my gonal F injections!! yay!!
My AMH was 46 when they did it which they said was totally normal for my age, but that thwy would have to give the lowest strength of drugs to avoid overstimulation. On the results I got there was a graph that looked at age and amh range and it said for age 30 it shd be anything from 12-55 ish but dunno if they measure it differently in different centres.