IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Mamali sorry so long to update I have been working a lot and haven't been feeling well. I wasso worried about not having symptoms well they suck. On Tues baby measured 7wks1day ( I should have been 7wks4days but grew the right amount from the wk before) heartbeat was 133 (they said this was fine but seeing everyone elses I feel it is quite low) the yolk sac stayed the same at 6mm . I will have another u/s next Wed. While she found the growth reassuring nothing will change the fact that this is a high risk pregnancy and while I am taking it one day at a time I can't help but worry about the what if's. If I do make it to 10 wks and do testing and something is wrong with baby what then? Ugh

Mamali are you feeling well? Hope so.

Mells how about you? Still walking in clouds? I hope you are it's amazing!
Peachy, I'm trying to enjoy it, but then that feeling of uncertainty arises. Can't wait for my ultrasound to make sure the lil bean is sticking where it should.
Easier said than done but try to relax and enjoy the fact that your betas are great!
Peachy - glad to hear your little one is growing at the right pace. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Mal - Just stay positive! I know it is hard I still doubt myself. Just breathe. I like to go to accupunture to relive some of that stress. It works for me!

BabyD - So yesterday we saw the cord. It was coming form left side. Can you see the cord in your picture? I am still confused though. It has to be a mirrored image right????? I was to excited and forgot to ask that.

AFM - ultrasound yesterday should baby doing well! Still measuring 2 days behind but had a strong heartbeat of 186!! We could see the little one waving at us hahaha. They were able to do it on top of the belly, so excited I didnt have to take my pants off for a change ahhahaha. We go back July 31st just to hit the end of the first trimester and then its every four weeks after.
Wannabe- yayyy post the pic!!!!!! our cord looks like it's coming from my baby's butt! lol so I don't know.. maybe it originates on the left.. but I don't know if it's a mirror image.. can't wait to see ur sono
Its a bad pic. I am at work so this is the pic of the pic I took. (I wanted it on my phone so I could look at anytime I wanted hahahah)


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Hi ladies so sorry I haven't been on in a while been busy and just enjoying the summer
So I started acupuncture 2 weeks ago, and I am really liking it. I feel much calmer and relaxed after having had it done.

I am in the process of changing clinics, I love the clinic I am with but I moved 3 hours away from it so I've tried to find one that is closer to home, and I have my consultation with them on August 1st

The clinic I've chosen also have this new Eeva machine which has me excited

How are you ladies???

Oh yes I forgot to tell you about my appointment on the 29th. I spoke with my consultant, and initially he put me on the short protocol because of my low AMH, but because of the number of eggs I had he wants to put me on the long protocol to give all of the eggs a chance to be mature instead of just over half of them.

I also found out the grade of my embryos, the 4 cell was a grade 3/3 and the 6 cell was a grade 4/3 which is pretty good, they were just a little slow in developing.
Peachy am so sorry you have to go through this, hoping to hear some good news after tomorrow's u/s. Am good, thanks for asking. Thinking of you :hugs:

Hello everyone :flower:

Afm, nothing really going on but started feeling baby move :cloud9:, it was really an amzing feeling. I hope and pray all of you wonderful ladies will experience this soon.
mam - how exciting! I cant wait to feel that!!!

Peachy - I have been thinking of you. Let us know how things go.

DanDan - Good to hear from you! Hope you find a clinic near you that you love. Glad your follow up appointment went well and you have a plan for next time.

Baby D - So I think I was wrong. They did it on top and not internal so my picture should be mirrored. so confused..........

Hello to everyone else!

AFM - We decided to tell our familes last Saturday since it was my birthday. Still makes me nervous since we are only 10 weeks but the doctor seemed pretty confident with our strong heartbeat. Can't wait till July 31st to see our bean again. Funny, I feel like I live just for the ultrasounds and try and speed everything else up. Hopefully by next ultrasound I will be a little more relaxed!
Wanna- so glad you are doing well. Do you have a doppler? It saved many a scares before I could feel her move. July 31st is our wedding anniversary so a good day for good news :)
Dan so glad to hear you're moving forward it's a tough road but eventually works out!

Mamali and Wanna thanks so much for your kindness and well wishes. Unfortunately the u/s showed today that baby no longer has a heartbeat. While I tried to prepare myself for this it's still utterly devastating. Waiting for dr's office to call to schedule d&c and I will have things tested for abnormalities. I know these things happen and I will give muself and my husband time to heal and decide how to move forward. We have no intention of giving up and truly believe these things make us stronger. I hope you ladies are doing well and feeling good. Please don't feel sorry for me many women have been through much worse and I am lucky to even have had my lil one even if for such a short time.
Linesman - We do have one, my hubby bought one for me for my birthday. However, I believe it is still to early the box says 14-16 weeks and almost at 11. We have tried and tried! Happy early anniversary!!

Peachy - I am glad you are thining postive. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You know you have all of our love and support. If you need anything let me know. I went through a D&C and know how emotion it can be at times. I think your head and heart are in a good place though. :hugs::hugs: You are right every child we carry does not matter for how long is a blessing and are angels.
Peachy, I'm sorry. Did the RE give you any indication of what might have happened? How far along we're you? Did you feel your symptoms change? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just so worried about my scan next week.
AQ hope all is well with you.

Mells my symptoms have not changed. I still have a little nausea and my bb's are sore. I just knew though I can't explain it. I would be 8w5d today. The enlarged yolk sac didn't cause this but was an indication something could be wrong. I am having my d&c Friday morning and will know more in a couple weeks when results come back. Please do not compare yours to mine. Your betas look good and things are going good so don't worry needlessly I am sure everything will be fine with your u/s. Let yourself be excited don't miss out!
AQ hope all is well with you.

Mells my symptoms have not changed. I still have a little nausea and my bb's are sore. I just knew though I can't explain it. I would be 8w5d today. The enlarged yolk sac didn't cause this but was an indication something could be wrong. I am having my d&c Friday morning and will know more in a couple weeks when results come back. Please do not compare yours to mine. Your betas look good and things are going good so don't worry needlessly I am sure everything will be fine with your u/s. Let yourself be excited don't miss out!

Peachy, thanks for sharing. Of course, I can't compare but I do worry. I understand your feeling of "just knowing." When I had my ectopic it was the same way. I couldn't even be sad at first bc I just felt vindicated (for lack of a better word) that my feelings were correct. Keeping you and your DH in my prayers. :hugs:
Hi everyone, sorry I keep disappearing for long periods. I am looking forward to my appointment on the 2st, got all my notes through from my old clinic yesterday, I've enjoyed reading them lol

Peachy- keep us all updated :)
The thread is awefully quite :wacko:, hope everone is doing great?

Peachy how are you dear :hugs:
Hey Mam - I was thinking the same thing. How are you doing?

I go in next week for my 12 week appontment. I am hoping I will breathe a little easier after that! I am starting to have a bump. Getting harder to hide it at work!
Am good Wanna, how are you? Am still not showing :wacko:, if I don't tell you am pregnant you can't tell. Getting to that 12weeks mark is a relief, but I guess one never stops worrying until you have your LO in your arms. Wish you all the best next week.

Hello everyone :flower:.

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