Hi ladies,
Well it has been a while since my last post. I'm in the 2ww and OTD was due to be 07/02.
Unfortunately I'm going to be bringing the lucky thread with all of these BFP's down. Last night (8dp4dt) I noticed that the progesterone gel that came out was tinged with red/brown and some mucous (sorry TMI). I was happy as I thought it was maybe implantation bleeding. A few hours later the bleeding got worse and now I have been experiencing heavy bleeding for the last 24 hours, as well as cramping
So I guess that's it for me this time around. I was really surprised to have got my period this early, I was still 5 days away from OTD.
Needless to say I'm very upset. I keep thinking, well maybe the bleeding will stop and I'll still be pregnant, but I know it's just wishful thinking.
I really thought this would work, and now I'm really disappointed in my body.
I'll call my clinic tomorrow to let them know, and see where we go from now. I'm so thankful that we have a frozen embryo at least, but I have no idea how my clinic does FET. I hate how much time just drags when you're TTC.
Wannabe and sanu - you're spotting sounds very light and like nothing to worry about. My AF came without warning (no cramps, no sore boobs) and is heavy and has remained so.
Anyway, congratulations to all of the ladies who have had their BFP's, and good luck to everyone having their EC's or ET's this week.
Hi to everyone else xx